The Black Scepter

v2 Chapter 6 - Dark Scepter

One more today, after drinking too much yesterday, my head still hurts today. . .

Murphy was surprised to see more and more people around him. Many dirty slaves joined the team with rusty scimitars, and then several surviving free men also approached this growing number of people. “Army”, when the iron gate opened, there were nearly fifty people in the surroundings-this is absolutely huge for the competition in the arena.

Stepping out, Murphy did not walk in the front as he did for the first time, but leaned towards the back-he rushed to the front during the battle with the Cyclops because he had a certain degree after seeing the image of the Cyclops Judging and grasping, and not seeing the enemy at this time, he would never dare to take it lightly, because through this situation it is possible to judge the strength of the enemy.

It is definitely not good to be able to use fifty people to deal with it.

The arena is no longer so empty due to the influx of a large group of people, but the iron gate across from it has not been opened for a long time. Just as everyone became lax from the alert, the squeaking noise sounded, allowing people to Look away.

The central position of the arena slowly sinks into a cavity, and then rises up, is an almost completely closed iron cage.

It looks like a square coffin, where the metal rivets are welded and there are traces of curing oil. It can be seen that it is often a cage that is taken care of by the guards.

what is this?

Murphy narrowed his eyes, but took a few steps back again—he smelled a dangerous breath, like a seemingly harmless trap in the jungle.

Probably one step forward at this moment is the abyss.

After the silence, there was no movement in the iron cage, but the top of the arena suddenly flew a small object and fell on the other side of the crowd.

It was a bell. When it hit the ground, it rang a few times, so that everyone did not understand what it meant.

“The one who lives with the bell to the end is the only winner!”

The cruel rules were announced by Fabre, the head of the arena in a gorgeous costume.


The cage in the middle of the field opened.

But at the next moment, the creatures that stepped out made everyone stunned for a while without feeling their heads.

A cat with gray and black markings.

It is the most common pet cat, and it looks very cute. It has a pair of black eyes and two ears that are slightly folded. It looks like a precious pet raised in the house of the lady. The tail is raised. The proud look is very lifelike. The kitten opened his mouth and yawned, looking at dozens of strong humans like an enemy, but crawled lazily and took a nap.

This situation made the nobles behind the window silent—what is this? Is it funny?

The slaves at the edge of the line suddenly took their steps and rushed towards the bell that Fabre threw on the ground-his purpose was obvious, and under his leadership, the rest of them started running towards the bell!

Fighting and obstacles began to appear.

Obviously, the cat in their eyes is not a dangerous enemy. Under the premise of the bell, the enemy is all around.

In the end, only a few people did not move. Murphy looked at the dozens of people who were about to start a **** fight, but their wands and daggers were drawn out, and their eyes did not dare to leave the cat. .

It is too quiet, quiet and not like normal cats, from breath to habits are completely two different things-the leopard or tiger in the jungle will not face dozens of strangers and can sleep safely in front of their eyes, more You don’t need to mention a common little cat.

Creatures with a strong sense of territory usually go to two extremes. One is to constantly patrol the territory and find that an intruder immediately pulls out to kill. The other is to stay in his nest and take a nap when he notices that there is a distance. When you are too close, rush out with a thunder strike!

The former will retreat when encountering the stronger Warcraft, while the latter is basically the guy at the top of the food chain.

Finally, the first guy who touched the bell rang it because of the constant scramble from behind.

Because the fingers clenched, the bell sound was not clear, but at this moment, the cat with its tail curled up suddenly opened its eyes…

It raised its head and looked at the group of guys fighting for bells, and meowed twice, with sharp teeth and extremely small pockets, and the hair on and off the body slightly started, but this gesture simply attracted the attention of anyone.

Someone started to kill someone by drawing a knife to **** the bell.

The **** smell permeated, and the ugly side that revealed humanity for survival was displayed in front of the nobles with strong fun. The morbid pleasure spread throughout the audience, but no one noticed that the cat who seemed to be annoyed by the voice was walking slowly Walked slowly towards the group of people.

Ten meters.

This cat, who has not drawn too much attention from start to finish, was completely annoyed by the constantly ringing bells.

It opened its not big mouth, but it no longer emits a soft cat meow.


A roar loud enough to deaf the eardrum made the glass of the entire arena tremble!

