The Mightiest Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 285 Revenge of the Madman

Chapter 285 Revenge of the Madman

When he came back here, Puff had already prepared everything, changed his clothes for Lisa's cleaned body, and lay neatly in the coffin,

"Notify our people,"

Puff was taken aback, and asked,
"Master, which part are you calling?"

Naturally, Feeney's subordinates over the years will not only have a private armed force like a werewolf wizard. The world is so big, and wizards are not only available in the UK. Some wizards from all over the world have been recruited by Feeney to his subordinates. It really counts Come to think of it, Feeney's personal power has actually surpassed that of the Black family,

Of course, the background is much different. After all, the Black family was once a royal family in the British magic world of the same age.

These people were divided into several parts by Feeney. Apart from the werewolf wizards who had already lost all their casualties, the most commonly used ones also included British black wizards, American dark wizards, a tribe in Africa, etc.
Of course, Feeney, a traverser, will naturally not put his sights on the magic world. The mysterious test is indeed more important. However, the power of ordinary people cannot be easily ignored. Under the influence of money, there are a lot of Muggle mercenaries would give their lives for him,


Feeney said without a trace of hesitation, his voice was cold and decisive,

The chill in those words made even Puff, who was a house-elf, shiver involuntarily.

"Okay, master, I'll inform you right away."

Finny waved his hand and continued,

"Tell them to gather here, and to inform the families under the Black family that I need them to come forward to stop official organizations such as the Presbyterian Church and the Ministry of Magic. Also, check all the wizards and their families involved in this incident, I don't believe that there are just a few people who can kill Lisa and injure Little Wolf so badly."

Puff bowed to Finny,

"Puff understands."

"Well, let's do it."

Feeney waved his hand casually, instead of looking at Puff, he looked at Lisa's coffin lying on it, the murderous intent in his eyes had already condensed like substance,
"Tom Riddle, is your handwriting involved here? I originally planned to play with you slowly, but since you did this, don't blame me for flipping the table."

Feeney doesn't play anymore, so do whatever you want, who won't play badly,
Don't go to Dongtou, as long as there are people involved in the case, none of them can escape. As for the inability to determine the participants, it's very simple. As long as the people involved, Feeney doesn't intend to let it go. It's better to miss it than to let it go. Isn't it life, Nico More than 400 years ago, in order to make the Philosopher's Stone, the famous Black Death was triggered. For wizards, the lives of other people have never been precious things. What is precious is the lives of people they value.

While Finny was waiting for the news from Puff, the entire British wizarding world was shaken.

In just one day, many wizards entered the territory of the British magic world through legal and illegal means. Moreover, according to the eyeliner of various forces, it can be determined that there are still many people in other parts of the world who think about British magic. come here,
It's not just things like this that make the Ministry of Magic, pure-blood families, and even the Presbyterians gasp,
According to reliable sources, a large number of people from the Muggle world also came to the UK and began to purchase weapons in the UK. The posture seemed to be a war, and it was not an ordinary war. A war that wiped out many nations.After all, the power of wizards is really unreasonable to some extent.

When the patriarchs of the pure-blood families, Fudge, the Minister of Magic, and the elders of the Wissenmore Council learned that the destination of these wizards was the manor that Phineas Black had just exposed, they were all angry ,

"Damn it, who provoked that lunatic!"

"Is it the attack on Sirius Black? Who did it? I don't know if it's a lunatic?"

"What the hell is he trying to do! Is he trying to expose the wizarding world?"

"Damn it, this lunatic intends to destroy the world!"

Similar words spread in different meetings, and the entire wizarding world became panicked because of a decision made by Finny.

The professors far away at Hogwarts naturally also learned about these things,

Umbridge's face was livid, and she sat weakly and slumped in her office covered in sweat. For the first time, she was grateful for her timidity and did not completely anger this lunatic.
Professor McGonagall looked at Dumbledore in disbelief,

"Albus! Phineas is going to,,,,"

Dumbledore also sighed and said,
"When I knew about Sirius, I realized that Tom had completely irritated him this time, but I didn't expect that his hidden cards would be like this..."

You must know that in this world, the power of legends is no more than that of ordinary people. A legendary wizard will naturally win against a great wizard, and he will win against two, three, or even five or six. , However, when this base number becomes ten, twenty, fifty, one hundred, one thousand, the strength of the individual is completely negligible.

In the thousands of years of history in the magic world, no one has ever thought of recruiting a large number of wizards as their subordinates, and no one has ever realized that when a group of weak wizards unite, even the Council of Elders will be threatened.

In the evening of the second day, in the only British manor of Feeney and Lisa,
Feeney was still sitting in the hall of the manor, leaning on Lisa's coffin, looking at the gate of the manor,
As if the house got a signal, within a few breaths, the hall was already occupied by wizards in different clothes,

After these wizards appeared, they saluted Feeney and said,
Finny waved his hand and said with a smile,

"Long time no see, everyone, how many years ago was the last time we saw each other? I can't remember clearly,"

As he spoke, he looked around at the wizards in the hall. They were the captains of each team, and even the ministers of each branch.


Feeney snapped his fingers and summoned Puff to come out,
"Tell them about Lisa and the news you have investigated."

Puff bowed to Finny, then waved his fingers, and many parchments appeared out of thin air and floated in front of these wizards,

The wizards finally checked the parchment carefully,

"Lisa was attacked and killed?"

Damon Bennett, head of the Wizarding Division from North America, asked,
Feeney nodded, the coldness in his eyes was even stronger,
"That's right, that's why I called you here. I don't care who is behind this incident. Since you have taken action against my people, you must be prepared to be retaliated by me! Everyone!"

