The Black Scepter

v2 Chapter 47 - Reinforcement?

Midnight, the full moon.

The Kasker mercenary regiment has no trace of slackness. On the contrary, the presence of four patrols of more than 80 people and the always vigilant archers on the sentry tower made the atmosphere of Feilengcui town extremely tense.

The entire town has been raided by this mercenary group, and the wealth has not been demanded, but the food collected has been enough for the entire team to eat for three days-Casque is very clear that a 700-member mercenary group cannot at this time. Pushing this notorious town to the dead end, he had to kill the guy with armed forces in advance. After all, it wasn’t the embarrassed civilians who killed and kidnapped Baron Huen.

As the bonfire in the camp gradually extinguished, the wolf howling from the distant forest caused the head of Casque to frown slightly.

What kind of cards do the enemies they face?

Night has always been a cover of conspiracy. As the head of battle, Casque knew that the defense of his mercenary group was not leak-proof at this moment, because in the town, although the other party’s ambush was checked, there were still besieged. Dangerous, he is not arrogant, but there are several cards under his hand that have not been revealed.

There was another wolf howling.

Captain Casque suddenly stood up, looking in the direction of the voice.

“Sentinel! Report the situation!”

“Safe in both directions in the northwest, commander!”

“Safety in the southeast, head!”

The twin guard towers monitored the town’s main roads and roofs. Kask didn’t relax after hearing the safety report. Instead, he walked to the master Roy, who depicted the guard circle in the center of the camp. The latter seriously adjusts the release effect of the circle.

“Prepare for battle, something came from both sides.”

Roy’s detection is based on the feedback of the magic array to the ground sound. Although the detection range is large and sensitive, it is limited to the sound of footsteps from the ground.

The flashing highlights of the magic circle clearly show that two groups of enemies are approaching the camp quickly-the camp alarm sounds, and the soldiers who have not taken off their armor are in position at the fastest speed, and they are not afraid of the darkness in front of them. But his eyes were indifferent, and the long sword that was clenched did not tremble at all.

The presence of veterans now makes the morale of this team fearless of any combat conditions.

In the distance, there was a murmur of noise, followed by a clutter of footsteps. Eventually, it evolved into a heart-wrenching wolf howl

Full moon!

Casque suddenly raised his head, a look of panic appeared on his face-he had never expected to encounter a werewolf with doubled strength on the night of the full moon!

In the career of the mercenary regiment for more than ten years, fighting the werewolf on the full moon night was one of Casker’s most reluctant things to encounter. The only two lessons from the past have made him suffer unspeakable losses.

“damn it!”

Withdrawing the giant sword, the strong man of high-level great swordsman suddenly prepared himself for battle!

He must not be nervous, because even a werewolf with a strength of about V level will still jump to level IV with the increase of the full moon night!

“Archer ready!”

The word “Fang” didn’t speak out, and a scene of inner fear appeared in front of the infantrymen on the north side of the camp!

A “barricade” with a width of more than ten meters and a length of more than twenty meters is set in the open area in the north. It is a simple refusal to prevent the possible cavalry from hitting the camp, but almost instantly, there are countless roads flashing in the darkness. Green eyes!

The speed of progress is incredible, and in a burst of tingling ears, the so-called roadblocks on the ground instantly become the residue of flying!

The first row of soldiers with shields widened their eyes, but they couldn’t see what was in the darkness. Almost in a blink of an eye, they were surpassed by these creatures that surpassed the tigers in a blink of an eye. The faint light brought by the torch When the werewolf with thick hair appeared in the field of vision, the only thing the soldiers who wanted to cut the sword could see was the wide open blood basin and the sharp claws waving to the front!


Obviously, it was the collision of the body and the shield, but it brought a burst of noise that only happened when the carriage collided!

The dense battle shield was directly blown away by the first horror werewolf with a height of more than four meters!

Under the full moon, its terrifying power has exceeded everyone’s cognition! This powerful and powerful werewolf was not weaker at the moment than the head of Kask who came here with a great sword!

Behind it, twenty-six werewolves were inserted into the entire camp with a destructive attitude like a sharp knife without delay, and the Kask mercenary regimen’s defense line was pulled apart with a destructive attitude!

Blood spewed and spilled all over the floor.

None of the werewolves under the full moon were under two meters and five, which caused the infantry to raise their heads before they could see the face of the werewolf in front of their eyes. They were directly pinched by the giant claw that was about the size of their upper body, or Crush the whole head directly in one bite, or tear it in half by another claw!

The archer was deadly attacking the werewolf, but found that he hadn’t had time to shoot a few arrows before being caught by the werewolf who was not threatened. The temporarily built wooden sentry tower was directly smashed by the werewolf who rushed over. Before it landed, it was torn to pieces by a group of horror werewolves swarming up!

Twenty-seven werewolves, instantly entered the camp and became an unstoppable crazy slaughter!