Rao is Morpheus who has been paying attention to this weird cat, and he was shocked at this moment!

The next scene is even more incredible-the tiny black-grey striped cat with no calf height jumped up. It seemed to be just a mouse attack but it became a human attack because of its instantaneous expansion of the body!

The figure soared and the light flashed. When its body landed again, the huge claws had directly pressed the two guys who had no time to dodge into meat sauce!


The fur is dark, but the leopard-like body with seven tails with bone spurs has reached more than ten meters! The big mouth of the blood basin is full of dagger-like sharp teeth, and just “click” to bite off life in just one bite!

Splashing blood!

The people who fought for the bell turned their heads, but found themselves in front of a terrifying Warcraft that is more deterrent than the Cyclops-the huge head is as streamlined and aggressive as a feline, and the eyes are deep. Incomparably dark, with a dark breath all over the body and seven tails of bone spurs that look scary enough. This kind of horrible creature from the endless hell. One face is enough to scare the courage!

With a sharp claw, the broken human body shredded like a paper paste. This kind of creature with no one’s name suddenly jumped forward. It actually crossed the distance of more than twenty meters and held it in his hand. The guy with the bell and the lives next to him were crushed into meat sauce!

The seven tails pierced their backs as if they had grown their eyes, and they instantly penetrated the chests of seven people!

And this is not over yet. The guys who were swept by its tail flew out one by one. Several people, even if they were gently scraped down to cause minor wounds, spit blood and die in the next few seconds. On the ground!

Very toxic, almost deadly in a few seconds.

This terrifying World of Warcraft is completely unscrupulous, and it is crazy to kill more than fifteen people in an instant, and there is a posture to slaughter the audience in the next tens of seconds!

Murphy really couldn’t rush up and copy the guy’s knife as he did this time. Nearly perfect body proportions, perfect explosive power, terrible lethality, and that keen intuition, the brutality of this Warcraft is better than the cyclops. I don’t know how many grades to be higher!

If there is a large-scale long-range unit shooting, it may still cause some damage, but a group of slaves with an average level of IX and a rusty scimitar can’t stop such a terrible guy who may be at level I!

The killing continued, but Murphy stood a few tens of meters away and looked at this guy as the autumn wind swept the leaves and rolled up red blood in the crowd, without any movement.

Someone started to escape, but quickly became its prey. A longitudinal swoop almost covered a range of more than ten meters. When it landed, it was almost silent. It was simply the perfect killing machine!

The beast raised his head and met Murphy’s eyes.

The dark eyes narrowed suddenly.

Murphy, who stood in place from beginning to end, did not run away, nor stepped forward. The wand in his hand was slightly lowered, and he sniffed the breath of the giant beast in front of his eyes. Com closed his eyes slightly, but slowly stretched his hand towards his back.

This behavior seemed to be forced out of the control of Murphy’s brain. When the five fingers clenched the scepter of Sulfuras he had never touched again, a breath of horror suddenly spread. Come.

The behemoth, who was originally hesitant to look at Murphy’s eyes, stepped back a few steps instantly, and then… the body was low, and his head was lowered towards Murphys.

Even the seven murderous tails hung low on the ground, as if bowing to the only monarch in darkness.

The scepter in his hand was still wrapped in a layer of burlap, but he had made this beast that killed 20 people looked down like slavery. Murphys eyes flashed slightly, and then pointed at the flesh with his hand. Blurred ground.

The beast immediately turned around and trot away in silent steps. The body gradually shrunk in the process, and finally became the image of the cute pet that he had just seen. It rummaged through a piece of **** corpse fragments. Gently bitten something, and then walked back to Murphys in elegant small steps, slacking.

The bell fell gently.

Murphy lowered his head and picked it up, and the cat rubbed Murphy’s trousers on his own. He squatted quietly after a few meows, just like an obedient pet beside his master.

The arena is quiet like a cemetery at the moment.

Everything changed so fast that no one dared to **** the bells in Murphy’s hands, and when the young man who broke out of the upset for the second time today, gently raised the bells in his hands to show Fabre at the top of the arena The expression of the person in charge of the arena in the distance is extremely embarrassing.

“Dark Scepter…is that true?”

Murphy looked down at the obedient cat and asked himself in a voice that no one could hear.

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