The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 103: Date.

"It was just a slap. You shouldn't worry so much about it." Haru said in a matter of fact tone as the driver just looked in disbelief. 

"What do you mean just a slap? You sent the man flying through the air. That can't be just a slap! I bet you are a cultivator aren't you?" The driver asked, Not expecting an answer.

"I guess so," Haru stated bluntly and then pulled out his phone as it began to vibrate in his pocket.

"Hello." He said as he picked up the phone with the words Zen written across the screen.

"So that's it huh? You just come down here, Solve the issue and then go? I was hoping to talk to you about a few things." Zen complained as Haru had just got back into the driver's car.

"Well, You sounded like you needed help when we spoke on the phone. I thought it would be easier to stop by and see what was happening. I never expected I would have to do something like this either. And don't worry I will be back later tonight I still have to open that letter remember." Haru spoke as the driver started to drive in silence.

"You will? Okay, I need to talk to you later tonight I got some news while you were cultivating in the basement. It's probably for the best that you hear it in person." Zen said.

"Is it bad?" Haru asked as the tone Zen had spoken in gave of a concerning feeling.

"I wouldn't say bad. Well… You will have to wait and see. Just don't come home too late. I'm not going to wait up for you I have to be up early in the morning and I don't want to be sat in a meeting looking like a zombie." Zen said.

"Okay then. I will talk to you tonight. Oh, Can you get dinner? I was thinking of bringing Suyin back today." Haru said and then looked back at his phone as it began to vibrate again.

"Oh, She is calling now. I will see you tonight. Bye." Haru hung up and then answered Suyin's call.

"Where are you? It has been almost an hour." Suyin seemed worried and for good reason. It was probably for the best that Haru didn't tell her.

"Don't worry I am on my way. I just had to stop by and talk to Zen for a while. It was nothing too important, Oh are you up for staying over with me tonight. Zen said he will bring dinner on his way home." Haru stated with a smirk. Zen didn't say that he would but he knew now that he had planted the idea in his head he would do it anyway.

"Sure. I will let my mom know. Just don't keep me waiting too long I want to see you!" Suyin shouted excitedly and then the sound of Mrs Jiang calling her name could be heard through the phone.

"Sorry. I have to go and help with cleaning. I will probably be done by the time you get here so just let yourself in." Suyin said and then went to go and do her chores. 

Haru sighed and then at back in his seat.

"So about the whole cultivating thing…" The driver turned and said.

Haru just laughed and then explained what he had done for the rest of the car ride. The driver seemed to have a bit of respect for him after learning he was a cultivator. But he still seemed cold. 

The car came to a stop as they entered through the gates towards Suyin's house. 

"We're here." The driver let Haru know if it wasn't obvious enough that they had already arrived but it was a habit for him to do so.

Haru smiled and then opened the car door and stepped out into the courtyard. The yard was around twenty meters in length and was filled with greenery. The perimeter was surrounded by a bush on all sided that was directly in front of the two-metre tall stone wall.

Haru walked toward the entrance and past the water fountain that had a stone statue of a dragon with a hole in its mouth where the water dripped down from and formed into a pool below. He looked at it for a second and then down at the golden ring he was wearing. 

'Dragons are so fierce that even in the lower realms where people have never seen them before, People still respect their mythical strength and wisdom." Haru thought as he made his way to the front door and slowly turned the handle and let himself inside. 

He took his shoes off at the door and then called out to whoever was inside.

"Is anyone here?" He shouted throughout the house to let his presence be known by everyone inside. A few seconds went by before the sound of running footsteps started to emerge from the floor above.

Haru used his Qi to search for the source and felt the Suyin was now approaching him. He smiled and waited for her to come running down the stairs with open arms. 

But she didn't wait even a minute. A soon as she saw Haru standing at the bottom of the stairs she jumped from the top step. Down into his arms. Haru caught her before he slowly lowered her to the ground and hugged her.

"I missed you," Suyin whispered into his ear. Haru held her close for a few moments and then let go for a second to adjust his body so that he could kiss her.

As he finished kissing her he looked her in the eyes.

"I missed you too." He smiled and then picked her up into the air. 

Suyin wrapped her legs around his body and held on tightly around his neck with her arms before Haru walked over to the couch and sat down. 

They stayed like that for a few minutes just holding each other in a warm embrace until Mrs Jiang made her way into the living room. 

"You two. Get a room." She giggled and then carried on with the housework that she was doing.

"Did you let your mom know that you are coming over tonight?" Haru asked.

"Yeah, she said it isn't a problem. She will explain it to my dad when he gets back later. But luckily he is working until late so he doesn't get a say in whether or not I can stay over." Suyin laughed and then let go of Haru and slid off his lap and sat down next him.

"What do you want to do today then?" Suyin asked.

"How about we go watch a movie? It's been a while since I have taken you on an actual date hasn't it?" Haru asked rhetorically but it didn't stop Suyin from answering.

"It's been way too long. I can't wait." She said and then grabbed his hand and began to stand up.

"Come on. Help me pick out an outfit to wear." She said and then began to pull on his arm for him to stand up.

"You want to wear something special? You look beautiful how you are. You don't need to do anything like that." Haru complained but stood up anyway.

"But I want you to pick out something for me to wear. I don't want you to feel like I am not trying enough." She said shyly and then dragged him all the way upstairs.

"Not trying enough? If anything it is you that should feel like I am not trying enough. I just vanished on you for half a month. Are you not angry at me?" Haru asked.

"You told me what to expect when you first rejected me. And I told you that I am willing to deal with anything did I not? I am okay with you going for a while. It just gives me time to miss you and plan what I want to do with you the next time I see you." She said happily and then opened the door to her bedroom.

"You're so cute." Haru laughed and then followed behind her and sat down on the edge of her bed.

"So this is the first choice." She held out a pink skirt with two black stripes around the bottom of it. And a white long-sleeved t-shirt.

"You are going to have to try it on for me to decide." Haru grinned. Suyin looked back at him with a surprised look in her eyes. 

"Fine." She said and without a second thought, she began to undress in front of him. As she got down to just her underwear Haru stopped her.

"You know. I think I am going to like this look right now much more than any of the outfits you have picked out." He laughed. 

"I bet you will." She giggled and then bent over to put on her socks. Giving him an even better view. 

"You're doing this on purpose aren't you?" Haru asked.

"Maybe…" She giggled and then carried on with getting dressed.

"Done." She said and then did a little spin to show off her outfit. 

She was wearing the pink skirt and white t-shirt with white thigh highs and sneakers. Each piece of clothing seemed to perfectly fit her body type and the overall look made Haru silent. 

"So what do you think?" She asked with confusion as she noticed Haru looking her up and down like he was eying up a meal.

"Come here." He said quietly.

Suyin did as he asked and walked over to where he was sat on the edge of the bed.

"What is it?" She asked and learned over to be at eye level with him.

"I love it." He said before kissing her again.

"You do? I bought everything that I am wearing last week. I wanted to look cute for you." Suyin said with a smile.

"I want you to wear this. I don't care about anything else. You look amazing." Haru said before Suyin jumped at him with a hug. Pushing him down onto the bed.

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