The Mightiest Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 302 300 Speculation about Hypor's Treasure

Chapter 302 300 Speculation about Hypor's Treasure
It's a coincidence, isn't it, Feeney is worried about how to find this family,

As a result, the family hit the guns themselves.

Seeing the wizards surrounding him, Finny couldn't help not being nervous, but raised the corners of his mouth, showing a faint smile.

"Hey, you are,,,,"


Before Feeney finished speaking, he suddenly jumped to the side, and the place where he was standing was hit by a spell, and the stone bricks on the ground were directly shattered.

Seeing this scene, Feeney was suddenly very thankful that his bloodline ability had awakened the magic power perception,

Just now, he suddenly noticed that there was a magic power condensing behind him, and he immediately understood that someone was going to attack him, so he dodged it hastily, and then escaped the catastrophe.
"I said, you guys,,,,"

Finny wanted to talk to these wizards after evading the blow,

But what he faced next was still the merciless attacks of these wizards,
Many wizards surrounding Feeney raised their wands at Feeney, and then fired one after another spells, but fortunately, there are no killing spells among these spells, and most of them are It is a control spell like the stun spell.

This is something that makes Finny very lucky, otherwise, in the current situation where he is surrounded in all directions, if all these people use the death curse, then Finny will have no escape, no way to hide,
Of course, then these people will kill their own people by mistake,

Even if these people use the spell together, according to the level and magic power of each person, the effectiveness, launch, and power of the spell are different.

As a spell hit Finny and was resisted by the protection circle attached to Ravenclaw's ring, Finny voluntarily released a powerful Iron Armor Curse on himself,

With the increase of the snake stick, the powerful iron armor curse is not something these wizards can break with a few spells.
At the same time, Feeney also observed that among the wizards surrounding him, not to mention legendary wizards, there are only one great wizard, and the rest are the most ordinary adult wizards. As long as Feeney is given time, these People will not be put in his eyes at all.

With the protection of the Iron Armor Curse, Finny has full time to release his magic,
In the meantime, Finny's wand touched his throat, and the other hand caught the flame spewing out of his mouth, and a ball of fire was summoned from his mouth like this.

This is an advanced technique for summoning Fiendfire. Not only does it look much more handsome than normal summoning Fiendfire, but it is also much more powerful, not to mention the speed.

As Fiendfire was summoned, the soul stone at the end of the snakewood staff shimmered faintly,

Feeney waved a spell, and a phoenix made entirely of flames appeared in front of everyone.
Fierce Phoenix flew around Feeney, resisting one spell after another,
And Feeney was also surrounded by Fierce Phoenix, walking on the battlefield where spells were flying around, waving the magic wand in his hand gracefully,
Each wave takes away one's consciousness,
Since these people didn't intend to kill, Feeney naturally didn't want to take other people's lives easily, not to mention, he still needed to hide himself at this time, which is why he used the snake wooden wand instead of his phoenix feather wand The reason is gone.

After all, that wand was custom-made by Ollivander, and traces of the Ministry of Magic were embedded in it according to the regulations. As long as he uses magic, the Ministry of Magic will understand that he appeared in Greece, so the Ministry of Magic will not Act rashly, this is not what Finny wants,

So he left that magic wand in Lisa Manor,

The sight is returning to the scene,
At this time, Fini is like a god of war under this spell, powerful and unrivaled,
He didn't knock down all his foes, because he needed to leave some tongues,
Between taps of his wand on the ground,

The weeds in the gaps between the stone bricks on the ground suddenly seemed to have been stimulated by some kind of mystery, and they grew wantonly.
The creature that could still be called grass has now become some kind of vine man, which binds some enemies and makes them lose their fighting ability.

With the last person under control, this battle, which can be said to be a joke, finally came to an end.

Only then did Finny put away his wand, but the fire phoenix beside him did not disperse, but stayed by his side. Of course, his size shrunk a lot, and now he fell down like a small fiery red sparrow. On Fini's shoulder, he looked around vigilantly, as if if someone wanted to attack Fini, it would fly over and take that person's life.

For the magical creatures summoned by evocation magic, Fini is their creator, their parents, everything, protecting Fini, and obeying Fini's orders is their instinct engraved in their bones.
Feeney ignored the little phoenix on his shoulder, but focused on the only big wizard among those who attacked him this time, who was tied up hurriedly.

To be honest, Feeney never thought that such a great wizard would be controlled by such a simple transformation spell. You know, even a great wizard who is not good at fighting is much better than ordinary wizards. The most typical That is to say, great wizards can already cast spells silently without a staff, and the general control magic has little effect on them.
"Can you understand me?"

Feeney asked, he had some doubts, whether the sudden attack of these people before was because he spoke English and they spoke Greek.


Accompanied by Finny's question came a lot of swearing, unbearable profanity,

So, if they can understand English, they deliberately attacked themselves?
Feeney understood why Wuming Yi had such an indescribable expression when he mentioned their family,

This family is really unreasonable.

If it doesn't make sense, then it doesn't make sense.

Finico has never thought of himself as a good person, especially after the Parkinson incident. You know, Pansy Parkinson is still his classmate. He handed her over to his subordinates and let them do whatever they want. play?

Not to mention the unfamiliar wizard in front of him at this time,
The corners of Finny's mouth raised slightly, a smirk appeared on his face, and some kind of interesting thought also appeared in his mind,

"Since you like to scold people so much, let you continue to scold,"

As he spoke, he took out his wand and cast a body transformation spell on the wizard,

With the effect of the Transformation Curse, the body of the wizard controlled by Tenman in front of him began to deform, and a crackling sound caused by the movement of bones sounded in the ruins of the temple. Because of the previous battle, the sky was already dark at this time When it came down, combined with the wizard's scream and the clicking sound, the area was filled with horror.

