The Paranoid Harry Potter

Chapter 28: CHAPTER : 28

He had been sent to the place that was the very embodiment of hell on earth and no one had said anything. Twelve years in hell and not one…not one single bloody one of his so called friends had protested or even questioned it. Why would he come back to that?

He had been relatively happy and at peace hiding out in the islands. What could have changed that?

All he could remember was a feeling that someone had needed him. Someone important to him had been in trouble and he had come back to help them.

But...there was no one like that in his life. Not one person that he felt that way about. Even Remus…No, he would not have come back for Remus Lupin. Not after Azkaban.

He was flooded with stark terror. Complete and utter fear filled every fibre of his body.

Someone had done something to him. Had he been placed under the Imperius curse? What else could explain why he came back to England?

Why would anyone do that? What could they have needed him back in England for?

His house? No, that surely was not reason enough. Dumbledore would not have placed him under the Imperius simply so that he could use his house for the headquarters of the Order. Or would he?

He made a snap decision. He would not stick around to find out why he had been forced back to England. No, for whatever reason, the Imperius curse or whatever had been done to him was no longer affecting him and he had to take advantage of that. He would not be waiting around for the penny to drop.

He would leave, he would leave immediately. But before he went he would make them remember him. He would play one last prank on all of them. They would curse the day they ever decided to cross Sirius Black.

"Kreacher", he called and with a pop his twisted house elf appeared.

"Filthy master is calling Kreacher. What is filthy...?"

"Shut up Kreacher", snapped Sirus and Kreacher's mouth snapped shut on whatever he was about to say.

"Listen to me carefully", said Sirius. "I have decided to leave. Once I do I want you to lock down the house. No one is to be allowed to enter. Set the wards to a complete lock down. Hell, do whatever you want to do to keep people out, in fact if worst comes to worst and you are unable to keep people out then I want you to move all the valuables into the basement. Then I want you to demolish the house by destroying all the support columns. I'll be damned if I let them continue to use my house."

"Kreacher can keep the nasty mudbloods and blood traitors out. Oh, Mistress will be so pleased that the filthy wizards will no longer be using the house."

"Fine, but if you do end up demolishing the house, then you can come and find me. Until then you can stay here and make sure that nobody breaks in."

Sirius was rather pleased with himself. Let Dumbledore run around and arrange for another headquarters. That was not the prank he had in mind though. No, his prank would be aimed at both sides of this stupid war. So Dumbledore thought that Voldemort was after something in the Ministry. Well, this wizard would be making a stop at the Ministry before he left for the islands. It was time to show them what a true Marauder could do.


Hermione Granger was in the library as she usually was at that time of day. She was looking up defence spells as once again they had a horribly incompetent professor for Defence against the Dark Arts. This one truly took the cake. Umbridge was a vile despicable woman who was refusing to teach them anything. Sit and read your bloody useless textbook in class. You call that teaching? How on earth was she supposed to pass her DADA OWL with no practical training whatsoever?

She bet that the bloody pure bloods like Malfoy were getting additional training. Hell, they probably got tons of training over the summer. She remembered only too well how Draco Malfoy had been able to conjure up a snake during that duelling club that Lockhart had arranged. They had never been taught anything like that in DADA. So how could Malfoy have done that unless he was getting trained over the summers?

If only Harry were here. Surely he would be able to do something. Surely...a wave of dizziness suddenly swept over her. She blinked slowly in confusion, suddenly bewildered and filled with a sense of total confusion.

What had she been thinking about? She frowned; it was not like her to lose her train of thought like that.

What had she been...oh yes, how there was absolutely no one looking out for the interests of Muggleborn students like her.

Dumbledore had failed yet again to provide a suitable teacher and without training in Defence - The muggleborns were sitting ducks for all the bloody Death Eaters out there. If Voldemort came back...and according to Dumbledore's announcement at the end of term last year, he had in fact returned...It was going to be a bloody slaughter.

She suddenly felt a rising sense of panic. Oh dear god. Why had she even returned to Hogwarts? Really, what was keeping her here?

Here, where as a muggleborn student she was the target of every junior Death Eater with a grudge.


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