The Black Scepter

v2 Chapter 55 - Strategic partner and close bedmate

The female status of the Fording Empire has always been a wonderful flower on the mainland. From a certain perspective, the status of women in the Fording Empire is awkward-stronger than goods and lower than people.

The “creed” organization that Murphy had met before was responsible for Irindal. From the beginning, he played a lady from the Fording Empire. This identity is bluntly because her husband has no abilities to spare. Eventually it leads to loneliness and patience to go to other countries or territories as a model for fun.

However, in the homeland of the Fording Empire, as the “Knight System” evolves in respect of women, and it is also a place for romantic knights, so in recent years, respect for ladies has become a trend, so that a certain In some cases, they will receive the same status treatment as the lord.

Christina is a famous widow on the border of the Fording Empire. After being killed by a barbarian grizzly while hunting for her husband, she inherited all his legacy. The mad beauty and figure, so the widow’s manor is never short of Fording nobles and knights who want to see Fang Rong.

Three vineyards, two small towns, and fertile territories that are almost out of sight. The widow expanded her property by several times after her husband’s death. Of course, no one knew how many people climbed. Passing her big bed.

It’s just that this year’s well-known widow is about to usher in the peak of her “career”. Earl Watley “encountered” this beautiful woman who was also on a safari in a hunt. Lord Earl will naturally not refuse a woman’s initiative to give her favors. It is not difficult to imagine what happened next. Under the carefully arranged script arrangement, the Earl became the noblest nobleman on her big bed in history.

Later, from time to time, the Earl Earl who had “hunted” in the widow’s territory would bring some small gifts, perhaps the right to mine an iron ore, or the monopoly of a business line, in return, this The widow will use her unprecedented “technology” to surprise Lord Earl again and again.

It’s just that Christina has rarely seen the Earl of Watley recently. Did the lord, whose territory is more than seven times larger than herself, find another new one?

She doesn’t care, as long as she has more and more benefits-more fine wine and jewelry, more gold coins and slaves, but all these are fake.

Standing on the huge balcony on the third floor, the afterglow of the sunset allowed this wealthy “female lord” to overlook his vast territory, but Christina was in a trance with a glass of house-brewed wine in her hand… seemed to see the sky There is a shadow getting closer and closer.


The exquisite goblet fell to the ground, and the mellow red wine splashed soaked the precious carpets in the Far East.

It was too late to scream, but there was no such lady on the balcony.


Earl Watley was in a bad mood recently.

The annihilation of the mercenary army not only means that the tens of thousands of gold coins they paid for were floated, because the Casker mercenary corps was an important strategic resource in the territory of the old neighbor Count Tabris, which was allegedly obtained by the tower Earl Briss’s strong support, otherwise those high-level magician puppet masters can not be afforded by ordinary mercenary regiments. For this reason, Earl Watley has to prepare a special gift to appease the strategic partnership. Earl Tabris.

One by one, with the previous ransom used to redeem his son Huon, Earl Watley can be said to have lost more than 100,000 gold coins at once.

This sullenness could not be solved by the news of the completion of the Byzantine army. The depressed count recently even forgot to go “hunting” in the land of Mrs. Christina, speaking of his other lovers and the widow. It’s not a little bit short of Kung Fu, it’s not a little bit. His heart was full of heat. He sat in Earl’s Court for a long time now, and finally decided to relax.

It’s just that he didn’t have time to let the next person arrange all this, and an unexpected news came to him: Christina is missing!

As a mistress, Christina’s bed service made the count extremely satisfied, but this is not the reason why the count valued her. The rare metal resources and the wealth in the territory of the widow are his more important things-women like clothes For this kind of old aristocracy, it is possible to live without a woman, but it is not the case with a suitable and powerful strategic partner.

“Give me a closer look, I want to see who is so bold!”

Earl of Watley, who had always had a good temper, was completely angered by the unlucky things one after another.


“From here to Feilengcui Town, 271 kilometers, to the Byzantine Logistics Scout Camp, 287 kilometers.”

