The Emerald at Hogwarts

Chapter 613: The storm is coming

Generally speaking, a wand has feelings and a certain degree of loyalty to the owner it chooses.

Even if the wand's owner is defeated (or struck by a disarming spell) in a duel or war, the wand will not immediately abandon its owner and will continue to provide services to the owner.Unless the wand is forcibly taken away or damaged.

The Elder Wand doesn't do that at all. It has no emotions, and loyalty is a joke to it. It only follows power.Calm and cruel, like a killing machine, the Elder Wand only serves the stronger.

Wizards are prepared to murder or be killed in order to obtain the Elder Wand. Its power makes killing almost inevitable."Safe" changes like Dumbledore's and Ada's have rarely happened since Antioch.

In the duel over the ownership of the Elder Wand, Ada won disgracefully. Whether it was the water prison or the Obscurus, she was suppressed by Dumbledore.But because of her final successful disarm, Ada became the winner and won the favor of the Elder Wand.

In any case, Ada is now the master of the Elder Wand.

When she held the Elder Wand in both hands, she could feel the terrifying power contained in the Deathly Hallows, a power that had been passed down for nearly a thousand years.

Putting Mommy's Elder Wand back on the table, Ada closed her eyes. She was wondering why Dumbledore did this and why he continued the duel after already winning.

It is not difficult to guess the purpose of Dumbledore's duel. It is nothing more than two-handed preparation.

If she wins, Ada returns to school to protect Hogwarts without Dumbledore in the future; if she loses, she hands over the Elder Wand to prevent this powerful weapon from falling into the hands of Voldemort.

Gregorovitch had already been kidnapped by Voldemort, and he might have figured out the whereabouts of the Elder Wand.Voldemort, who pursued power and immortality, found it hard not to be attracted to the Elder Wand.

Her white and slender fingers tapped on the table unconsciously, and Ada suddenly laughed, a laughter as clear as wind chimes that sounded in the large office.

Linking Dumbledore's actions over the past year, Ada has glimpsed part of the Headmaster's plan.

It is foreseeable that once Dumbledore passes away, the lack of high-end combat power will put the Order of the Phoenix into a comprehensive passive position.If they want to continue to resist Voldemort, they can only rely on Harry Potter, the anti-power treasure.

But Harry is only a sixth-grade student after all. His strength is considered to be the best among the students, but that is only within the scope of the school.If it weren't for the protagonist's halo, it would be almost time to celebrate Harry's anniversary.

If Voldemort suddenly wakes up and no longer is obsessed with Harry Potter personally, but takes advantage of Dumbledore's death to wipe out the Order of the Phoenix, will the helpless Harry still become the savior?

When everyone adds fuel to the fire, without the help of everyone in the Order of the Phoenix, it is almost impossible for Harry to defeat Voldemort alone.

To put it bluntly, a few powerful Death Eaters were enough to crush Harry to ashes, and Voldemort didn't even need to do it himself.

In order to ensure the safety of everyone in the Order of the Phoenix, and to make full use of Harry's role in the Treasure Phantasm, Dumbledore included Ada in the plan, hoping that she could return to the Order of the Phoenix instead of continuing to sit in the Ministry of Magic.

Far water cannot quench the near thirst, and the Ministry of Magic cannot surround the Order of the Phoenix all day long.

If this is Dumbledore's plan, then winning the duel and getting Ada back is the most important thing for him at the moment.

In fact, Dumbledore did win the first stage of the duel, and his plan could be implemented smoothly.But he allowed the duel to continue, eventually losing the Elder Wand.

What made Dumbledore suddenly abandon his original plan?Make Dumbledore feel that Ada does not have to return to the Order of the Phoenix as promised?

Ada also thought of this answer, so she smiled.

The reason why Ada was not allowed to return to the Order of the Phoenix as promised was because Dumbledore did not want to force her, but wanted her to make her own choice.If Ada chooses to return, it is her own decision, not Dumbledore's decision for her.

There seems to be no difference between being forced to fulfill a bet and voluntarily protecting the Order of the Phoenix, but in fact it is a world of difference.This may be Dumbledore's unique kindness to Ada. He left the decision-making power in Ada's own hands.

From this point of view, Harry, the son of prophecy, was surpassed by Ada, because Harry was clearly arranged from beginning to end.

Thinking of this, there is no need to continue thinking about it.Whether to leave everything behind and return to the Order of the Phoenix, or to stay in the Ministry of Magic regardless of Dumbledore's favor, is not a decision that can be made immediately. Ada still needs to think about it carefully.

It would be best to come up with a balanced solution that can fulfill the agreement with Dumbledore while also acting according to one's own wishes.

Ada opened the drawer of her desk and took out a letter. It was Ginny's letter.Ada is one of the "eyes" installed at Hogwarts.

Ginny is now a grown-up girl, no longer the little girl who follows her mother, waiting to be fed.

She is now the recognized beauty of Gryffindor, a guest of Slughorn, and the dream girl of some boys.

After all, the passionate, lively and frank beautiful girl is hard to resist for young people who are just starting to fall in love.Compared with Ada's poor relationship history, Ginny can be regarded as a master of love.

But Ada knew that there was only one person in the little girl's heart from beginning to end, and that was the Hogwarts beauty stamping machine - Harry Potter.

In the letter, Ginny talked about some recent events in the school.For example, the school has been very peaceful recently, and no one has been hospitalized for no reason; Hagrid's pet Aragog died, and Harry and Slughorn went to express condolences together; Katie Bell is finally back, and the annoying Michaela Gen also got out of the hospital team, training finally returned to normal, and so on.

Of course, there are also some personal matters, such as Ron's breakup with Lavender Brown, and Ginny's breakup with Dean Thomas.

Wait, isn't Ginny's boyfriend Michael Corner from Ravenclaw? They were seen by their brothers when they were dating. When was Dean Thomas?Could it be that I missed something!

This is what the melon eaters at Hogwarts think of.

At the end of the letter, Ginny generously admitted that she was now Harry's girlfriend, and her dream came true!Although this was just a letter, Ada could imagine Ginny's proud and happy expression when she wrote this sentence.

Putting down Ginny's letter, Ada also put away the aunty smile on her face.

Based on the recent news about Hogwarts, Ada smelled a conspiracy.Voldemort and the Death Eaters must be doing something big recently, so they are keeping such a low profile.

Since the beginning of June, the Death Eaters have been on a collective heat vacation.Not only was there nothing going on at Hogwarts, but even the Ministry of Magic had a lot of leisure time.

If it weren't for the occasional dementors causing trouble, people would have almost forgotten that there are still a group of dark wizards on the loose!

It would be a bit hasty to conclude that the Death Eaters had a conspiracy just because the Death Eaters did not cause any damage. But if you add in the assassination plan that has not made any progress, Ada's suspicion becomes very reasonable.

The 96-97 school year at Hogwarts is coming to an end, and the plan to assassinate Dumbledore has been delayed for too long.According to Voldemort's past behavior style, he will not let Theodore Nott passively slow down his work. He will definitely force poor Nott to take action as soon as possible.

In other words, Voldemort's big move should be aimed at Hogwarts and Albus Dumbledore, and Snape must also fulfill his oath.

Ada stood up and looked out the window.Sending Aurors to Hogwarts at this time will definitely be fruitful, and the empty cells in Azkaban can be partially filled again.

It's just that Ada is still a little hesitant. She is hesitating whether she should go there too. She never likes to leave.

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