The happy little days of the Ye family

Chapter 1125 Pen Peak 3

"Heidou, come here."

    Tangshan ignored the silly son, called Heidou over, and carefully helped him pick off the cockleburs on his body.

    As for Xiaohua, Tang Xiaojing didn't even need to call her, she automatically sat down in front of him.

    The big furry paws touched his knees, signaling him to quickly pick cockleburs for him.

    "You guy, you still made me come here."

    Although Tang Xiaojing cursed, he still leaned over to help it pick off the cockleburs on its body.

    The hair on Xiaohua's body is black and yellow, very close to the color of cocklebur.

    Tang Xiaojing originally thought there wasn't much, but now he took a closer look and realized that this guy was covered in cockleburs.

    Xiao Hei is more naughty and has more cockleburs on his body.

    The father and son picked two large handfuls of cockleburs from the two dogs.

    Without these annoying cockleburs, the two dogs felt lighter and immediately ran out in a hurry.

    After a while, the black beans ran back gloomily, and the cockleburs they had just picked were covered with half of their bodies.

    Tangshan cursed and gently took off its long ears.

    "If you get dirty again, I won't do it for you when you come back." Tangshan gently patted Heidou's dirty big head.


    Heidou rubbed Tangshan's hand with his big head, and his big tail swung wildly behind him.

    After a while, Xiao Hua suddenly jumped out of the grass behind them, startling Tang Shan and Tang Xiaojing.

    Tang Xiaojing turned around and was about to scold it when he saw the gray hare struggling crazily in Xiaohua's mouth.

    With joy on his face, Tang Xiaojing immediately changed his words and said, "Hey, this hare is quite fat. It's not bad. I'll reward you with a rabbit leg tonight."

    The big tail behind Xiaohua waggled rapidly, and she walked up to him with her head held high, her face full of pride.

    Tang Xiaojing put the tied hare into the basket behind him and took a look at today's harvest.

    4 hares, 2 pheasants, 1 Pangasius and 2 Gastrodia elata.

    In fact, there are some common herbs on the mountain, but this pole peak is too steep.

    It is very difficult to walk with empty hands, and it is even more difficult to walk with something on your back.

    The father and son did not ask for ordinary herbs, and planned to grab some when they went down the mountain.

    Seeing that they were almost rested, the father and son continued walking towards the top of the mountain.

    Tangshan pushed aside a patch of grass in front of him and found a chicken coop with six wild eggs in it.

    "These eggs are quite big, enough to fry a plate at night." Tangshan happily pocketed all the eggs in the nest.

    "Dad, come quickly, we have something good." Tang Xiaojing's excited voice came from the weeds not far away.

    "Hey, come on, come on!"

    When Tangshan went over and took a look, he saw a small piece of Polygonum multiflorum in front of him, and it looked very old.

    The one dug up by my son is the largest and has been around for more than ten years.

    As for the remaining dozen Polygonum multiflorum trees, the big ones are about ten years old and the smallest ones are six or seven years old.

    "You kid, you are lucky today." As he said this, Tangshan quickly waved the hoe in his hand and started digging hard.

    Except for a few small seedlings that had just grown up, the father and son dug up all the Polygonum multiflorum in this area.

    After all, it's not your family's hill. You should dig up whatever you can sell for money.

    However, there are no small ones among these Polygonum multiflorums. The largest one is 15 years old, there are 4 of them about ten years old, three of the eight-year-old ones, and the most six-year-old ones are five of them.

    Tang Xiaojing buried the excavated soil and specially added some mulch to a few seedlings.

    "Grow up quickly and have more children and grandchildren."

    Tangshan on the side also packed up the dug Polygonum multiflorum, with unconcealable happiness on his face:

    "There are 13 Polygonum multiflorum trees in total, which is worth several taels of silver."

    The father and son looked around carefully again, trying to write down the location, thinking of coming back to dig again in a few years.

    Along the way, the two encountered many common herbs such as nettles, wild mint, hydatidia and plantain.

    However, they all grew sparsely, with a few trees here and there, and neither of them bothered to pick them.

    I also found a few valuable herbs such as Tianqi, Polygonum multiflorum, Gastrodia elata and Polygonatum japonica.

    Unfortunately, both of them reached the top of the mountain and did not encounter wild ginseng.

    The top of the mountain is not big. At first glance, it is about the size of two acres of land.

    There are several huge stones standing among them, and there is a small lake in the center of the top of the mountain, which sparkles beautifully under the sunlight.

    Strangely enough, the top of Bigan Peak is very flat. If it weren't for several huge rocks scattered here and there, it would have been thought to be an ordinary land for growing crops. The most important thing is the water source.

    "I didn't expect that there is a small lake on the top of the mountain. I don't know if there are fish in it." Tangshan glanced at the small lake not far away and walked over happily.

    The small lake was not big, only about the size of two cents of land, and was surrounded by all kinds of verdant wild trees and weeds.

    The surface of the lake was rippled by the breeze, and there were several snow-white birds drinking water on the water. It looked like a fairyland on earth.

    However, these little guys were very vigilant. As soon as the father and son approached, they flew away.

    The water of the lake is crystal clear. Standing on the shore, you can see the happy little fish under the water, as well as various large and small stones at the bottom of the lake.

    The lake looks quite shallow, probably formed by the accumulated rainwater over the years.

    The father and son walked around the small lake, but they didn't see any big fish. They were basically small fish as big as a finger.

    This kind of small fish is only suitable for frying and drinking, and cannot be used for grilled fish.

    Tangshan originally planned to catch two fish to make grilled fish, but now they can only make grilled chicken.

    After working for a long time, the two of them were a little hungry.

    The father and son each carried a pheasant and cleaned it up by the lake.

    Soon, a strong smell of meat wafted around.



    The black beans and florets standing by were drooling.

    There are two people and two dogs, and they are both very good eaters. Just these two roast chickens are definitely not enough.

    Tang Xiaojing took out some more pancakes, put them aside and started baking them.

    Golden corn tortillas, wrapped in roasted chicken that is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, taste unique.

    Two roast chickens and a lot of pancakes were all eaten cleanly by them.

    The father and son burped in various ways, and sat down lazily on a big rock in the same posture.

    The two dogs, who had eaten and drank enough, were lying sleepily at their feet, their big tails wagging gently behind them.

    The father and son rested for a long time before walking happily down the mountain.

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