The Demented hero of Reincarnation -(Damn Reincarnation)

Chapter 44: Chapter- 43 The Whimsical Chronicles Ø


omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, and eternal.

Such false and naive titles are labeled by those of the current age as the thing called god. Many such gods are worshiped by humans, each believing in their variations of the thing called God. but whilst each person holds their belief none are as prominent as the God of light. 

The Holy Empire Yuras is a domain where the majority of believers of this god reside. 

A Hero

Someone be it male or female who is admired for their courage, selflessness, and noble qualities, a person who is willing to take risks or make sacrifices to help others to slay a demon king. And most importantly, they are chosen by the Holy sword, Altair. 

A relic that is said to be created by the same god worshiped by the Holy Empire Yuras.


Edwards' gaze remained steady as he observed the entity before him. It appeared to be a young male in his twenties, dressed in a flowing blue robe. In his grasp was a long, irregularly shaped staff topped with a bright stone that emitted an ethereal purple glow.

Despite the distance between them, both beings stared intently at each other.


The large cathedral at the center of the territory suddenly emitted a loud sound from its front.

Turning his gaze from the entity, Edward directed his attention to the cathedral's entrance with a knowing expression. 

"It seems I've been welcomed," Edward said, softening his expression into a grimace.

'I don't know whom that may be, but I hope I can just retrieve that bloody damn book and return'

A selfish goal but a goal nevertheless.

During his battle, Edward had attempted several times to enter the cathedral, but each attempt was a fruitless endeavor. The same golden barrier that shielded the territory kept the cathedral protected as a separate unit.

Now, however, the once-impassable doors had fallen. They melted away and transformed into a vast, grandiose golden staircase leading directly to Edward.

Despite his straight posture, Edward's body was in terrible condition. His already damaged body had deteriorated further during the battle. He had internal bleeding, mussels and bones alike had shattered or ripped. His left arm was nearly severed, after being nearly amputated by an unanticipated sword slash, and his right eye was crushed. 

Edward was only able to stand thanks to his body's large pool of mana and his exceptional ability to manipulate it. Each of his movements was supported by thin fibers of mana, which were intricately woven into the shape of muscle tissues, giving him the assistance he needed to move.

So in a few words, Edward's body was in a pretty bad state. 

Hiding his pain with an indifferent expression, Edward started his departure up the golden staircase. Using Azphel as a support, Edward's elevation up the stairs proved swiffer.

Time however long seemed to lose meaning walking up those stairs. The pain that coursed through his body was most definitely not the problem, that would be improbable of course. No, rather it was his mind. 

'Odd,' Edward's mental resistance was as firm as Fort Knox. Yet it still felt this way? His mind was foggy, and his thoughts came at a sluggish pace. Soon, Edward's perception in his remaining eye started to grow darker.

"It seems to be another test?" Edward spoke beguiled, rolling his eyes. Edward continued his ascent up the stairs. 

Finally, after what seemed to be a long time, Edward had passed through the second golden barrier. 


Feeling the same sensation as the last Edward opens his eyes


I've been deceived. 

The view of the cathedral beyond the golden barrier was absolutely rubbish. 

How annoying." Controlling the little anger within him, Edward just stared at the scene before him. 

The expansive landscape before him amounted to nothing more than scattered rubble. The grand cathedral, which looked impressive from the outside, was reduced to mere ruins. 

While there was a cathedral here, that was where the similarities ended. Compared to the intricately crafted exterior seen from afar, the cathedral's irregular shape had long succumbed to decay due to neglect. The once majestic spires, which appeared to reach for the sky, now leaned at sharp angles, waiting for their eventual collapse.

Walking around the ruins for several hours Edward had two goals within his mind, the first was to scout for any irregularities within the rubble, and the second was to find the book. Digging through a pile of rotten wood Edward found several books bounded by magical inscriptions nodding his head. Edward threw them into the pile of other objects he scourged from the ruin. Edward found many such objects, magical tools that held little purpose other than to impress a person's abilities to others, piles of gold, more piles of gold, and did I say piles of gold because those bastards seemed to have an obsession with the metal.

"I understand the appeal of gold, but is this much truly necessary?" Edward asked genuinely confused 

After finding a loose piece of frayed cloth, he fashioned a tourniquet to support his injured left arm. 

As he navigated the narrow paths through the rubble, Edward continuously unearthed items, placing them into a small rucksack.

The process of natural healing within his body had hastened thanks to his Frost Flame Formula combined with his Spiritual core and physique. With these, his body was provided with the necessary conditions to heal. His body's mana was forcibly weaving the mussel tissues together while sending hormones to his control center to alert them of the stimulus. His nerve endings within his nearly severed arm were beginning to reattach, a feat that normally would be considered impossible. The bones within his body which would place any doctor in disarray had further strengthened to that comparable to steel. His eye was a lost cause. 


Electricity went out in my neighborhood again.


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