The Emerald at Hogwarts

Chapter 624 Sleepless Night

No matter who it is, tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

The crowd gradually dispersed, and the students returned to the common room, led by their prefects.The Aurors also dispersed, either setting up sentries to defend Hogwarts, or returning to duty at the Ministry of Magic.The Aurors wished that one person could be used as two.

Dumbledore's body was taken away and placed by Hagrid, who was crying like a child who hadn't grown up yet.It was Dumbledore who kept him in school after being expelled, it was Dumbledore who made him a gamekeeper, and it was still Dumbledore who offered him a professorship.

Ada vaguely remembered the last time Hagrid was angry.At that time, Karkaroff disrespected Dumbledore very much and spat on him. The furious half-blood giant almost tore Karkaroff alive.That was the only time Ada could remember him getting angry.

The song of the phoenix suddenly came to my ears. The elegy was sad and moving, and the sadness echoed in the campus and through the windows of the castle.

Whenever Dumbledore is in need, the Phoenix appears.Now that the person who called the Phoenix is ​​gone, it's time for Fox to leave.

The crowd dispersed, and Ada also walked towards the castle.Walking up the steps and entering the foyer, the huge funnel belonging to Gryffindor was damaged, and the scattered rubies were put away by Filch, making it look empty.

A sense of right and wrong arose spontaneously, and Ada also became sentimental on this night.Shaking her head to dispel the sadness in her heart, she continued walking towards the marble stairs.

When Ada walked into the school doctor's office, Neville Longbottom was sleeping on the bed by the door. Ron, Ginny, Hermione, Luna, Tonks, Lupin and Little Angel were surrounding the innermost bed. Beside the bed, Mrs. Weasley and Fleur hugged each other and cried.

Walking over and just taking a look at the wounds on Bill's face, Ada understood.

The handsome eldest son of the Weasley family is disfigured. Although he will not turn into a werewolf, these hideous scars will accompany him for the rest of his life.

Seeing Ada approaching, Ron had a rare moment of insight and gave up his position.Fleur started to apply medicine to Bill again, her technique was clumsy but very serious.

A friend in need is a friend indeed. Unfortunately, Bill was bitten by the werewolf Greyback. Fortunately, he was not abandoned by anyone.

Mrs. Weasley turned to hug Ada and sobbed softly. Ada held her shoulders and comforted her softly.The Boggart of Grimmauld Place was a knot in Mrs. Weasley's heart. Her eldest son almost died tonight, and she couldn't stop crying.

After a while, Lupine and Sirius whispered about the future of the school, and Lupine was worried that Hogwarts would be closed.What happened tonight was far more serious than that year in the Chamber of Secrets. The headmaster of Hogwarts was murdered by his teachers in the school. It was so appalling.

"It's all Snape's fault, damn bastard!" Little Draco cursed in a low voice, "Not only did he kill James and Lily, but he also killed Dumbledore! He trusted him so much, you white-eyed wolf!"

It seems that they already know about Snape leaking the "prophecy".Little Angel and Lupine knew it, and it was impossible for Harry not to know it. He was probably the one who told them.

"You can always trust Severus Snape, no matter what he does next."

The words are still in my ears, but the speaker has passed away.Ada trusted Snape as much as Dumbledore, not because of the unbreakable oath or the care he had taken for her over the years, but because Ada saw the burden he carried.

Pulling back her scattered thoughts, Ada suddenly discovered that Tonks had been staring at Lupin.Lupine had been avoiding Tonks's gaze, using the excuse of chatting with Sirius not to respond, only occasionally taking a sneak peek.

Just like the look in someone's eyes when you want to kill someone, you can't hide the look in your eyes when you love someone. It seems that Lupine and Tonks will be giving out candy soon.Maybe the timing was a bit inappropriate, but Dumbledore wouldn't mind.

Not long after, Percy, Fred, and George, who received the news, also rushed over.The twins clenched their back molars. After learning that Greyback had died in Ada's hands, the two brothers put away their cannibalistic faces.

Percy pulled Ada aside and told her about his encounter with the Hogwarts schoolmaster when he came.In particular, the school directors seemed to have some bad intentions and were quite intent on asking for guilt.

After speaking, Percy awkwardly greeted Lupine, Sirius, and Tonks, and then sat down next to his mother without saying a word.

Ada walked out of the school doctor's office, and there was only her footsteps in the empty corridor. She wanted to see which blind bastard dared to embarrass Minerva McGonagall!

At Hogwarts, the headmaster is the administrator of the school and the deputy headmaster is the assistant.When the principal becomes incapacitated, the vice-principal will temporarily act as the principal until the school board elects a new principal.

The Hogwarts School Board is composed of 12 people. All members have a certain social status. Lucius Malfoy was once a member of the School Board. The most important power they hold is over the principal. Appointment and removal.

Walking all the way to the eighth floor and standing at the door of the room behind the stone monster, Ada could clearly hear the discussion in the office.

"We hope that Professor Dumbledore can rest in Hogwarts forever." This was the voice of Professor McGonagall. Ada was very familiar with it. She hadn't heard it for a long time.

An unfamiliar, slippery voice said: "What did the Ministry say, Mr. Weasley?"

"The Ministry has no problem with that," said Mr. Weasley. "As Professor Flitwick said, Hogwarts should be Dumbledore's final resting place."

"But... the school has existed for thousands of years," another unfamiliar voice said, he sounded a little hesitant, "There has never been a principal buried on campus. This is a bit..."

Hagrid must have been standing by the door, for his roar was ringing in Ada's ears—

"No headmaster has ever made such a great contribution to the school!" Hagrid roared, "Dumbledore is a great wizard!"

At this time, an old voice sounded in the office. He said, "I agree with Professor McGonagall and the others. Every student should remember their principal."

"But..." the annoying greasy voice said again.

"Nothing!" the old man said loudly, "He is Albus Dumbledore, and his contributions are worthy of Hogwarts!"

After a while, the tripartite meeting between the Ministry of Magic, the school board, and the professors ended.Dumbledore's grave has been designated as Hogwarts. Students will go home after attending the funeral, and school will resume as usual on September [-]st.

The door of the office was opened from the inside, and the first person to walk out was Hagrid. He was holding a large, wrinkled handkerchief in his hand, and his huge body was shaking with sadness.

Then came the three representatives of the school board, two well-dressed middle-aged men, and an old man with gray hair and a sad face.When they saw Ada, the two middle-aged men showed fear.

The three deans representing Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin also came out one after another.

Slughorn was pale and sweating. He glanced at Ada in surprise before leaving; Professor Flitwick had a large bruise on his forehead. He nodded to Ada when he left. Professor Sprout wiped away her tears and left. She seemed to want to look stronger.

The last person to leave the office was Mr. Weasley.

Mr. Weasley, who looked tired, touched the top of Ada's head like a father. His smile was the first comfort Ada received tonight.

Walking into the principal's office, the circular room is still the same, with the sorting hat and the silver utensils.It's just that... Fox's perch is empty, and there is an additional portrait of the past principals on the wall.

Professor McGonagall stood in front of the window, staring out at the grounds.

Hearing the footsteps coming from the door, Professor McGonagall turned around. Her eyes turned red instantly, and she said with a trembling voice: "Come back... just come back, just come back."

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