What Finny uses is not a complete transformation magic, but a magic that forcibly changes the shape of an object through magic power. In simple terms, it does not change the material properties of the object itself, but only changes the shape, and it is not a cluster, but a point little change,

This will bring very severe pain to those hit by this spell, and even if Finny removes the magic power of this spell, the changes will be permanent.

Many young wizards who have just learned the human body transformation spell have a high probability of making such mistakes.There is even a department in St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Sickness just for this kind of situation.

The inspiration for Finny's spell at this time comes from those little wizards who have failed.
The pain caused by the transformation is still acceptable to this great wizard, but when he watched his limbs, body, and even his head become some kind of indescribable insects, the visual and Psychological shock is unavoidable,

After the transformation was completed, Finny flicked his wand again, and flew the white, soft, boneless anneloid worm-like creature transformed by the great wizard to where it should have been,
"Since you like spraying dung so much, let's go where we should go."

Finny smiled and turned his head to the wizard beside the great wizard,

The wizard's face was pale with fear from the great wizard's horror, but now he was sweating coldly when he saw Feeney, and a smell of shame came from his body, and he was so scared that he lost control of his bladder and bowels!

Finny frowned, and waved his wand again. The wizard disappeared before his eyes. As for where he went, Finny didn't care at all.

He looked at the next wizard, this time the wizard is much better, at least he won't be incontinent,

It's just that his head was sweating profusely, his pale face, and his trembling body all showed his fear all the time.

"Don't be afraid, as long as you cooperate with me, I won't do anything to you."

Finny said softly,
In the eyes of this sorcerer, this whisper is the devil's whisper, and it will drag him into the abyss anytime and anywhere.

The wizard nodded tremblingly, agreeing to cooperate with Finny,
Only then did Finny smile in satisfaction, although this smile was still terrifying to the wizard,
"Very well, so the first question, why did you surround me and suddenly attack me?"

The wizard swallowed, and answered,

"This,,, this is our rule,,,, as long as there is a wizard approaching this ruin, we will control him,,,,, the reason why we surround it is because we are more confident."

Finny frowned and continued to ask,

"Then the second question, looking at your situation, this is not the first time you have done this kind of thing. Are you not afraid of things being exposed?"

The wizard hastily answered,
"We will not do anything to those wizards. After bringing them back to the family, the elders will probe his memory to determine the purpose of his coming here. If it is not for the temple, we will delete them. the memory of the attack, and send them back to the temple,"

Finny frowned.
The wizard continued,

"In Greece, the temples have special effects. Although it is strange that the wizard came here and passed out, it is understandable."

Feeney nodded and continued to ask,
"The third question, what is so special about this temple that you are asked to guard it like this?"

"I do not know about this,"

The wizard replied, but seeing Finny's about to change face, he said hastily,

"I really don't know. I don't have the authority to know this matter in the family. Only the direct descendants of the family and those who have become great wizards are qualified to know the reason for this matter."

"However, I heard from people in the clan that this temple was left here by our ancestors. According to legend, that ancestor once defeated a very powerful wizard, and robbed many of the wizard's treasures and buried them Get up, and leave it to our descendants, the clue to the location of the treasure is in this temple, but, for thousands of years, our family has not found any useful clues, only know that the treasure is in the Aegean Sea."

"We did see a magical relic in the Aegean Sea, but there was no treasure in it."

The wizard told a series of things he knew,
After hearing the words, Finny frowned. What the wizard said was not much different from what Wuming B told him. It is estimated that he was telling the truth.

According to Wuming Yi, the ruins on the seabed are related to Hypor, so the ancestor of this wizard defeated Hypor?
It's not impossible, but Hypor's treasure?

Basilisk or Horcrux?
Anyway, it’s definitely not a treasure. Speaking of it this way, this family is quite unlucky. They found the ruins on the bottom of the sea, but they only cared about the treasure, and didn’t care about the specific situation of the ruins. Otherwise, they would have been able to Sure, there's no treasure left here,
and many more!

This family has existed for thousands of years. It is understandable that one or two of them did not realize the existence of the problem, but it is impossible for so many generations of wizards not to realize it.

So the top building of this family knows that the ruins are related to Hypor, and they must also know that there is no so-called treasure, but they still let the family stay here, looking for the so-called treasure,

So is it understandable that what they want to know is actually not treasure, the so-called treasure is just a way to deceive the younger generation,
Then what they are looking for must be related to Hypor. As we all know, Hypor has left a lot of knowledge about black magic, basilisks, Horcruxes, etc.
So, what people in this family are looking for is either the method of making Horcruxes, or the knowledge of black magic, or a basilisk?
Feeney intuited that the possibility of the basilisk is unlikely. After all, the hatching method of the basilisk is not a secret in the magic world, and the basilisk is controlled by the Basilisk. Even if they have the basilisk, they cannot control it.

Feeney has an intuition that what they need to know is about the Horcruxes. Even the Presbyterian Church has very little information about the Horcruxes. After all, this method of splitting the soul and severing it from becoming a legend is a mystery to many people. tasteless.

But Voldemort became a legend after splitting the Horcrux, so it means that there are some things that people ignore in the Horcrux method.

(End of this chapter)

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