The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 93: Police!

The sun was setting into the horizon as they made their way into Shenzhen. Headlights of other cars glided past their windows blinding them for just a split second before passing into the distance as they made their way back into civilization.

Haru was laid back with his window half-opened cooling his face in the breeze whilst the heated seats kept him warm from behind. He was comfortably relaxing whilst listening to the sounds of cars driving past them and the low volume of the radio playing some kind of music from the nineties.

Cui was the one who was in charge of the Radio on the way home. The music sure was old but at least she didn't decide to deafen everyone with her erotic audiobook.

As they drove down the twisting road that came down from the mountains the smell of all kinds of foods began to emerge from all around. It was amazing what one night in the countryside could do to your senses. It was like everything was running in overdrive.

The neon signs of the stores seemed much brighter than they usually were and the smells of the busy city seemed much more potent than Haru had ever realised.

That was when he got the scent of something familiar. It was his favourite fast food restaurant Ray's Fried Chicken. The spice from the chicken drifted across the city as they came closer and closer to the store.

They were still two blocks away but the scent was so strong that Haru, Jake and Cui all looked at each other with a hunger growing in their eyes.

"I know, I know. It will be my treat for you both. If you two hadn't come along then we most likely would have been robbed or even worse." Cui sighed as she thought back to the day before when they had been ambushed by an unknown force.

"It's okay you don't have to. I have enough money to pay for us all." Haru replied. He felt a little uncomfortable letting a woman pay for his food. But there wasn't anything he could do since Cui had already made up her mind.

"Just let me treat you. You saved us from quite the loss. Not just of lives but money. My grandpa said that the sect splashed out well over a billion yuan for that thing." Cui insisted.

Haru and jake looked at each other as they heard what she had just said.

"Over a billion?!" Jake screamed. He couldn't believe it. 'If I had known that the thing they were transporting was that valuable then maybe I would have been inclined to steal it.' He thought as Cui nodded her head.

The car slowly pulled up to the drive-through window as they separated from the convoy they were previously following.

"What do you want?" Cui asked both Haru and Jake as she decided on what she would buy for herself. A few seconds went by as both Jake and Haru told her what they wanted and then she ordered the food and pulled up to the next window before getting the food and the driving off toward Zen's house.

After a few minutes of driving, Cui pulled over to the side of the road after spotting a bench on the sidewalk.

"What are you doing?" Jake asked as she began to unbuckle her seat belt.

"Well, I don't want to destroy the interior of my car. It's pretty new. We are going to eat on that bench there." She explained and then got out of the car leaving them both staring at each other in disbelief.

"Does she think that we are five-year-olds and are going to have a food fight in the back of her car or something?" Haru asked before he got out of the car and then sat down on the bench next to Cui.

Jake chuckled before doing the same and then sitting at the other side of the bench as Cui opened up the bag of fried chicken and then gave them both what they had asked for.

The smell of the chicken rose into the air like steam on a cold winter morning. It was enough to make Haru's mouth water before he was handed the box of chicken and fries. He then began to eat them before anyone could take it away from him.

A few minutes went by as they all sat down and enjoyed their food in peace until the sound of something exploding travelled through the streets, followed by an alarm as a flashing light began to illuminate the other side of the street.

There was a convenience store that was still open despite the rest of the stores nearby closing for the day. That was where the sound had seemed to have come from and inside. Which was made even more obvious as a man wearing a black ski mask came running outside with a gun in his hands.

"What the fuck?" Haru whispered quietly as all three of them watched the man struggling to stuff a handful of money into a duffel bag he had slung over his shoulder.

Cui stood up and then reached down to her waist before pulling out a gun of her own.

"Police! Stop where you are!" She screamed at the man who had now looked over at Cui. She had her gun aimed towards the man but that didn't seem to bother him as he took off running into an alley.

"Shit! Both of you stay right here." Cui told Jake and Haru as she looked back towards the dark alley deciding if she should chase him or not.

"Well, This meal was just great," Haru said sarcastically before standing up and looking at Jake who was still eating a fried chicken leg. Haru sighed.

"Oh, You want me to stop that guy?" Jake asked seeing that Haru looked a little frustrated.

"I was gonna suggest we see who can get him first, but don't let me interrupt you," Haru said as he began to channel Qi into his legs.

A gust of wind swirled around behind him as he got ready to run after the man with the gun.

"You're on," Jake shouted before laughing as he flew up into the sky riding a cyclone of wind and then shot forward toward the alleyway.

'What a cheater.' Haru thought as a grin began to form on his face. He was still pissed about his meal being ruined but at least they could have some fun before Jake had to go home. He was due to leave in two days. His parents and Jake had decided to stay for a bit longer than they had planned but they definitely had to go back to Japan before their visitor passes ran out.

As Haru shot off down the alleyway kicking dust up into the air where he was previously stood, he heard the sound of someone breathing heavily.

It was the man with the gun. Although he was trapped in a cube of ice. He seemed confused and disorientated but as Haru arrived on the scene Jake was already waiting for him with a smile on his face.

"You shouldn't have given me a head start. It was too easy." Jake laughed out loud.

Haru was impressed. It had been less than five seconds and Jake had already captured him. The only reason he didn't use a technique to gain the advantage was that he underestimated just how good Jake had become with his magic. It was shocking.

Click clack click click.

The sound of high heels striking the floor echoed through the alley as she made her way toward them.

Why are you two so reckless all the time? I understand that you are both strong but you will end up getting hurt if you carry on doing stuff like this. You are both adults now. Start acting like it." Cui exclaimed as she saw both Haru and Jake stood together.

Haru suddenly stopped with his train of thought. The point Cui had just made seemed to pierce his skin. 'Crap… She's right. I tried so hard to fit in with the people at school when I came here that I forgot who I was. I am an adult. Why am I acting like a kid?

I didn't even realise that I was acting so immature. But this was the life that I had always longed for. I can finally live a carefree life. Or so I thought. But my days of being a kid are finally over… I will actually be heading to university in just a few weeks.' Haru thought.

He seemed to mature on the spot and both Jake and Cui noticed when he turned to her and apologised.

"I'm sorry. I wanted to help you out and didn't think about the consequences. I also got Jake involved so please don't be too mad. Everything turned out okay.


Cui's phone rang out. She pulled it out from her pocket and then raised it to her ear.

"Yeah. I know I was right next to the store when it happened. The suspect is currently detained in an alley a few blocks away.


Shot in the head?

I thought it was just a thief. Shit…

Well, send a car into the alley." Cui spoke to the person on the other side of the phone.

Jake gulped and then looked at Haru.

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