The conversation between Murphys and Compton was always simple and abnormal. Looking at the map, Murphy reached out and threw two more firewood into the campfire in front of him.

The foot of the mountain in early spring is not warm, especially at night.

At this moment, Murphys, Connor, Compton and Hydera came to the border of the Fording Empire. The first thing was to directly hijack the widow Christina who had been identified in advance.

A strategic partner and close bedmate valued by the Earl of Watley, plus a few other minor accidents, is enough to constitute a reason for war for the Fording Empire, capable of competing with Byzantium and the Holy Gabriel.

In other words, there is no reason for war. As long as Fording has the idea to provoke war in advance, even if it is an unpretentious excuse, it can lead to real conflict between the two countries.

“Eat more, I need you to live.”

Murphy said indifferently and handed a toast to the very attractive lady in front of him. The latter had a gully deep in the chest, still wearing luxurious clothing, but Christina had been scared for a long time. What to say.

She was brought here by Connor, who descended from the sky, across the sky for dozens of kilometers. For a lady who could not lift her short sword, it was strange enough to meet the legendary blood clan. I never thought of it, so at this moment she has been in a trance state, saying nothing to Murphys for a long time.

“Oh, forget,” Murphy remembered that this was the Fording Empire and repeated the previous words in Fording, adding: “Don’t be afraid, I’m not interested in killing.”

Christina didn’t know what to say. The young man in front of him was always calm and quiet as if he was just a guest, and the big man next to him didn’t say a word, like wood. The handsome blood race who had grabbed himself before was still missing.

what happened?

She was a little ignorant.

“To make a long story short, my name is Murphys. I hijacked you to change some resources, preferably gold coins. Others are also acceptable. How much do you think can change your life?”

Murphy is really not half a nonsense, concise, completely gentleman bandits.

“How much? How many things?” Christina, who was a little cold, faced this problem for the first time. Her usually flexible mind could not move at this moment. “You mean… Can I be redeemed?”

“Not going back, I’m just asking for my travel expenses.”

There was no nonsense in Murphys. He gave her a few pieces of parchment and quill pens and said: “Write two letters, one to your housekeeper, let him prepare enough gold coins, and the other one needs some effort. Write For Watley? Sabra.”

“You want to call the Earl’s attention!?”

Christina’s political mind is only functioning normally. She suddenly felt that the humble teenager in front of her didn’t seem to be a simple bandit or a lack of money.

“Yes? I’ve already fought, isn’t it? Huon? Sabra was killed by me, so you should understand better.”

Murphy bowed his head, slowly cutting the wood branches with the magic steel dagger, and it was soft and rhythmic.

Christina was completely stunned. She also heard the news of the death of Earl Watley’s young son, but she did not expect the culprit to sit in front of her, and she was a younger guy than Huen!

“His mercenary group—”

“It’s been destroyed by me, so don’t play tricks, just do what I say.”

Murphy stopped his movement and raised his hand. At the same time, the giant snake Hydera silently held a rabbit hunted from nowhere, gently lowered his hand, moving carefully and quietly. abnormal.

It was just that it was so gigantic that Christina screamed, almost turning over the dead wood sitting. UU reading

“Hedra doesn’t like noisy guys, so I suggest you don’t challenge its patience.”

Murphy was like a villain in a knight novel at the moment, but he was also happy to scare the widow who had never seen the world.

Poor Christina can’t use any political means to fight for herself, even a hint of security, and has no intention to seduce her by her beauty-she only knows if this thing in front of her mouth is completely opened… swallow herself Absolutely not a problem.

So her hands trembling took over the parchment and began to write. After a while, her eyes lifted slightly. Murphy was indifferent with her skin peeling knife to peel off the rabbit skin. She was skilled, cruel but with an artistic Moving clouds and flowing water.

“It’s better not to play tricks. Compared to me, you can’t be called into desperation.”

Murphy said without lifting his head. He gently shook his hand, and the skeleton of the hare, which was almost completely separated, was thrown aside.

Christina’s cold hair stood upright, and she instinctively felt that the guy in front of her… was more dangerous than anyone she had ever seen.

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