But at this moment, a pale golden light burst suddenly in the center of the camp, and the high-level magic “dark expulsion” of the magician made all the werewolves in the camp suddenly stop for a moment.

But at the next moment, the soldiers who went to the fighting found that this group of horror werewolves had not been affected more, and they were still fierce!

Under the control of the puppet master, six huge figures rushed to the werewolf that was quickly eroding the front. No one in the entire camp could effectively block the attack of these werewolves. The heavy armor knights did not wear bulky armor, but changed to light armor. The charge began towards the werewolves-and the six delta rhinos weighing nearly half a ton were at the forefront of the cavalry!

Suddenly, the werewolf’s unprecedented momentum finally appeared to be terminated, but on the other side of the camp suddenly unexpected conditions appeared!

The Kasker mercenary regiment, who left three retreats, built the camp on the thickest and strongest house in Feileng Cui. This house was originally Feileng Cui’s office for the mayor. At this moment, it was not used by Captain Kakus as a sleeping room, but instead became a natural barrier for the mercenary to hinder the enemy.

There are more than three reserve teams stationed here, including a fifteen-person cavalry team and thirty-one horseback sergeants. They were waiting for orders to supplement the front line at any time. They suddenly found that they seemed to blink themselves. There are few people around

“Pay attention to the rear!”

The curious soldier turned around and was so scared that he changed his voice after seeing the scene in front of him, because the roof where the three archers occupied the commanding heights had no longer any companions, and instead they were replaced by three horrible and silent figures. Giant spider!

Kakus, an absolutely dark creature that hunts in the shadows, has the ability to hunt wild boars in the forest when he was a child, and even the black bear will not let go when he is an adult. That’s what little spiders do. For the adult Kakus spider, whose body is huge like a carriage and eight legs stretched out for nine meters, the key to hunting is its terrifying tail pin!

Three huge kakus stood on the roof, and the tail was sprayed like an arrow to the members of the reserve team under the eaves. The poisonous tail pin fell down without stopping and could not dodge on the horseback. The knight, then seemed to be annoyed by the light of the magician, even the two heads of Kakus jumped directly from the roof, and the sword-like sharp spider legs pierced a large number of infantry!

The tail lifted up, and a large-scale scattering knocked down more than ten unprepared soldiers. The jetted white silk net directly caused the knight riding on the horse to be entangled!

The melee suddenly appeared inside the camp.

The inward and outward attack instantly reduced the morale of the mercenary soldiers who were tired of parry, while the knights who charged forward in front of the werewolf found that the original invincible warfare seemed to underestimate the horror of a species under the moon ability.

The body of three or four meters high jumped into the air at the moment when the cavalry charged, and jumped two body-high distances like a frog. The flat lance and the running triangle rhinoceros did not attack any werewolf, but they were below A moment of being crushed by the attack from the sky!

The horse’s spine was directly broken, and the werewolf’s low roar revealed the suppression of the long-term outburst and the incompetence!

Kask & Bull Moline did not join the battle.

Holding a giant sword, he stood in the middle of the camp and looked at his old friend Roy. It seemed that he finally made a decision and nodded gently.

The latter took a bottle of potions handed by the alchemist. The blue liquid flashed through the glass under the night light and unscrewed the cap. The old mage seemed to be performing a ceremonial face with a solemn and silent look.

He slowly lifted the potion bottle, and just about to drink it, he suddenly stopped.

Kakus frowned as well, turned to look at the other side of the camp—the clear and unfamiliar sound of horseshoes unmasked.

The quantity is not large, but it is heavy and breathing of oppression.

This road is the road from the town of Feilengcui to the center of the sacred Gabriel empire, and it is also the route that Murphy had damaged many scouts before.

At the moment, the soldiers defending this route are fighting a large group of evil dogs that appear suddenly. More than thirty heads of agile and amazingly powerful Beagle dogs open their burning eyes in the dark, and then let the burning All the flames burned the soldiers who tried to resist

Wild dog?

They are even more difficult than hungry tigers!

The puppet master’s six triangle rhinoceros were scrapped almost instantly under the attack of werewolf. UU Kanshu www.uukanshu. Several of the com were even directly screwed off their thick necks. The master who encountered the elemental bite collapsed on the ground and completely lost their combat power. The magician released the gain spell for the friendly forces in vain, but had little effect-the entire line of defense was on three sides. Enemy, the pressure is too great to support each other, this group of non-human enemies has amazing strength and extremely powerful perception advantages in the dark, resulting in ten times as many mercenaries as they can not rely on absolute Strength to suppress!

The narrow alleyway also prevents the mercenary regiment with a large number of people from exerting its strength advantage!

But just as the victorious balance dumped against the dark legion under Murphys, a group of Burgess dogs fluttering through the dark rays of light as if slashing the darkness!

“In the name of my lord, chase every unclean life!”

Black cloak, dark armor, holy trinity emblem, pure-blooded horse, wide blade long sword.

There is also the strong tone of the hoarse under the helmet that clearly belongs to the woman.

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