Three days had passed since Ian Maverick's initial registration at the Eclipse Association (EA). The anticipation weighed heavily on him, and each passing hour felt like an eternity.
Finally, an email notification broke the monotony, informing him of his re-examination date. The message detailed the schedule, location, and what to expect during the assessment.
On the appointed day, Ian arrived at the EA's assessment center, a state-of-the-art facility buzzing with activity. Aspiring Eclipses filled the waiting area, their faces reflecting a mix of anxiety and determination.
Among them, Ian couldn't help but notice a young man exuding an air of confidence, surrounded by a small entourage. Whispers identified him as a scion of the prestigious Legacy family, known for producing elite Eclipses for generations.
The assessment began with a series of physical and mental evaluations designed to gauge an individual's baseline capabilities. Participants were subjected to endurance tests, reflex assessments, and cognitive challenges. Ian performed steadily, his prior training evident in his results.
Following the preliminary tests, candidates were ushered into individual chambers to demonstrate their unique Gifts. Each room was equipped with various apparatuses to facilitate the display of abilities.
While waiting for his turn, Ian overheard a conversation between two examiners discussing a recent candidate.
"Did you see that? He couldn't even manifest his Gift properly," one remarked.
"Yes," the other replied, shaking his head. "Unfortunately, he'll receive the lowest rank. Not everyone is cut out for this."
The weight of their words settled heavily on Ian. The possibility of failure loomed large, but he steeled himself, focusing on the task ahead.
As he approached the demonstration chamber, the door to an adjacent room opened, and the Legacy heir emerged, a smug expression on his face. A recruiter from a prominent guild immediately approached him, extending an invitation to join their ranks.
Before Ian could enter his assigned room, a fellow examinee sneered at him.
"Good luck with that non-combat Gift of yours," the individual jeered. "Maybe you can fix broken toys."
Suppressing his irritation, Ian stepped into the chamber, determined to prove his worth.
Inside, an examiner greeted him, gesturing toward a table laden with damaged equipment.
"Mr. Maverick, please demonstrate your Gift," she instructed.
Ian nodded, selecting a rusted sword with a chipped blade. Closing his eyes, he concentrated, channeling his energy into the weapon. His arm's imprint glowed softly as the sword began to transform. The rust dissipated, the blade's edge sharpened, and within moments, it was restored to pristine condition.
The examiner's eyebrows rose in surprise. "Impressive. Can you restore multiple items simultaneously?"
Accepting the challenge, Ian placed his hands over two fractured daggers. Focusing intently, he visualized their original forms. The daggers responded, pieces aligning and fusing seamlessly until both were whole again.
"Remarkable control and efficiency," the examiner noted, making annotations on her tablet.
Last but not least was the essence of the eclipse test using the crystal. In this test, the crystal generates a stable glow with a faint visible aura.
This scene leaves a subtle excited face on the examiner. But since this was the first time for Ian, he did not expect something grand from the reaction.
Exiting the chamber, Ian felt a mix of relief and uncertainty. The mocking examinee from earlier stood nearby, eyes wide with astonishment.
"How... how did you do that?" he stammered.
Ian offered a faint smile. "Looks like fixing broken toys has its perks."
As he made his way to the exit, a recruiter approached him, extending a business card.
"Mr. Maverick, we'd be interested in discussing potential opportunities with you. Your Gift is quite unique."
Pocketing the card, Ian nodded. "Thank you. I'll consider it."
Leaving the assessment center, Ian felt a renewed sense of purpose. The journey ahead remained uncertain, but he was resolute in his commitment to carve his own path as an Eclipse.