The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 49: Cream Doughnuts.

They all sat patiently in the car as it arrived at Suyin's house. It was an old style house. It had a large gate and a courtyard that surrounded a single oak tree. When the car arrived Mr. Jiang was already waiting at the door.

"Hey, You are looking after her aren't you? I don't have to tell you what will happen if you upset her do I?" Mr, Jiang walked up to Haru's window and said to him quietly.

"Dad, Shut up! You big moron. I hate it when you do this." Suyin shouted from the door as she shook her head and walked inside. "Look what you have done now. Don't be upset sweetie!" Mr. Jiang ran inside after Suyin.

"What was that about?" Jake was sat confused at what had just happened. "Uh, Well it's a long story but it's something like. When Suyin told me how she felt. I turned her down at first and she went home crying that night. Her dad ended up threatening to kidnap me. And every since he threatens me every time we meet. I find it kind of funny." He explained as the car began to drive back to zen's house.

"So he doesn't know you could beat his ass if he tried too?" Jake asked as they passed a certain coffee shop. "Hey, can you stop here? we can walk back I want to get some coffee." Haru asked the driver ignoring Jake for a moment.

"Sure, I will let your uncle know." He said as he pulled over to the side of the road. Jake was a little more confused now but didn't question it much. "Yeah, He knows I could. But he just doesn't know that I have progressed by two stages since I last showed him my power. I am around six times more powerful than I was back then. But that isn't including the techniques I learned since then." He explained as he unbuckled his seat belt and got out of the car.

Jake shuffled along the seats and got out of the same side to avoid being hit by cars driving past. "Six times? So I might have had a chance to beat you back then?" Jake was hopeful for a moment.

"Uh, sorry to put it bluntly put no. I found out the hard way that cultivation is a lot stronger than you could imagine. If fighting mage's it would be like stepping on ants when you reach the higher stages. I'm still really low down on the scale, to be honest."

The walked along the pavement toward the coffee shop and walked inside. The bell attached to the door chimed out alerting the store owners.

"Welcome." A woman's voice called out. "Hey, Reina. It's just me. I will have the usual, please." Haru shouted out. There were three other customers inside the store who gave him a weird look as he spoke Japanese." He didn't even mean too. He was just so used to translating what Jake was saying to Suyin that he had forgotten about it.

"Oh, Haru you surprised me for a minute. How are you doing today? Oh, You brought a friend with you today." Reina turned around and walked to the counter. She leaned over and looked at Jake and then whispered to Haru "He's pretty cute. Where did you find him?"

Haru smiled at here. "This is Jake. We used to go to school together back in Japan." He pulled jake over with his left arm to come and introduce himself.

"Hi, I-I'm Jake..." He stammered. What is up with him? Haru though and then looked at Jake. His cheeks were slightly red and he looked nervous. Reina held her hand out over the counter. "Nice to meet you Jake, Any friend of Haru's is a friend of mine." She smiled at him for a few seconds before she went back to making Haru's coffee.

"So what can I get for you jake?" She asked as she rinsed a cup out. Jake was still staring at here in awe. "Come on buddy. You are being a little bit creepy." Haru whispered to him. It seemed to bring him out of his trance. "Uh, What do I want? Um... Can I have a flat white with extra milk, please?" He asked her.

"That is not a problem at all. Anything else?" She smiled at him again. "Oh, Actually Reina I will take one of those doughnuts that you had last time. Jake, you have to try these." Haru said as he pointed to the chocolate covered doughnuts with cream inside.

"They do look good. I will have one too please." Jake said as Haru looked over to find a seat. He walked into the corner seat that had now become his seat. At night it was just dark enough to conceal his face but during the day he had a full view of the front of the store.

He would often come here to relax or just get some peace. It was a public place but it was mainly a spot for regulars. He had become acquainted with a few of the usual customers over the years.

"Hey Haru," Jake whispered. "Yeah, What's up?" He looked over to him. "Who is this girl? She is beautiful. Are you sure she isn't a model or anything?" Haru laughed. "A model? No that is the opposite of Reina's personality. She is nerdy and likes to be left to herself to get lost in novels and comics. I doubt you would still think she was beautiful when you see her in the morning. Her hair is always all over the place until about ten o'clock. I have to get Suyin to come and brush her hair just for it to stay straight. But don't tell her I told you that."

"See her in the morning? So does that mean you two have?" Jake became a little flustered. "No, not at all. We are close friends. If anything I see her as an older sister."

"Older?! What do you mean! I thought she was the same age as us?" He seemed a little disappointed. "Yeah, I thought the same at first. But she is three years older than us. Don't let that get you down. She did once tell me she has a thing for cute European boys. Maybe she will..." Haru stopped as there was a thud on the table.

"Hey, I wasn't too long was I? Someone just came and ordered a bunch of things. Sorry. I got a little distracted trying to get everything ready for them." Reina came over with the two drinks and doughnuts on.

"Reina! I need a hand for a moment." A voice called out from the back "Okay! Sorry. You guys came at a good time. I get a break in ten minutes if you want to wait we can get a chance to talk."

"Sure. We can wait." Haru said as he picked up his coffee. "Thanks, I won't be long." She ran off into the kitchen. "Who's was that voice just now? He sounded kind of rude." Jake picked up his own drink and took a sip. "Mhm... It's good." He said before taking another.

"That was just Yuki, Her older brother. Yeah, he is a pretty intimidating guy but he's nice once he warms up to you. Now hurry and try that doughnut they are to die for." Haru wasted no time picking up his own and taking the biggest bite he could.

A look of pure joy washed over his face as he began devouring it like his life depended on it. "It, can't be that good can it?" Jake doubted Haru's expression as he bit into his own." He froze. All of the cream melted into his mouth as it mixed with the thin layer of chocolate and fluffy dough. "Wow, I have no words. This is amazing!" He almost shouted.

"Shush you, idiot. I chose this table so we could talk but don't be too loud. The customers get pissy. I remember the first time I brought Suyin here one of the customers threatened to get me kicked out. Luckily Reina is nice. She diffused the situation but made sure she shouted at me to shut up in front of everyone. I know she didn't mean it but it was pretty embarrassing I would rather not have that happen again." He explained. They finished their doughnuts in record time.

As they were talking to one another one of the customers said out loud. "Stupid foreigners. They are ruining the peace." They said it loud enough so that all of the other customers. could hear." Haru laughed as he made eye contact with an old woman in the corner. He knew her husband and had eaten at their house a few times. He was a construction worker who helped build an extension on to Zen's house last year so they got to know each other well as he worked there every day.

She leaned over to the man who had said it. "Excuse me, young man. I'm sorry to tell you but one of those stupid foreigners happens to speak Chinese fluently " The man almost spilled his drink on himself as his face went red with embarrassment.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude." The man turned and apologised to Haru." Haru smiled lightly. "It's okay, I should apologise to you. I didn't mean to be too loud. My friend here is staying here for a week. I just wanted to show him around a little bit. I'm sorry for disturbing you." Jake looked at Haru and then at the man confused not knowing anything that was going on.

"Hey, What are you talking about?" Jake whispered. "ah, It's nothing. Don't worry about it." He said and took a final sip of his drink.

"Hey, I didn't keep you waiting too long did I?" Reina walked back down and sat down on the seat next to Jake. His face became slightly red.

"Nope, It's all good."

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