The First Lich Lord

Chapter 60

Chapter 60

As we walked, Raven transformed back into her lynx form and scouted ahead, disappearing into the underbrush.

What are the chances we can make more of her type? Maxwell asked.

I shook my head. Slim to none. Werecats are very rare, especially in areas like this, I said.

From what Id seen in videos online before being pulled into this world, some regions, particularly high-magic and high-level regions, cats were more common. But little was known about the creation. Unlike werewolves, they did not reproduce by biting. They had to be created or have offspring naturally.

Was it not your intention to create her? Maxwell asked.

No, I responded quietly. What I had hoped to do was create a kind of living dead. She wouldve still been a lynx, just undead.

You know what caused it?

If I had to guess I used Mercy to push aside a branch in my way. It would have to do with the full moon and the sacrifice of Tyler, though there has to be something else that Im missing. Otherwise, it would be fairly easy to create more, and people wouldve already discovered it.

That would be quite the discovery, an unknown voice said as a short figure melted out of the shadows.

I braced and lowered Mercy, the sharp blade ready. Once my eyes penetrated the shadows, my stance eased. Before me stood Bith, a warlock from the enclave we had saved.

I gave him a questioning look. What are you doing here?

I am here with your rewards. Bith gave me a questioning look. We owe you that much, and I was the best option. I can move in ways the others cannot.

Behind him in the shadows I spotted Raven stalking forward. Easy, Raven, he is a friend.

Bith glanced behind him even as Raven shifted into human form. So, you did create a werecat. How interesting. He stroked his beard in thought. Very interesting.

Do you know how theyre created? Maxwell asked.

No. All I know is that the process is unique to each werecat, and that the process affects what magic they can use.

Ravens ears perked up. So I can use magic?

Very much so, Bith said. I suppose you guys havent had time to slow down to teach her any.

I have some dark magic I was planning on teaching her. If her attunement is based on the magic used to create her, she should be good at dark magic, death magic, and even potentially soul magic.

That fits, Bith agreed. Most werecats can use soul magic at some level.

You said you could move in ways the others could not, I said. Can you get us out of this accursed nation?

Sadly, no. Bith let out a sigh. Im sorry, my patron allows me to move through a shadowy realm that is unsafe for even one such as yourself.

I let out a defeated sigh. Itd been a glimmer of hope too quickly dashed.

Maybe the gifts I bring will make up for disappointment.

I always knew Santa Claus was a dwarf, Maxwell chuckled, getting a confused look from both Bith and Raven.

Bith produced two packages wrapped in gray fabric from a storage device. He handed Maxwell a long and wide box, the one he handed me was almost square shaped. Untying the string, I examined the item.

Armor of the Hidden Death Lord

This armor was once full of holy magic and has been repurposed by a talented smith and enchanter. The remnants of the holy magic serve to hide the nature of the creature wearing this armor. To further enhance this ability, the armor has been designed to both enhance and integrate with illusion spells the wearer casts.

This light plate armor has been modified to be highly resistant to bludgeoning damage through the use of careful armor design and enchantments. The armor can also project a shield of death energy and enhances any weapons held by the wearer with death energy.

Finally, death energy can be channeled to repair the armor, though this will temporarily negate the hiding effect. These abilities use death energy contained by the wearer.

Further abilities can be unlocked or added if proper materials and skills are available.

Requirements: Death core

I hummed in appreciation. It was surprisingly light for being a set of plate armor. The chest piece was by far the biggest. Pitch-black, with intricate runic lines drawn directly into the metal. Dark fabric was folded at the bottom of the package, no doubt to service as padding underneath the plate.

As I began to put the armor on, Bith said, The armor worn by that Tyler fellow was quite powerful. Knowing the situation youre in, we decided that making it a stealth armor would suit you well. Also, knowing what you are, we customized it further to protect you from blunt damage. We turned away much of the heavier plate and modified what was left into a collapsible shell that will absorb impact. Then we added the self-repair function powered by your death core so you can repair the collapsed sections as needed. The other abilities we tossed in since we had the extra capacity.

I nodded in appreciation. I personally didnt know how to enchant items like this but knew enough to recognize high-quality work. It was also impressive how quickly they produced such an item. Normally it wouldve taken quite a long time to weave in such heavy enchantments. The death core requirement was interesting, though it made sense. This will be very helpful. Thank you for finding us.

What was I going to do, let your quest reward go unfulfilled? Bith scoffed and looked over at Maxwell. Uriel didnt tell me much about that, but she said it should be what youre looking for.

Maxwell smiled as he gently stroked the dark wood. This is exactly what I wanted.

The guitar was made from rich dark wood and inlaid with ebony musical notes.

What does it do? I asked.

Other than sound amazing? Maxwell gave it a little strum, and it did indeed have a fantastic sound, far deeper and melodic than most guitars. It can also amplify the volume of sound I put out based off my will and amplifies the effect of any songs I cast with it.

That would be quite the powerful buff for Maxwell. The bard took out his other guitar and handed it to Bith. I dont need this anymore, and unfortunately, I dont have a way to carry it with me. It wouldnt be right to leave it out here in the woods.

Bith took the guitar, making it vanish into his storage item. I have no doubt someone will find a use for it. If you visit us again, I will give you whatever I sold it for.

I appreciate it, Maxwell said.

Bith turned to Raven. Sorry I dont have anything for you, lass. Come find me again sometime and I will teach you a thing or two about magic. Raven didnt say anything, just watched him warily. Bith chuckled. Well, I must be off then. My path will be closing soon.

Before anyone else could respond, the warlock faded into the shadows and was gone.

That was unexpected, but very helpful, I said as I finished donning the armor with Ravens helpputting on plate armor by yourself is quite difficult. It fit well, and the magic of it adjusted small parts so it contoured with my body. From when Tyler wore it, it was hardly recognizable as the same armor.

The final piece in place, I did my best to look at myself. There was hardly any fabric showing anywhere on my body. The thick layer of padding underneath did not hinder me in the slightest, the armor moving smoothly. Innately I could feel the connection to it with my death core, and there was a slight draw. Not enough to reduce my passive regeneration, but enough that if I hadnt had the core, it would no doubt have killed me.

We continued through the forest, and as we went, I grew more impressed with the armor. Even with my incredible strength, I expected the armor to at least weigh me down some. But Bith hadnt been exaggerating when he said they cut it down and modified it to better suit me.

When the lights of the village came into view, I paused. Dark magic swirled around me as I began to cast the illusion spell. The difficulty working with the spell had certainly increased from what I was used to.

Dark magic was one of my specialties, and struggling with it was very new to me. With a concentration of will, I forced the spell to cast. As it surrounded me, my cloak transformed into a traveling cloak, hiding my body. The effect of the armor amplified the spell, and I smiled. fr(e)ewebn(o)vel

I could even feel my illusionary cheeks pulling into a grin.

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