The Emerald at Hogwarts

Chapter 610, Unstable Obscurus

Play off.

In this gambling fight, both Dumbledore and Ada failed.

Before the duel began, Ada thought that she could escape even if she was defeated, so she was a little less cautious during the battle.It was this undesirable change in mentality that affected Ada's judgment, which put her in danger and was caught by Dumbledore.

If Ada was willing to surrender to Dumbledore, it would not trigger Obscurus, but she was a stubborn person, so she went to the extreme to allow this power to take advantage of her.

Dumbledore knew about Obscurus, but he didn't expect that this power did not disappear and still remained in Ada.

For Obscurus, Dumbledore once visited Newt Scamander.But he didn't know the biggest secret about Ada. His discussion with Newt lacked the most important premise, and the result was naturally wrong.

The duel was proposed by Dumbledore, and it was originally planned by him, but it was just because Ada's arrival was brought forward some time.And today's result will also affect his next plan.

If Dumbledore wins, Hogwarts (Order of the Phoenix) will welcome Ada back, and she will take over Dumbledore's position in the future, staying away from secular (Ministry of Magic) power and not being bewitched by power. .

The Elder Wand will follow Dumbledore to death, ending its bloody history, and will be buried underground from now on.

If Dumbledore loses and the Elder Wand changes hands, Ada with the blessing of the Deathly Hallows will be stronger and have a better chance of winning against Voldemort.

In addition, the Elder Wand also avoided the fate of being buried, and might be able to trick Voldemort, getting the best of both worlds.

No matter today's result is victory or defeat, Dumbledore can accept it calmly.To this day, Dumbledore still chooses to believe in Ada, believing that she has love in her heart and a desire for light.

A person who has been hurt by love tells everyone that love is the greatest magic.

Things developed in an orderly manner according to Dumbledore's plan, but the sudden Obscurus disrupted all his arrangements.No matter what this plan is, it must be temporarily stopped to make way for Obscurus.

When the Obscurus loses control, the power of the Obscurus is unleashed.The size and power of the Obscurus depend on the power of the host. The more powerful the Obscurus is, the more powerful the Obscurus is.

If Ada is left alone, Hogwarts in the distance will suffer disaster.

At this time, Obscurus had completed its occupation of Ada, and was floating in the air like a dark cloud. It was dark outside, but bright as blood red inside, and something shiny like eyes was facing Dumbledore. profitable.

Without hesitation, Dumbledore immediately raised his wand.

This is not done to attack, but to prop up a barrier to prevent Obscurus from leaving this place and causing greater damage.The huge barrier built by the magic power was like a bowl that was upside down between the mountains and rivers, isolating the world and leaving Obscura with nowhere to go.

After releasing such a large-scale magic, Dumbledore's face immediately turned pale, but he had no time to rest or adjust, because Obscurus was already rushing towards him!

Typically, the Obscurus will target anyone who has caused harm to its host.Dumbledore had just imprisoned Ada in a water prison and let her drown. Of course Obscurus's primary target was him.

Dumbledore clenched his wand with both hands and pointed it at the larger Obscurus. The golden-red flames appeared again, forming a solid shield in front of him.

Silently slammed into the shield, and the golden-red shield made a loud sound - this deafening sound was shocking.

One collision was not the end. The dark power of Obscurus seemed to have found an outlet, crashing into Dumbledore one after another. The golden-red shield kept shaking, and the terrifying sound waves kept echoing in the valley.

"Ada! Esmeralda Drizzt!" Dumbledore shouted Ada's name, trying to wake her up, "Calm down, you can defeat it, you can control it!"

Dumbledore's loud shouting had no effect. The Obscurus ignored it and continued to wreak havoc in front of him.

The impact of Obscurus became stronger and stronger every time, and the golden-red flame shield, which was already crumbling, was about to lose its support.When faced with another impact, the shield shattered, and the terrifying power of Obscurus fell suddenly, shaking the ground again.

Dumbledore hurriedly disapparated to avoid being crushed to pieces by the terrifying force.But before he could stand firm after appearing, Obscurus turned into a gust of black wind and chased after him, so he had to apparate away again.

The black wind swept up everything around it, chasing after Dumbledore.

In order to prevent Obscurus from spreading to more places, the barrier Dumbledore cast was not very large, and he was forced to be very embarrassed as he was helpless.At this moment, the heart-warming singing of the phoenix came from the horizon, Fox is here!

It is said that whenever Dumbledore is in need, a phoenix will appear and answer the call!

Along with a blaze of fire, the phoenix Fawkes passed through the barrier and spread its wings in front of Dumbledore. The fire was bright and warm, and Obscurus was stagnated by it.

Taking this opportunity, Dumbledore disapparated again and appeared behind Obscurus.

A thin and long flame burst out from the tip of the Elder Wand, binding Obscurus in the next second. Fox also hovered near Obscurus, and the crisis situation was temporarily alleviated.

Dumbledore turned on the therapy mode again, and with the chirping of the phoenix, he shouted loudly: "Ada! Think of those who love you, you are never alone!"

Then, a string of names came out of Dumbledore's mouth, including Vader, McGonagall, the Weasleys, the twins, and even Snape, including himself of course.

Every time a name was spoken loudly, Obscurus would roar. The roar was mixed with pain and anger, as if he had been whipped with a whip dipped in cold water and with barbs.

The Obscurus in the sky roared and rolled. Sometimes it expanded violently to break through the shackles of the flames, and sometimes it compressed violently to escape.

But how could Dumbledore watch? The flames from the tip of the wand kept getting thicker, like a huge and warm lasso, or like a woven fishing net, surrounding Obscurus.

With the appearance of one name after another, and the touching song of Phoenix, the thick black clouds are slowly fading.It was originally as rich as ink that could not be melted, but now it gradually turned into gray, and the bright red core like blood also became dim.

The most important thing was that Ada's face appeared in the darkness. Although her face was hideous and terrifying, her bright eyes were slowly opening.On the long road of life, Ada will never walk alone.

Ada the Obscurus slowly calmed down, but the Obscurus was unwilling to let it end. It took advantage of its last chance to regroup its strength.The dimmed fluid condensed into a small ball, which looked only as big as a bludger.

Suddenly, Moran exploded violently, and the terrifying energy slanted out. In just a moment, it broke through the shackles of the golden-red flames and blasted open the barrier covering the mountains and rivers.

Dumbledore was knocked to the ground by the backward air current. The phoenix Fawkes gave a loud cry and quickly flew to his side to protect him.

Without the restraint of the White Devil, Mo Ran did not escape. The black fluid slowly fell and condensed into a human form.

The black and gray color faded away bit by bit, gradually revealing Ada's face as pale as paper.Obscurus' power collapsed and dissipated, and a black smoke rose around Ada.

When the smoke cleared, Ada's eyes were open, and her green eyes were as bright as ever.

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