The Phoenix – A GOT Fan-Fiction

Chapter 040 – Loyalty

[289 AC]

Nothing worth mentioning, High Priest. A few minutes under the sun are a nice change of pace from the usual business that I have to take care of as a Lord and Warden of the West. Sometimes my study feels more like some dark cell under the Red Keep, instead of a place of work.”, Tywin retorted, knowing full well when to be humble, especially before a man that stood in the grace of a god.

Nodding calmly, the Red Priest didn't even so much as glance at the massive armoured mountain of a man standing next to Tywin and acting as his guard, displaying once more his confident demeanor and assurance in his own strength and his god's protection.

I guess, what you wanted to speak with me about was something you would rather talk about in private, so we best do so in my private tent. This way, Lord Warden.”, Thoros said, wasting no more time, as he led the way.

Yes, some privacy would be appreciated.”, Tywin said, as he fell into place right next to the priest.

It didn't take long for them to arrive before a small, unremarkable tent, where Tywin ordered his guard, Ser Gregor Clegane, to wait outside, before stepping into the sparsely decorated tent.

Except for a small bed with a chest at the end, a small table and two chairs, there was nothing inside the tent, not even a carpet on the floor or any such luxuries.

Tywin could only wonder how a man with such power, authority and apparent wealth, could live in such simple accommodation.

He himself was a very disciplined man, but that didn't mean that he was able to withstand the temptation and comfort of simple luxuries and as such he couldn't help but respect the priest even more than before.

Following the priest's gesture, he sat down at the small table, opposite of Thoros.

You wonder about the sparseness of my quarters?”, Thoros asked, having obviously noticed the surprised look on Tywin's face.

I do.”, Tywin admitted, seeing no point in lying and being interested in the man's answer.

They weren't always like this.”, Thoros said, as he continued, a complicated look in his eyes, “But after I met the Lord, a lot has changed … I am not a humble man, not when comparing myself to another man. I can say with confidence that I could fell even your guard with only a few swings of my weapon, as the Mountain is ultimately only a human.”

You may think these quarters unfit for a person of my status or power and yet, besides a few exceptions, every priest of the Red Temple lives similarly. Not because we have to, or should do so according to our faith. No, the reason is much simpler, Lord Warden.”

We refuse ourselves these luxuries out of respect for our Lord, as he himself lives surrounded by such simplicity. So how could we, as his faithful followers, think ourselves deserving more than him?”, he ended calmly.

Tywin was surprised by Thoros' words. A god that lived like a poor monk, even though he could probably live in a palace made out of pure gold. It was incomprehensible for him, and yet such discipline and will demanded a certain respect from the old lion.

Now, I think we should not waste both our time any longer. Why did you come looking for me, Lord Tywin?”, Thoros voiced out, unwilling to waste more time than necessary when dealing with the noble Lord before him.

Yes, of course. I came here to offer the Red Temple a chance to build a temple in Lannisport, so that you may spread your faith in the Westerlands.”, Tywin stated, being direct in his offer.

Hmm.”, Thoros hummed non-comittedly, taking a few moments to gather his thoughts, before he answered, “A generous offer Mylord, but I cannot decide on such matters, though I do not doubt that my Lord will make his decision and will present you with his answer, either through me or himself.”

There is more priest. House Lannister is willing to shoulder all the expenses involving the temple's construction.”, the Lord of Casterly Rock added.

Giving Tywin a deep look, Thoros replied: “There is something you want in exchange for such a gift, I suppose?”

Yes, there is. Though I believe it should only be a minor issue.”, Tywin admitted, “House Lannister had once possessed a heirloom blade made out of Valyrian Steel, called Brightroar. Sadly, Brightroar was lost on a ill-planned expedition towards Old Valyria by one of the ancestors of my House. Since then, neither have we managed to retrieve it, nor find a replacement for it.”

Considering that the Red Temple managed to fit a large part of its army with weaponry and armour forged from Vaylrian steel from what I heard, I had hoped an exchange could be arranged. House Lannister is willing to pay a high price for one such blade to find its place as the heirloom sword once again.”, Tywin voiced out.

Observing the priest's reaction, he saw Thoros open his eyes in an attempt to reply, before the priest did so, he abruptly froze in his seat, his eyes transforming into orbs of fire.

Shocked by the scene, the Lord of House Lannister watched on with nervousness, before the priest's eyes returned to a normal state again a few moments later and he gave Tywin a deep look.

Tywin didn't know what had happened just now, but he was sure that it had something to do with 'him' and the priest's next words just confirmed his suspicion.

