The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 76: Bulletproof.

"Wait, what are you doing?" Jake asked as Haru walked toward them. Haru smiled as he got closer to the bubble of Qi.

"Oh don't worry so much Jake. How long have you known me? Do you really think I would do something stupid? I'm gonna hand them to the guys with the convoy. Whatever they decide to do is none of my business." Haru said as he pulled out his phone and began to dial a number.

"Hello? Who is this?" Cui asked as she answered her phone. It was a call from a number she hadn't seen before. She didn't know what to expect as she waited for a reply.

"Hey, It's me." Haru's voice came through. She looked down at her phone to check the number. She was unsure if she ever gave him her number.

"Haru? How do you have this number? I don't remember giving it to you?" She asked him. The only thing she could think of is that he stalked her and ended up finding her contact information.

Haru smiled as he replied. "It's probably not what you're thinking. I just remembered it. It was written in the back of that card you gave me."

'Card? What card? Did I give him a business card? No, the last time I saw him was around three years ago… Oh, He means that time.' Cui thought about it and then remembered.

"You mean the credit card I gave you? That was like three years ago. How did you remember it?" She was confused. He must have some reason to remember it right?

'Actually, I was planning on using her number if the police ever caused trouble for me. I know she is part of the police force and she seems pretty high ranking. I bet she could get me out of all kinds of trouble if it ever arrived.' Haru thought before he replied to her.

"That doesn't really matter right now. I was just calling to let you know that Jake and I caught the group of men who were hiding in the forest. You should probably alert the convoy men. I'm not sure if they want to do anything with them." He said.

There was a long pause and then muffled talking as Cui passed on the message to the men running the convoy. Until a man's voice came from down the phone.

"Haru? That's your name right?" The voice said. It was the muscular man from earlier. Haru still didn't know his name so he decided to ask him.

"Yeah, that's right. But what is your name? I don't think you told me." He made the point that the man avoided giving his name.

"Your right. I didn't tell you my name. That was on purpose. You can just call me Captain. Or Cap works as well. I don't really care what you call me but one of our rules is that we don't let our names be known to anyone. Not even our clients." He explained and then moved on to the main topic.

"So you captured those men. How many are there and what state are they in? It will be troublesome to carry a bunch of half-dead men out of the forest." He asked Haru.

"Hm. Then I guess you will be happy to hear they are all alive. There are around sixteen of them, and they are all perfectly fine. Your men probably killed the rest of them already. But rest assured they can walk on their own. It might be a good idea to bring handcuffs or something to tie their hands with." He said.

The man known as Cap puffed up his chest as he shouted out to his men. "Good work boys. You got over half of them. There are only sixteen survivors!" After he said that there was a loud cheer from the rest of the men. He then put the phone back to his ear and continued.

"How did you manage to capture them so easily?" He asked.

Haru smiled to himself. He didn't really like letting people know he was a cultivator. Especially because they are seen as mythical beings even if they are weak. Just like the con man he met in the park a few years back. People were falling at his feet and worshipping him like a god.

"You will find out soon enough. I will send my GPS location to Cui. Try not to be too long please." And then he hung up the call.

"Don't try to be mysterious. Just tell me… Hello? You there? God damn it! You stupid kid." The man shouted as he realised that the call had already ended. A few seconds went by and then the phone vibrated.


The phone rung out as Haru's location came through, He wasted no time as he gathered all of his men together and began to march into the forest. Around twenty minutes went by before they arrived at Haru's location.

They were all mesmerised as they arrived on the scene, Seeing sixteen men trapped inside a golden bubble.

'What is this thing? I have never seen this type of magic before. This is simply beautiful.' Cap thought as he walked up to the bubble of Qi and put his hand against it.

It was smooth and felt gentle like he could push his hand right through it so he put more pressure on to his hand. But it didn't move an inch. The more pressure he put against it the harder it became. When he released the pressure it became gently and soft once again. It didn't make any sense in his eyes.

"What kind of magic is this?" Cap asked as he turned to see Haru smiling at him.

"That's not magic. That's Qi." Cui said appearing from behind the group of men lead by Cap.

"Qi, You mean like a cultivator's power!? So you are like Master Shen!?" Cap looked back to Haru with shock.

'Why didn't I realise it earlier? He seems to have no presence what so ever. I did think it was a little weird but I didn't think anything of it… And he called Old Master Shen, Little Shen… Doe's that mean they are actually close friends? Wait what if this boy, Is not actually a boy at all? What if he is an old cultivator that kept his youth? Did I piss him off?' Cap started to worry.

The song of eternal wisdom not only boosted Haru's ability to memorise things. It also improved his perception. He always had fun when he was talking to simple-minded people like Cap. They wore their heart on their chest and it wasn't hard to guess what they were thinking.

"No, I'm actually only eighteen. There is no need to treat me any differently." Haru said with a smile.

Cap looked at Haru with admiration. 'Did he just read my mind!? Can he tell what I'm thinking right now? I really must be a powerful old master. He just wants me to keep his secret. Okay. I will shut up.' Cap looked back at Haru and nodded his head.

"You really are overthinking it. But anyway let's get on to dealing with these guys." Haru said as he looked back at the bubble of Qi.

The men inside were all armed so first, they would have to deal with getting rid of their weapons.

"Hey, Listen up. If you want to survive. I recommend you all put down your weapons and put them in the as far away from you as possible. You are outnumbered and I don't think I need to tell you what will happen if you pull any funny business." Cap told all of the men inside the array.

There was a brief moment of silence as they all looked towards their leader for direction. He gritted his teeth but he knew that he had already lost so he reluctantly gave the order.

"Do as they say. If we comply you might make it back to your families." He said and without even thinking about it all of them men inside dropped their weapons to the floor and stood with their hands above their heads.

Haru released the array as Cap's men moved in throwing them to the floor one by one and then tieing their hands together with zip-tie handcuffs. Once they had all of them under control and in handcuffs, they moved back out of the forest.

Cap pulled out his radio and switched it to a different channel. "This is Cap speaking. We were caught in an ambush. There were no casualties on our side but the forest by our location is littered with bodies. We have managed to capture sixteen of their men. Can you direct the local law enforcement to our location?" He said into it.

There was silence for a few minutes but that didn't seem to bother him as he carried on walking.

"Okay Cap, Thank you for your patience. We have alerted the local police. Their estimated time is twelve minutes. Stand by and let us know if anything else happens." The voice of the scrawny man from early called back over the radio.

"Yes Sir!" Cap said and then clipped the radio back onto his belt.

They pushed their way through the trees as they made their way back out onto the road. The trucks were now visible again. Everyone began to relax, Including Haru. And as their backs were turned to the forest a loud sound startled everyone nearby.


The sound rang out as a bullet tumbled through the air toward them, Followed by a slight whistle and then the explosion from the actual gunshot. The look on everyone's face was a look of pure horror. As they looked at Haru.

Haru felt a slight burning sensation in his lower back and turned around to see a crushed up piece of copper and lead beneath his feet. He then bent down and picked up the bullet, and brought it closer to his face.

He looked at it for a few seconds and nodded silently. "Well, Will you look at that… I really am bulletproof."

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