The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 35: Batter Up!

Haru turned to see Suyin hanging out from her seat and leaning over to his desk. "Hi, Good morning. How are you feeling?" He asked as their classmates had started to chatter once again like nothing was wrong.

"I'm better than yesterday. Um, I'm not sure how to say this but when we got home my dad told my mom about what had happened and she said she wanted to meet you. I was wondering if you wanted to come over for dinner tomorrow?" She asked slightly embarrassed.

"Tomorrow? Sure I don't have any plans." He said just before Mr. Chen started calling out names. They all sat in silence until he had finished and permitted them to speak again. The sat for a few moments before Haru felt a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, I wanted to tell you I'm sorry. I regret what I said yesterday. I was angry with myself for considering leaving so when I saw you stand up I felt like I had to say something to calm myself. And I'm sorry to you too Suyin. For thinking about abandoning you and the other girls." The boy from the night before said as he bowed between the two of them.

Haru laughed for a moment. "There is nothing to be sorry about. It was a stressful situation. Not many people can think with a clear head. It's okay." Haru reassured him that he didn't do anything wrong. The boy stood up. "I didn't get a chance to introduce myself. I'm Yunxu." He held his hand out toward Haru. "Nice to formally meet you." Haru shook his hand.

The bell rang out to signal the start of class. Haru still wasn't used to his schedule so he looked at the time table the school had provided him with. He had a gym class? Why was gym class first thing in the morning? It just seemed a bit out of place. He thought about the stupid placement for the class as he walked to the correct room.

He walked down to the gym corridor and then to the teacher's office. He hadn't brought any exercise clothes with him so I thought it was probably for the best that he told the teacher beforehand. He knocked on the door and waited for an answer. It took a few minutes but the teacher finally opened up.

"What can I do for you?... Wait a second you are the new student aren't you?" A tall man with a thick beard and looked to be made of solid muscle mass opened the door and looked down at Haru.

"Uh, yeah. I just came to tell you that I didn't bring any clothes to change into. Is there a chance I could skip out on class today?" The man became frustrated for a second. "Skip out on my class!? Nonsense I have a brand new gym kit in my office. It was already paid for by your guardian. So you better keep it in your locker so you don't have to come here and ask me if you can skip class again!" He went full drill instructor mode as he demanded Haru to go and change into his clothes.

"Yes, Sir!" Haru shouted back with a salute. He had forgotten where he was for a moment. It hadn't happened before. Ever since he had begun cultivating it seemed like his memories were becoming more and more detailed and he often found himself confused because of them. The teacher looked at him confused for a second and then laughed. "Fall out soldier!" He wasn't all that bad Haru thought before making his way into the changing room.

He began to change his clothes when he felt a hand on his back. He turned to see Yunxu. "Woah, You are so muscular what kind of sports do you do?!" He shouted over the constant chatter inside the changing room. "I don't. I'm not really a fan of sports I guess it must be genetic." He tried to feign ignorance. "Come on. You don't expect me to believe that, do you? I bet you are a fighter, aren't you? Just look at that six pack..." Yunxu rubbed his hand over Haru's abs.

Haru felt a chill come over his body... No this is not happening! He backed away as fast as he could and ended up bumping into someone. "Hey watch where you are going! You fucking moron!" The person shouted.

Haru turned around to see a boy who looked more like a gorilla. He was abnormally tall and was quite stocky. "Didn't you hear me?" He tried to shove Haru. He pushed as hard as he could but it was like pushing against a wall. Haru's body didn't move an inch. "Sorry about that, I wasn't paying attention," Haru said as he scratched the back of his head. Why did everyone here think it was okay to touch another boy when you are both half naked? Is this normal in china?

Haru walked away and got the rest of his clothes on whilst trying to avoid eye contact with the other students. Just as he finished putting on his clothes the teacher walked into the changing room. "Are you all ready now? Great come out to the field with me we are playing baseball." There were a few cheers from the students. It seems like baseball is fun. Haru had never played before but had heard about it. It couldn't be too hard, could it?

They all followed the teacher out to the baseball field. It was hidden behind the school with a basketball and tennis court. They stopped after they made it in and the teacher held out his arm. "Everyone on the right you will be batting first. Everyone on the left will be out on the field. Now I need a volunteer for a pitcher.

"Oh, Me!" One of the other students said as he raised his hand in the air. "Ok, Good now batter get into a single file line." He said as they all scooted into a line. Pushing a shoving each other and jumping places in the line until they all excepted their position. The team who were on the left all began to make their way onto the field some of them stopping at the bases and one person walked behind the first batter as a backstop.

Haru followed Yunxu out onto the field. "How do I play?" He asked as the walked out toward the center. "You haven't played baseball before?!" He seemed like it was hard for him to believe. "No, I haven't my last school didn't teach sports," Haru responded as he looked around to try to get a better idea at what he had to do. " Well, All you have to do for now is catch the ball and throw it to one of the people at the bases." He briefly explained what he had to do as the pitcher threw the first ball.

The ball flew forwards before striking the bat sending it flying into the middle of the field. "Oh, this should be an easy one," Yunxu said as the batter began to run around to the first base. Yunxu ran over and caught the ball after it bounced off the floor and threw it to the person who was on the second base.

"Out!" The teacher shouted as he blew a whistle." The person who hit the ball walked to the back of the line. This seems simple enough Haru thought as the next batter stepped up. It was the gorilla guy from the changing room. He began to twirl the bat around as he stepped up to the batter's box. "Oh, no. This is guaranteed to be a home run. This guy is on the school baseball team." Yunxu told Haru as he started walking backward to get a head start.

The pitcher threw the ball. A large boom echoed out as the ball slowly began to climb higher into the air. Haru looked as it slowly flew over his head. He then began to chase the ball easily keeping pace with it as it flew threw the air. He then looked forward and noticed he was running toward the end of the field where a chain link fence was blocking his path. Haru sped of getting ahead of the ball slightly and jumped. His foot hit the fence as he placed his other foot ahead of the other and launched himself into the air. The ball hit his fingertips and then rolled down into his hand.

He dropped down to the floor holding the ball in his hand. The blow of a whistle blew out across the field reaching Haru who was at the very back of it. "Out!" The teacher shouted as Haru walked back with the ball.

"Sir! That has to be against the rules! He climbed the fence!" The gorilla looking student called out in protest. "There is no rule saying that he can't climb the fence. All that matters is that he caught the ball before it hit the floor. Get to the back of the line and wait for your next turn!" The teacher shouted as he walked away muttering to himself angrily.

"Have you played baseball before?" The teacher said to Haru as he returned from his long walk across the field. "No sir. It's my first time today." The teacher coughed. "What?! Your first time? You chase that ball like a pro. I mean jumping on to the fence was a bit unorthodox but you would make a great addition to the school team. What do you say? Do you want to join?"

Haru thought about it for a few seconds. If I say yes I will have less free time I can't do this! "I don't really have the time sorry. I get really busy after school and I have to study a lot to keep my grades up."

The teacher looked down for a moment. "I see. Then I will give you a few days to decide." It sounded like he wouldn't take no for an answer. Haru kind of laughed and then returned back to the field to continue the game.

The final whistle blew signaling time for the teams to switch sides. Haru stood and watched as his teammates hit the balls across the field. Until finally. "Batter up!" It was Haru's turn to bat.

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