The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 43: Last Day.

Three years had passed. Haru was just about to finish his final exam. He was sat inside the examination hall with all the rest of his classmates. Everything was silent as the clock slowly clicked with each second that passed.

Li Jun was also yet to show up. Haru had progressed his cultivation to the Qi creation stage with the help of Lao. Today would be a special day. It would mark the last day in high school and also his eighteenth birthday. He finished his final answer and then sat back in his seat.

Are fifteen minutes remaining huh? He looked at the clock. He was confident that he hadn't messed up any of his answers but went back through them as his teachers had suggested. He checked once, Then Twice. It was perfect. He wanted to get a few questions wrong but he got lost in the moment and filled out all the correct answers.

The examiners walked around the hall and checked everyone before they came in so there was no way he could cheat so he didn't have anything tho worry about. He just felt like it was wrong to get every question right. His memory had been boosted by Lao's singing and he could interpret most things without knowing the basics. His brain was now naturally running in overdrive. It was almost like he had a photographic memory.

He waited for the time to run out and a little bell chimed out to signal everyone to stop. They all remained seated as the examiners walked around the room and picked up the test papers.

A few minutes went by before the principal walked in. He was around fifty years old and had thin black hair and a mole on his lower chin. He was balding from the centre of his head and slightly overweight. He stood at the front of the hall and waited patiently for the examiners to finish collecting the papers.

"Hello, students. I'm sure not all of you know me personally but I did get the chance to run into a few of you during your time here with us." He looked around the room and made eye contact with a few of the students. "I did get the chance to meet a couple of you and some of them were on bad terms but I'm sure we can get over our previous grudges." He laughed and the students knew exactly who they were and smiled.

He then carried on. "I wanted to, first of all, congratulate all of you. You are all adults now. You might feel like you have been here for eternity but trust me when I say, that this is just the start of your lives. I'm sure some of you will go off to become successful and others will be less so. But I want to wish you all the best in your future. May you all have a great life filled with happiness."

There was a brief moment of silence before one by one people began to clap. They had all finally made it through the hell hole they also call school. It was long and tiring and sometimes painful but they were finally done with it.

Once everyone had finished with their applause the doors to the hall were opened and everyone made their way back to their homerooms. The corridors were filled with crying girls hugging their friends and telling them they would miss them. Haru walked past them all and dodged a few hugs from a few of his classmates and then opened the door to his homeroom.

The door slowly creaked open. He looked up to the windows and saw blue banners strung from the roof. "Happy birthday!" Many voices sang out in unison.

Haru smiled as he looked around and saw the cheery faces of the friends he had made over the past three years. Somewhere along the line, he had managed to become friends with Lei and the other three boys who threatened him on his first day. School was a funny place. Grudges die with time and everyone can get along with each other again.

Suyin ran over first. "Happy birthday, darling!" and kissed him. A few of the other people made sounds to tease them both. She pulled back and looked at Haru for a moment before grabbing his arm.

"So what do you think of it?" Haru looked down at her and smiled. "I should have known you would plan something like this. He then looked over to a table in the back corner with food lay across it. "You even hired a caterer?

Suyin laughed. "A caterer? No, I cooked everything myself." She looked over to a group of girls who had all began to stare at here. "Well... Maybe I had a little help." She laughed as they both walked over to a cake sat in the middle of the table.

Haru and Suyin grew close and began to spend a lot of time together. And around six or seven months after becoming close friends she suddenly shared the news that she had fallen in love with him. Haru was kind of shocked by this because he wasn't sure how he felt about her. It was confusing but he explained it to her and she seemed to understand. He then decided to go for it. What would he have to lose right?

He figured out his feelings soon after. He did indeed love her as well. It was the first time he had felt this happy in a while. He smiled again as he looked over to the rest of his friends he had made. This would most likely be the last time all of them would be together like this.

Mr. Chen was in a surprisingly good mood today and let them play music in celebration. They opened the doors and let the music travel through the corridors luring more people to come and celebrate with them. All though most of the people that came only came for the food.

"What are we going to do tonight? Want me to stay over at your house?" Suyin asked Haru who was enjoying himself. "Actually It slipped my mind. Zen said he was taking us both out to a restaurant to celebrate my birthday. I was supposed to tell you on Monday but I forgot. Sorry. You don't have anything planned do you?"

"Of course not. You idiot. I swear you are only good at remembering the stupidest things." Suyin laughed at him. "It sounds good. I will have to head home and change into something nice. I will meet you at around five. Is that okay?" She asked as she pulled out her phone and sent a text to her father asking for permission.

"That's perfect." He kissed her and then made a phone call to Zen. Hm, Strange. Why isn't he picking up? Haru thought as it went straight to his answering machine. He then made a call to his driver.

"Haru, What can I do for you?" He seemed happy as he answered. "Hi, Sorry to bother you. But have you seen my uncle at all today? His phone isn't turned on." Haru asked getting quite concerned. It wasn't like Zen to turn his phone off. Even if he was in an important meeting he would leave his phone to blast out music every time someone called him.

"Mr. Hao? Not since I dropped him off at work this morning. He did tell me to pick him up at around seven. He must be busy. But are you ready yet? I have been sat outside for nearly twenty minutes now." The driver said.

"You've been waiting for that long? You should have sent me a text. Anyway, I won't be long. I just have to say bye to a few friends. Give me a few minutes and I will be out."

"You know that I don't do that whole texting thing. I way too old for that." The driver said before hanging up. He apparently doesn't have manners too. Haru thought as he made his way to the door and said bye to all of his classmates. Trying his best to dodge hugs from his close friends.

"You all have my number. Just call me if you ever want to talk." He called out as he made his way out to the front of the school. He walked out of the gates for what would be the last time ever. He turned back to face the school and took in one last look. "Goodbye." He muttered to himself.

He thought back to all the memories he had gathered here for the majority of three years. He sighed for a moment before the sound of a car horn brought him back to reality. "Hurry up. I've been waiting forever!" The driver stuck his head out of the window and shouted at Haru.

"Give me a minute okay!? I'm coming." He seemed happier before but I guess he's in the same mood as usual. He thought as he got into the back of the car.

"Okay, We can go now," Haru said as the driver started up the engine and began to roll down the street.

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