After Finny said something lightly, he shouted at the wizards,
Hearing the words, the wizards immediately stood up straight, staring at Feeney and waiting for his order. It was the same a few years ago, but at that time it was on a small island in the Pacific Ocean, and Feeney assigned them for the first time. To all parts of the world, to form their own forces,

Finney paused and continued,
"No matter who the shadow behind this is, you must find it out for me. No matter who is paying attention to this matter, you must find him, catch him, and bring him here! This time, I want all the people involved in the case to The personnel were found by you and brought to me,"


Hearing the words, the wizard in the hall of the manor bowed neatly to Finny and shouted.

Finny said lightly,
"Remember, this time, I would rather kill by mistake than let it go. I don't mind if you destroy the British magic world, I just want the result!"

After speaking, he waved casually,
"Go all."

Following Finny's order, the wizards in the hall apparated and left here, and at the same time, the subordinates of these wizards who were waiting in the manor yard left,
In the next few days, these wizards were like terrorists, they had no scruples and didn't care about the International Wizarding Secrecy Act.I don't care about the Ministry of Magic, or the interference of other families,

Rushed into Diagon Alley, turned to the alley, rummaged through shops, and asked wizards one by one, as long as they had the marks of Death Eaters on their bodies, no matter whether it was related to this matter or not, they were caught.

Not that no one is prepared to resist,

But the wizards under Feeney are completely rogues. As long as they dare to resist, then we will fight together with four, five, ten, twenty or even more people. They don't care about casualties or the process, they just want the result.

Two days, in just two days, the entire British wizarding world, except for Feeney, never saw a single dark wizard. Except for the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic, all wizards who used the Unforgivable Curse were listed by them. For the purpose,

Crazy, totally insane.

This was the only impression the wizards in the magic world had of Finny at this time.

There was even a rumor circulating in the magic world that Feeney wanted the entire magic world to be buried with his brother and his subordinates. At this time, no one cared whether Sirius was in a coma or died, because Feeney's intentions were too serious. Obviously, that is vengeance, reckless vengeance,
This time, it was obvious that the Death Eaters did it, so Finny's people arrested all the Death Eaters, even those who had joined before, and those who quit later were not allowed.

If it wasn't for Snape staying at Hogwarts, and Feeney also said that Hogwarts doesn't need to investigate, he would be arrested and sent to Feeney.
Looking at Finny now, he is completely different from two days ago,

At this time, his original pair of commanding and piercing eyes had become dim and dull, and his pupils also had a tendency to change from human to snake.

There is no bright aura like before, but a dark aura has been shrouded in it, and the surroundings are even more depressing, making people breathless.
If Dumbledore were here, he would be very sensitive to discover that Feeney's personal aura was caused by too much use of black magic, and his temperament has changed.

Finney also knew that it was wrong to use black magic like this, but when he saw those Death Eaters facing Lisa who was tortured before dying in the coffin beside him, he couldn't bear it, one after another tormenting people Magic, so that those Death Eaters quickly betrayed You-Know-Who and revealed his current hiding place,

Even after Finny left Hogwarts, the Parkinson family's manor and the Goyle family's manor, which were protected by the Loyalty Curse, were known by Finny and the others.
He waved his magic wand at will, and a cloud of faint blue flames enveloped a mourning wizard on the floor and burned them up completely.
The burning figure even sent a thank you speech,

"All right,"

Feeney watched the figure completely disappear in front of him, and then said to the wizards standing on both sides,

"Since we have found his hiding place, there is no need to wait."

After finishing speaking, Finny stood up from the chair, but the bottle of potion in Puff's hand was drained in one gulp.

In the past three days, Finny has not closed his eyes, just sitting here waiting for his wizards to come back to report various news, and has dealt with the captured dark wizards and Death Eaters.

If it weren't for the energy potion left by Hufflepuff, he wouldn't be able to survive. However, after today, it will be fine. After today, I believe that the dark clouds hanging over the British magic world will be completely wiped out. dissipate.

"Set off."

Fini spoke, and then turned into a cloud of white smoke and flew away from the manor.Seeing this, the other wizards followed closely,

All of a sudden, the sky above the entire British magic world was shrouded in white smoke of the Flying Curse. Anyone who wasn't a fool could tell that Feeney and the others were out in force this time.

A group of people came to the gate of Parkinson's manor,

Feeney stood at the front, waving his wand at will, let alone spells, without even standard spell-casting gestures, the iron gate at the gate of the manor shattered into pieces.

In the past few days, it is not without benefits for Finny to keep using black magic. That is what he is now, and he can be called a great wizard.

This is true whether it is power, magic power, or mastery of magic.

Sure enough, fighting is the fastest way to make progress.

"Go in, no one will be left alive!"

Feeney calmly announced the ending of everyone in the manor.

Under the leadership of Damon Bennett, a large number of wizards rushed into the manor,
And Finny stood in place, waved the wand again in his hand, and a group of faint blue flames that were the same as before shot out from the tip of the wand, burning the wall of the manor in front of him,
The corners of Finny's mouth turned up slightly, and he waved his wand again, and the dark blue flame turned into a huge flame giant,

"A giant made of Fiendfire, I think you can resist it!"

Feeney seems to be explaining, and it seems to be declaring war on the people in the manor, and it seems to be announcing that the end of this war is already doomed.
The flame giant stepped forward with those huge big feet, and within a few steps passed Damon and his party who were still running towards the manor.

The giant struck the small castle in the middle of the manor with its huge fist, and a tower collapsed.

 Then why the last chapter was a typo of 282, because the title needs to be edited, so it is still unchanged, sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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