The Phoenix – A GOT Fan-Fiction

Chapter 058 – Light of Wisdom

[291 AC]

Ned's eyes widened in surprise at seeing the god before him, take on the form of a handsome brown-haired, fiery-eyed, bare-footed human. The thin and loose clothing unable to hide the incredibly well-toned musculature beneath.

"You shouldn't be so surprised, Lord Stark. If you really thought me a god, then something like changing my form would obviously be something easily achieved.", Phenex stated calmly, causing the usually quiet and collected man to regain his focus.

"W-what brings you here, my Lord?", Ned asked in reply, a slight stammer to his voice.

Smiling lightly, Phenex answered: “You can relax, Stark. I do not care for your wife's defamation of my name. If I did, I would have already wiped her and her whole House from existence.”

The Lord of Winterfell flinched and tensed at those words, as he tried to explain: “Lord, my wife is just a very pious woman and somewhat set in her ways, she … “

"Do not try and excuse her behaviour, Stark. Or do you think my gaze can't see the venomous intent behind her actions? You may tolerate her, while your servants, followers, and children have little choice in the matter, but I see the resentment and pain she plants in the heart of others with her actions.", Phenex intoned in a cold voice, his blazing gaze bearing down at the normally steadfast Northman.

Silence descended on the study for a few long moments.

Ned didn't try to speak up for his wife again though, something he might have done had it been any other being sitting in front of him. But with a god, he knew that his arguments were useless, as there was nothing that could be hidden from the Red God's gaze anyway.

He knew about his wife's shortcomings very well, but it was guilt that made him be lenient with her in certain matters.

Maybe it would be best if I just told you about the reason for my visit, so we can both go back to our duties.”, Phenex stated.

Yes, that might be for the best, my Lord.”, Ned agreed calmly.

I came here to speak with you about your sister's son, Jaehaerys Targaryen. Mainly because I intend to take him with me to Volantis.”, Phenex announced directly, feeling the chaos breaking out in Stark's mind at his words, before the Lord of Winterfell managed to regain control over his emotions somewhat.

I guess it shouldn't surprise me that a being like you knows of Jon's true heritage, but I will not just hand over my own son to you.”, Ned countered with steel in his tone and a cold look in his eyes.

Your son? Is that what you have been raising him as?”, Phenex asked with a blank look on his face, as pressure descended on the room, “From what I have seen, you raise him as a bastard, while treating him marginally better than most of the bastards in the North and leaving your wife to torment him and make him believe that he should be happy for what he has been given.”

"For your sister, you kept his true parentage from your own King and best friend, while willingly accepting a stain on your honor. And yet, you allowed your wife to treat the only living memory of Lyanna worse than a servant.”

What worth has your honor and love for the boy, if for all those years you were not even willing to shield Jon from the misguided hate of your own wife? Do you think you kept your word to your sister, just because you managed to keep the boy alive for all those years?”, Phenex voiced out, anger lacing his words.

He knew that his words weren't completely fair to the Lord of Winterfell, but he was also clear about the fact that Ned had in fact not done his best to care for Jon, not by a long shot.

Rising up from his seat, fire erupted from Phenex' form as he once again shed his mortal shell.

You also seem to have forgotten that I am indeed a god, Stark. I didn't ask your permission, nor can you stop me from enacting my will. I merely came to give you a chance to have one last talk with Jon and tell him who he really is, before I will take him with me to Volantis.”

"I will be waiting for him by the godswood tomorrow night, make sure he is there. And don't try to hide him from me, as that is something you aren't capable of and will only incur my wrath.", Phenex ended, his voice piercing deep into Ned's mind with every spoken word.

A moment later, Phenex' fiery figure vanished from the solar.

Reappearing on the terrace linked to his study, Phenex still felt a bit of anger in his heart, the raging flames lashing out into the air, a perfect reflection of his emotions.

Suddenly soft arms wrapped themselves around his midsection, as Kinvara's presence soothed his agitated nerves. Turning back to his regular human form, he let out an audible sigh as he placed his hands over hers and just took a moment to rein in his anger.

What has you so agitated, my love?”, Kinvara asked gently, her head placed against his back, as she continued to embrace him.

Eddard Stark.”, Phenex replied, “They call him the most honorable and brave man, but the man I met was of weak will and a fool.”

He thinks he has to take care of Jon because of his promise to his sister and some personal code of honor, and yet he lets his wife take out her anger at the boy at every chance she gets because he feels guilty about lying to her about his infidelity.”

I can't find honor or bravery in those actions. Can you?”, Phenex asked with quiet exasperation.

"Even the most honorable men know fear, Phenex. He probably fears what would become of his marriage and the peace of his home, if he forbid his wife from releasing her anger and hate at the boy. It might just be easier to let the boy suffer a bit than facing his wife's anger by himself.", Kinvara remarked calmly.

Turning around and wrapping his arms around the beautiful priestess, Phenex pressed his forehead against hers, as he let out another sigh.

I guess my expectations for the Quiet Wolf were just of a too high standard. He is just a man at the end.”, Phenex whispered.

Raising her hand and brushing softly over his cheek, Kinvara looked up at him with a serene smile, affection shining in her eyes.

Cradling her cheeks with his palms, Phenex placed a feather-light kiss on her lips. Locking gazes with the enchanting priestess, he brushed over her cheeks with his thumbs, as he voiced out quietly: "You truly are my Light of Wisdom, Kinvara."

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