The Emerald at Hogwarts

Chapter 631, Cooperation (2)

Moody had some grudges in his heart, and it was normal for him to be a little defensive. The matter was so important that he couldn't help but be cautious.

Ada has no dissatisfaction with this. There is nothing wrong with opening the skylight and speaking out.Since both parties want win-win cooperation, mutual trust should be the premise for both parties. If they are on guard against each other and secretly discord arises, it is better for each to play its own game.

Even the most suspicious Moody nodded. Naturally, others would have no objections. The cooperation between the two parties was finalized. The specific details could be discussed slowly, and there was no rush.

The Order of the Phoenix, an anti-Voldemort organization, was founded by Dumbledore. It was he who injected soul into the Order and set the tone.Even though Dumbledore is gone now, his influence still remains in the hearts of the members.

Eliminating the traces left by Dumbledore will not happen overnight, and there is no need to rush.

Before that, the style of the Order of the Phoenix would be contrary to Ada's, and it would be unsightly to force them together. Ada didn't want to be a dictator or a loner.

A forced melon is not sweet, and it may not quench thirst. It is better to use cooperation to influence members subtly, moistening things silently like spring rain.

The Order's meeting continued, with members acquiescing to Moody's leadership.

Alastor Moody is a member of the first generation of the Order of the Phoenix, and he has been fighting on the front line against darkness. His rich experience is a valuable asset to the Order of the Phoenix.

"I think we need to change the location of the headquarters." Moody said gruffly, "This place is no longer safe and may be exposed at any time. We cannot take such risks."

No. 12 Grimmauld Place was the house of Sirius's parents. After Dumbledore reassembled the Order of the Phoenix, Sirius donated this old house as his headquarters.Dumbledore set a Fidelity Charm to protect the place and served as the secret keeper himself.

However, after Dumbledore's death, all the people to whom Dumbledore revealed the location of Grimmauld Place became the secret keeper of No. 12 Grimmauld Place.

This means that Severus Snape is also the Secret Keeper.Moody made this suggestion to prevent Snape from leading Death Eaters to attack Grimmauld Place and wipe out everyone.

After all, Ada is the only one in the world who still believes in Snape.Fortunately, there was Ada, so Snape wouldn't be wandering alone in the dark. At least there were still people worried about his safety.

The proposal was unanimously approved by everyone. The Order of the Phoenix needs a safe headquarters to organize and coordinate everyone's actions.

But evacuating Grimmauld Place is easy, so where should they stay?Thinking of this, even Sirius stopped talking bad about Snape. He scolded Snape a few times and then became quiet.

This problem troubled the members.

"How about my parents' house?" Tonks said, "They shouldn't think of it there!"

"No, Nymphadora, absolutely not." Moody denied (Tonks said loudly: "Don't call me Nymphadora!"), "Frequent presence in your home will cause great harm to your parents. Big danger."

Ada also intervened and said: "Don't forget Bellatrix, that crazy woman wants to tear you two apart."

As she said that, Ada also pointed at Sirius.

Bellatrix was born in the Black family. She was Tonks' aunt and Sirius' cousin. This crazy woman dreamed of washing away the family's shame and killing Andromeda, Sirius, and Tonks with her own hands. Offer your loyalty to Voldemort.

Seeing that everyone rejected her proposal, Tonks pursed her lips, while Lupine beside her patted the back of her hand under the table.

Then several people proposed new locations, but they were all rejected one by one. They were either not safe enough or the place was inappropriate. The twins also mentioned their aunt Muriel's house.

"Why has no one mentioned the Burrow?" said Mr. Weasley. "It's a little small and shabby, but it's safe. Molly will welcome everyone."

The Burrow is Mr. Weasley's house. Except for the young Ron and Ginny, the Weasley family are all members of the Order of the Phoenix. This house has long been exposed to the sight of Death Eaters.

It is precisely because of this that the burrow on the outside has an extra layer of protection, making it easy to get dark under the lights.Moreover, as Mr. Weasley is the Minister of Magic, his safety will be carefully protected, and the Burrow is naturally within the protection scope of the Ministry.

Unless there was a full-scale attack by Death Eaters, or even Voldemort himself being present.But no matter where the headquarters is chosen, there is always such a risk, and the Ministry of Magic's protection of the Burrow should be able to last until reinforcements are sent.

The Burrow may not be the best answer, but the Order doesn't seem to have a better location to choose from.

"I think the Burrow is good. Firstly, it is easier for us to cooperate, and secondly, it can also play a role in protecting Arthur." Kingsley said in his subwoofer-like voice, "The Ministry of Magic must not lose the Minister again. "

Alternate Minister Amelia Bones and regular Minister Piers Thicknesse were both murdered in succession. If Mr. Weasley makes any mistakes again, the Ministry of Magic may as well surrender.

After hearing this, Ada looked down and touched her nose with embarrassment.She always felt her face burning when she talked about the Ministry of Magic losing its Minister. Thicknesse died not far from her.

"I'm not talking about you..." Kingsley realized Ada's actions and hurriedly explained. He didn't mean to ridicule the incompetence of the Ministry of Magic, but it just sounded like that.

Ada glanced at Kingsley. It was okay if she didn't explain. The more she explained, the more people felt that Kingsley was mocking her.Then, Ada received the attention of Professor McGonagall, who made her look askance at people.

"Next question, Harry's safety."

Seeing that everyone agreed to temporarily move the headquarters to the Burrow, Moody moved on to the next item of the meeting.

Lily Potter turned her love into magic to protect one-year-old Harry, and Dumbledore also strengthened this magic. However, Harry will soon be 17 years old, and the magic that protects him is about to expire.

Death Eaters will definitely spy on Privet Drive this summer. When Harry turns 17, Voldemort will definitely come in person, kill Harry without magic protection, and kill his destined enemy.

For this reason, the Order of the Phoenix must protect Harry in advance, try to drive away the Death Eaters who spy on Privet Drive, and protect Harry from Voldemort's attack after his 17th birthday.

"A 24-hour guard, like before?" Lupine suggested, "Don't let Death Eaters or Dementors get close to Harry."

Moody looked at Mr. Weasley at this time and asked: "Arthur, how many Aurors in the ministry are trustworthy? Protecting Harry is the top priority and cannot be careless at all. He is the most important person." "

There was a loud barking in the kitchen, it came from Sirius and he became extremely aggressive when it came to Harry's safety.

If there was anyone here who distrusted Aurors' abilities the least, it was probably Sirius.As a fugitive, he had been wandering around Hogwarts for more than half a year, but the Dementors and Aurors failed to find him, not even a single clue.

"I will select the people myself and try to be as foolproof as possible," Mr. Weasley said.

Mr. Weasley understands Moody's concerns. The Ministry of Magic is now severely weakened. If elite and credible Aurors are deployed, will the Ministry of Magic still be able to operate normally?

Mr. Weasley was confident about this.After taking charge of the Legal Enforcement Department for a year, Mr. Weasley has cultivated many confidants who can completely circumvent possible moles in the department, and even circumvent Scrimgeour.

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