It seems you will have your answer sooner than expected, Lord Warden.”, Thoros voiced out calmly, “My Lord wants me to tell you that he accepts your offer to build a temple at Lannisport for our priests and priestesses to spread their faith. A High Priest and other officials will be sent to your lands, who will plan and supervise the temple's construction.”

Once the temple is finished, you will receive a new heirloom blade.”, Thoros ended.

Phenex knew that Tywin would definitely take his offer, as the pride of his House was a sore spot for the man and regaining a Valyrian steel blade as their heirloom weapon was a big part of that. Not to mention that coming into the good graces of the temple was very desirable, considering the Red Temple's strength and influence.

Turning his focus back to the present, Phenex looked at the Dornish Prince before him, as he answered: “I know what you want to ask me, Oberyn. And yes, I am able to revive Elia and her children, but things aren't as simple with her, as they were with Rhaella.”

Rhaella and Daenerys have nothing that ties them to Westeros. Their House consists only of the two of them now and they are not vengeful beings. They can learn to be happy in the Blessed Cities and even grow old here.”

Elia and her children are different. I would give you and House Martell all the tools necessary to gather supporters for a second rebellion and war, so that you could see the 'right' King sitting in the Iron Throne again, if I brought them back.”

I don't want any part in this vengeful path of yours.”, Phenex ended.

Struggling visibly, Oberyn finally voiced out with a strained voice and a piercing look in his eyes: “There must be something that you want in exchange for their revival. No matter what it is, I am willing to give it to you!”

Oberyn was an impulsive man, but even he knew that the being in front of him wasn't someone he could demand something from, or coerce to do anything. Too clear he remembered the displays of power that he had seen from Phenex.

And the shock that came with seeing Rhaella Targaryen playing with her daughter on the roof of the temple, as he came by to have a spar with Phenex, just made it clear that he truly was a god, capable of bending life and death to his will.

So he reined in his impatience and other impulsive urges and tried to negotiate with the god before him.

And if I ask you and your brother to give up your thoughts of revenge? That you vow to do nothing to usurp the Iron Throne, could you do that? Keep in mind, that even if you agree, Elia and her children will have to live here in the Blessed Cities for the forseeable future, until my plans for the Realm will have come to fruition. Plans for which I expect Dorne's full support.”

Hearing these words, Oberyn found himself at a loss for words.

It wasn't just because revenge had been the fire that had driven him forward for so long, biding his time until he would eventually unleash his wrath upon those that had dared to harm his beloved sister.

No, the Dornish warrior also realised that Phenex wasn't just a being of unimaginable power, but also one of cunning, patience and wisdom. In that moment Phenex reminded him of Doran, his elder brother, as they both shared these traits.

The flesh-made god obviously had his own plans. Plans so far-reaching, Oberyn couldn't even begin to speculate about them, and at the same time Phenex had the patience to wait for these plans to take effect instead of just achieving what he wanted through power.

Still, giving up vengence wasn't something that could be easily done, as the Dornish Prince wanted nothing more than to see his sister's tormenters dying in pain with his own eyes, along with the Tywin Lannister who was responsible for her death and rape in the first place.

Vengence will not bring your sister and her children back to life, Oberyn. It will give you nothing but a hollow moment of satisfaction, before the loss and anguish about your sister's death will occupy your heart once more.”, Phenex said to the Prince, momentarily halting the turmoil in his heart.

“I can, bring them back to life. And I will take care to erase their memories of the day they had died, so they can live without this shadow in their hearts.”, he ended, causing a short pause to form between them.

You are right … “, Oberyn sighed, as he admitted.

Pausing momentarily, the Dornish Prince did something, that he had never thought he would do. He went down to one knee, as he voiced out passionately: “I accept your offer and vow to lay aside my revenge. From now on my spear is yours to command, Lord.”

Tendrils of fire suddenly rose up in the chamber Phenex had claimed as his study, raising the Dornish Prince back to his feet.

It is not your spear I want, Oberyn. It is your loyalty.”, Phenex remarked calmly, as he continued, “Ellaria will give birth in a few days and I imagine you want to be at her side for that, so I expect you to travel to Dorne afterwards. You will bring my words to your brother and tell him of my offer.”

Should he agree like you did, you will bring him back here with you. And after your arrival I will reunite you with your sister, Prince.”, he ended.

Phenex didn't bother to mention the option of Doran not agreeing, as he was very clear on the character of the Ruler of Dorne. He was a patient, cunning and ruthless man, but he also unmistakeably loved his sister.

Furthermore, Doran was sure to see the benefits and opportunities that came with tying Dorne to a being like Phenex.

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