The Legendary Gamer Girl is Obsessed

Chapter 57

“Well, it was bound to happen eventually.”

When I got home and looked it up, it turned out that Victory’s pro team Ascend’s office was in Gangnam.

His living quarters were inside the office complex.

And it wasn’t that far from Legend Apartments.

Which meant our daily lives overlapped quite a bit.

“Guess staying inside was the right choice after all. It’s dangerous out there!”

This solidified my long-held belief even further.

I realized that bumping into each other wasn’t such an incredible coincidence after all.

On the opening day of the Magical Girls Chronik theatrical release.

An event no otaku could miss.

He had just gone to a nearby theater.

And I had watched it four times in a row since midnight.

At this point, running into each other was only natural.

“If I tweak the story a bit, they’d never guess.”

Of course, not discussing personal life on broadcasts is the best way to protect my identity.

But asking an otaku to suppress their enthusiasm is like asking a human to stop breathing.

I’d die if I couldn’t talk about seeing the Magical Girls Chronik movie!

“Venus is a god! I got her photocard as a special prize in one try!”

Like how I saw it four times in one day on opening day, or how I got Noksu three times in a row from the special cards, or how I argued with the staff about the poor mix, or how I traded cards with Victory, or how we happened to sit in the same row.

Though it’s disappointing to seal away all these interesting stories, and it’s disappointing not to prove my passionate fandom!

Still, I’m happy.


Because the movie turned out amazingly!

The lies are just for personal protection, please understand.

[Comments section omitted for brevity]

Spoiler alerts and chatroom interactions omitted

“My sister was a stranger to me for a long time.”

Living only in the hospital, I rarely had any encounters with my sister.

Back when she was still my brother.

Since I was very young, I had numerous serious health issues and crossed the threshold of death countless times.

Even I thought that if I was going to be this sick, it would be better to die.

But life wasn’t so easily severed.

Somehow, I kept surviving, no matter how close to death I got.

If it was going to be like this, why couldn’t I just fully recover?

What a cruel world.

Mom and Dad were always by my side whenever they weren’t working.

It was like some kind of game where someone always had to be watching me, fearing I might die at any moment.

I suddenly wondered one day.

If Mom and Dad are here with me, who is my brother living with?

When I asked Mom, she said that my brother was strong and could take care of himself.

I doubted that.

Dad was weak, Mom was weak, I was weak. The world was full of weak people.

You can understand this by spending time in the hospital.

I had seen enough to last a lifetime.

People getting sick, falling apart, and dying.

This world was full of people who were completely weak.

Every day I learned this reality.

Even with Mom and Dad always by my side, I felt lonely.

It was difficult.

There was no way someone living alone could be okay.

Of course, Mom’s words were lies.

But I felt no guilt over monopolizing my parents’ attention.

I didn’t want to be sick.

I didn’t want to live in the hospital.

I didn’t even want to live.

None of it was my choice.

I barely felt any connection to that person as family.

We had hardly ever done anything together, let alone even talked.

Both of us suddenly turning into women – was it because we were siblings? Or some kind of destiny?

I adapted without much difficulty.

My body, which was constantly exposed to illness and medication, was already familiar with change and loss.

Because I had only lived in the hospital, I had no friends.

I had never experienced the social role of a man.

My originally small body showed little change.

Even though I’ve grown quite large now, it happened gradually every day.

When the transformation first happened, I was only slightly taller than my current sister.

But my sister struggled greatly with the adaptation.

Cutting off all connections from her school and social life.

A completely different social role to play.

The constantly intense gazes filled with desire.

Being seen as an enemy by other women due to her suddenly beautiful appearance and awkward behavior.

No longer being able to do things she had always done, or being swayed by things she had never thought about.

The shooting incident was the turning point.

Fortunately, no one died.

But the sound of gunshots, the smell of gunpowder, the sight of blood splattering before her eyes, the suspect’s smile – it was too much.

She locked herself in her room.

See, Mom.

There really is no such thing as someone who is that strong.

Everyone in this world is incredibly weak.

I thought it was regrettable.

I did think it was regrettable, but only to that extent.

Because even then, the feeling of family was still faint.

To me, my sister was still a stranger.

An outsider.

Of course, the world is divided into oneself and others, isn’t it?

What is family?

No one can fully understand another person, nor can they truly share in another’s pain.

That’s why they are others.

I think my sister was watching the same anime over and over again while locked in her room.

Though she was an outsider, someone living in the same house, I was a little concerned.

Curious about what she was watching so intently, I looked it up once.

And I couldn’t stop laughing.

Poor girl.

Magic Girl Venus, Amachi Ai, is older sister to Amachi Tsukuyo.

Amachi Tsukuyo is always sick in the hospital, and their mother only pays attention to the constantly ill Tsukuyo.

Isn’t that setting incredibly familiar?

It’s laughable.

The younger sister, drawn by the promise to make her wishes come true, becomes the magic girl Venus and fights monsters.

Collecting energy from defeated monsters to make her wish of being loved by her mother come true.

But as the story progresses, the younger sister Tsukuyo also becomes a magic girl named Saturn.

Tsukuyo’s wish is to become healthy.

Becoming healthy temporarily through becoming a magic girl, she begins to enjoy fighting and starts looking down on her timid older sister.

However, when Tsukuyo faces a life-threatening situation, it is her older sister who saves her.

Just as the unexpected family love moves her, Ai exits the story through death.

Leaving behind the shocking scene of having her upper body eaten by a monster, leaving only her lower half.

What must my sister have been thinking while repeatedly watching this story in her room?

I feel like I kind of understand, or maybe I don’t.

But if she didn’t like Venus’s appearance or actions,

She wouldn’t have become such a passionate fan.

So my sister must have liked Venus.

And in liking that Venus,

I couldn’t help but like my sister too.

It’s too pitiful.

And so adorable that I want to cherish her.

Our poor sister.

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