The First Lich Lord

Chapter 82

Chapter 82

Tuffy surprised me at how well he kept up over the course of the day. And now that we were off the main road and traveling down the abandoned road he was doing even better. Bears were not known for having the same endurance as something like a horse. We were still pushing hard, at any moment I expected to hear people behind us. We only left the road a few minutes ago.

Whatever mode of transportation Rhea was using, it was fast. I assumed the monster we left in Maltis would distract her for at least a day, but it hadnt even slowed her down.

The old road we were following dipped and crossed over a valley in the hills. It was larger than most valleys, but not massive like what was in the mountains. When we crested the ridge and looked down into the valley, there was a stone building set near a massive river flowing along the bottom the valley.

It looked like an old temple. Built next to it was the only bridge crossing the river. The trees thinned as we descended into the valley, the abandoned road surprisingly well intact. I began to suspect it was being maintained on some level.

My apprehension only grew when I heard the roar of a waterfall coming from the west. When I looked that way, the ground fell away near the edge of the plateau. The marshy low land was spread out below. I hadnt realized just how much the plateau had lowered as we traveled north.

As we approached the stone building, I saw a wisp coming from the top of it. In the fading light I had missed it earlier. No matter how good your eyes are in the dark, twilight always made it hard to see things.

I was just about to say we should stop when movement on the other side of the valley near the top of the hill caught my attention. Scores of figures spread out from the road. I couldnt tell what they were, but I knew in my gut. Wed just walked into a trap.

I turned, already suspecting what I would see. Rhea sat on along the ledge atop a pure white horse, fitting for a priestess of purity. Behind her were knights with shields emblazoned with the symbol of Olattee.

Figured out you had a map when you burst through our lines the first time, Rheas voice reached me. Give it up, Zeke. Theres no way out of this valley. I appreciate what you did in Maltis, though I couldve done without the undead you left behind. free(w)ebnovel

You know I cant surrender, I said. I glanced between Raven and Maxwell. There was eagerness in Ravens eyes and worry in Maxwells. Raven was too young to understand just how bad this was, she was a predator and loved to fight, but I dont think she understood how screwed we were.

We can work something out, I dont want to fight you, Rhea pleaded. No more people need to die.

I let out a cold bark of a laugh. Ha! Aside from me that is. You and I both know what happens if I let you take me.

Rhea responded, but I wasnt listening.

I gave a mental command to Tuffy. Though I said he was Ravens pet, he would follow my commands. Raven, let Tuffy take you, I whispered.

What? Take me where?

Maxwell caught on almost immediately.

Im going to have Tuffy take you away from here, I tried to say quietly. Max will find you later.

Youre sending me away? No! Im going to stay here and fight with you.

All you would do is die with me, I tried to explain.

Then I die with you, Raven insisted. I am not some kitten who needs to be protected from the world.

I didnt respond or meet her gaze. I looked back at Rhea. Let Raven go.

Raven started to say something before there was a solid thud. Normally, Maxwell wouldve never been able to land a blow on her, but she was so upset and angry by my actions that she didnt see the strike coming. Raven slid off her horse unconscious. I winced when she fell to the ground. She would never forgive me.

I cant do that, Zeke, Rhea said. Werecats are dangerous, and Olattee wants none of them around. Before she could say anything else, Tuffy gently scooped Raven up in his giant maw and rushed toward the waterfall.

Stop that bear! Rhea shouted.

Do you not hear yourself? I demanded, urging Shadow to fall back to the building. Maxwell moved with me. There was no way I could get him to leave, but that mattered far lesshe could come back. She has done nothing to anyone, aside from those who attacked her. Whats so wrong with werecats? Is it they simply just dont meet your religions standard for purity? I spat to the side. Thats ridiculous.

A pair of knights rushed toward the fleeing Tuffy. I pointed Mercy toward them, casting a spell. Black bolts of death magic exploded from the tip of Mercy and hammered into the knights. The attack was far from lethal, but that hadnt been my goal. It was a debuffing spell that slowed them and caused their feet to tangle.

Cries of anger and alarm rose as Maxwell fully turned his horse and raced down the road. River had actually followed Raven and Tuffy as they left. This wasnt the time for it, but I was further impressed by how well trained these horses were. Itd only been a few days and the horse had already identified Raven as its person.

We need to get into the building, I shouted to Maxwell. We might have a chance of surviving if we can hold out there.

As we reached the stone building, the door opened and a man wearing pure black robes stepped out. On those robes was the boarded symbol of Olattee. I skidded to a halt. The building may have looked like a temple, but this was not the kind of priest I expected. I leapt off Shadow as Maxwell jumped from his horse. As I hit the ground I turned back to my horse and pointed his head to the fleeing Raven and slapped its flank. Go!

The horses knickered and bolted off after Raven. If nothing else, should Raven make it down with the horses, she would at least have plenty of mounts. I had no idea how they would get down, but all I could do is hope.

When I turned back to the priest, he was flanked by two women also wearing black robes. The man scowled and looked between me and Rhea. So thats what that letter was about. He sneered. Monster, your journey ends here.

I let out an exasperated sigh as I twirled Mercy and activated the force barrier around me. I dont know why these men were wearing black robes instead of the traditional white robes of Olattee, but as I saw the gathering magical power, I knew theyd be a pain in my ass.

I blasted out the stored lightning spell in one of my rings. The powerful bolt of lightning hit the man in the center and leapt between him and his two companions. The death lightning ravaged them and stunned them long enough for me to close the distance between us. Whoever these men were, they did not have the power I was expecting. Blood sprayed into the air as Maxwell began a hurried song.

The man in the center was still recovering as his two companions cast their spell. Beams of white and black erupted from their hands. The lightning had not been nearly as potent on them. The spell hammered into the force barrier around me, the force of it driving me away and allowing the central figure to recover.

Rhea charged in behind me, the heavy footfalls of their mighty horses pounding down the hill. I expended the other charge in my ring into the central man. Once again, the lightning bounced between them, this time when I struck, I rammed Mercy as deep as I could into his chest.

He gasped when I ripped it free and spun to the woman on his left. My strength and momentum brought Mercys sharp blade down on her neck and I neatly decapitated her. The final woman turned to run, and I let her go.

We burst into the building. The room was barren on the other side. Nothing more than a long table with chairs. The symbols of Olattee were all around. But the holy presence that had burned me at the temple in Omark was not there. I didnt know if there was something different about this building, or if this wasnt a holy site for Olattee.

Either way, Maxwell and I slammed the door shut and piled things up against it, not that it would hold forever. We began to explore the stone building and found a second entrance propped open. When I looked through it, I saw fleeing people, they looked like civilians. Perhaps this was some kind of monastery. Part of me felt bad, but I also didnt care. Olattee had been trying to kill me for far too long for me to care too much about making its followers uncomfortable and scared.

I barred the door, looking around for something to block it further and spotted a stove. Grabbing the stove, I heaved it toward the door. It was a heavy cast iron stove, but it moved at last. I just managed to get in place when pounding began on the back door. There was no way I could have moved that heavy piece of iron without my power as a Lich.

When I returned to the main room, Maxwell was standing next to the door, and I could hear a thumping sound on the other side. I began to build a spell. It would only be a matter of time before they brought their own magical powers against the door to reduce it into splinters.

Now what? Maxwell breathed heavily. It wasnt that he was out of breath but the adrenaline of the situation.

I have no idea. Im probably going to die miserably, I grumbled as I focused on casting. Not to be overly dramatic, but I really didnt see any way out of this.

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