The Emerald at Hogwarts

Chapter 620

The representatives of the pure-blood families left the Ministry of Magic. They were not in a good mood when they left. No one would be in a good mood after being beaten.

However, even if they are in a bad mood, there is nothing they can do. The only thing these people can do is swear and curse behind their backs.They dare not blow their beards and stare in front of them.

They would not dare to be more radical, either to rise up against the Ministry of Magic, or to defect to Voldemort and cheer for the Dark Lord. They did not have the courage and courage.

Besides, following Voldemort, being greeted by the Dark Lord with the Cruciatus Curse for nothing, and life-threatening situations from time to time, who can withstand this!

The people who came to cause trouble have left, and the emergency meeting of the ministry can proceed smoothly. The content to be discussed in the meeting is nothing more than what to do in the future.The losses of the Ministry of Magic cannot be concealed. How to face the panic of the masses and stabilize the collapsed people is the biggest problem they face.

As for the selection of new ministers, it is not that important. The candidates are not just there, everyone can just go through the formalities.

In this way, everyone voted with a symbolic show of hands, and Arthur Weasley became the new Minister of Magic.Compared with the last ministerial election, it seemed very hasty.

Since becoming the Director of the Legal Enforcement Department, Arthur Weasley has shown his abilities and talents. Even if he is not someone, he can still be a good Director.

A man who can leave himself some loopholes when writing laws is not a free agent.Arthur Weasley would not have stayed in that small department for so many years if it had not been for the exclusion and suppression by certain people in power.

Ada did not stay in the conference room. She did not want to be bogged down by the lengthy meeting.The mood that was finally restored through blaming others cannot be ruined just like that.

But this time Ada did not go back to the office to be a homebody, but hung out in the department with Laura.

The broken tiles in the long corridor are back where they should be, and the black tiles are gorgeous and solemn; the broken doors and windows have also been repaired, and it is impossible to see that they were once broken.

Walking into the hall, the dark wooden floor became shiny again, and the blood and dust on the floor were cleaned away; the sparkling golden symbols returned to the peacock blue ceiling, except for the statue of the Magic Brothers that had not been repaired.

The bodies of the victims were put into coffins and neatly placed at one end of the hall according to department, with the largest number of coffins belonging to the Law Enforcement Department.Thicknesse's coffin was also there, and he was first in line.

Although Ada had no apparent identity in the ministry, and was unclear and unclear, she gave everyone great strength when she stood there.

Unknowingly, Ada also had the effect of Dumbledore, and she could also play a role in stabilizing people's hearts.

Ada walked towards the Fountain of the Magic Brothers, with only one base left. The solid gold statue was damaged during the battle, and the pieces were scattered on the ground.

The busy staff in the hall stopped what they were doing and looked at Ada who had drawn out her wand.They didn't know what Ada wanted to do, but everyone thought that what she wanted to do must be important.

Ada pointed her wand at the base of the sculpture, and saw the broken pieces of the statue flying from all directions and reuniting on the base in the fountain pool.The ironic magic brothers did not reappear in the world, but were replaced by a square monument.

After the death list is completed, Ada hopes to engrave the names of these victims on the monument, firstly to commemorate these people who have passed away, and secondly so that the living people can remember and not forget them.

As the changes to the monument were completed, people's attention also turned from Ada to the empty monument.

As if the monument had already been engraved with names, the members stared silently for a while before continuing to do their own business.

"Wise behavior." Laura said softly, "This will win you a lot of things, gratitude, respect and so on."

Ada glanced at Laura strangely, it was not like her speaking style, but Ada didn't find anything strange in her.

"Don't look at me like that, I'm not controlled by the Imperius Curse." Laura said angrily, "Have you noticed that some of your subconscious behaviors are getting closer and closer to that of a leader?"

Ada shook her head, she had never felt this way.

Ada has always believed that she is not a qualified chess player.Compared with pure gains and losses, she has too many personal feelings mixed in, and she is not calm and rational enough in dealing with others.

Looking at the monument that had just been erected in front of her, Ada didn't know why she did this, but it was definitely not out of gratitude.She just felt that someone should commemorate them and commemorate those who died for this war.

"Go back, I'm a little tired." Ada said, "I want to have a good rest. There are more things waiting for me tomorrow."

After that, the two of them walked to the elevator together and returned to Ada's office through the elevator.Just as they entered the office, before the two of them could sit down, there was a rapid knock on the door.

The knock on the door was like a reminder, giving Ada a bad premonition.

Opening the door, it was Cedric Diggory. He should have been in the conference room, but now he appeared here with a flustered face and shortness of breath.

"It's bad... Ada... Hogwarts... Dumbledore... something happened!" Cedric gasped, unable to speak clearly, but fortunately he got all the important points out.

It turns out that Voldemort's plan is not to attack the east and the west, but to attack both sides.

A sneak attack on the Ministry of Magic was carried out first, resulting in the death of Minister Thicknesse and a large number of casualties among the staff (especially Aurors and strikers), leaving the Ministry unable to take care of Hogwarts.Then take advantage of this rare opportunity to attack the isolated and helpless Hogwarts.

It's not a clever technique, but it works.Voldemort and his henchmen have the ability to fight on two fronts. Voldemort does not care about the casualties of his men, as long as they can achieve their own goals.

"The Auror stationed in Hogsmeade has sent the news, and the school has just reported the matter." Cedric's breathing became evener, and he spoke more fluently, "Mr. Weasley is dispatching Aurors, and he himself I will rush there as soon as possible..."

Ada did not listen to Cedric's continued report, but grabbed the robe that Laura handed him and hurried towards the fireplace in the office.The fireplace has been lit by Laura, and the flame has turned emerald green.

Stepping into the fireplace, Ada read clearly: "Twilight cabin!"

In order to prevent possible problems at Hogwarts, Ada connected the fireplace of the Twilight Cabin to the Floo Network, but the Floo Network Administration did not know where the Twilight Cabin was.

Emerald green flames swirled up, and Ada disappeared from the office in an instant.

Although she was anxious, Ada didn't want to be like Violet, showing up at someone else's house because she didn't have the right destination in mind.

Ada whirled in the fireplace, a series of doors flashing vaguely before her eyes.When she stepped out of the fireplace again, she appeared in the dark Twilight Room.

Without making any pause, Ada immediately walked towards the secret passage of the cabin and rushed to Hogwarts through the secret passage.

The velvet night sky was dotted with stars, but Ada, who was standing next to the Whomping Willow, had no intention of admiring it because the Dark Mark was hanging over the school: the dazzling green skeleton with a snake-like tongue sticking out of its mouth.

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