The Black Cloud Sword Chronicles: The Rise of Do-Hyun

Chapter 6: 5,The Gap Between the Leadership and the Lower Ranks of the Beggar’s Sect – A Conflict of Ideals

The Beggar's Sect was originally formed as a coalition of the destitute, a group of the weak banding together to resist oppression from the Nine Great Orthodox Sects, the Demonic Cult, and other powerful factions in the martial world. It was founded to protect the helpless and uphold justice.


However, as time passed, the sect underwent a gradual transformation.


The leadership of the Beggar's Sect had begun to integrate themselves into the upper echelons of the martial world. They no longer saw themselves as mere protectors of the downtrodden but as a legitimate force deserving a voice in the affairs of the powerful.


 "We are no longer just a gathering of beggars. We have earned the right to speak in the martial world."


Their ranks began to fill with skilled warriors who had made a name for themselves. Disciples trained in powerful martial arts were promoted to key positions in the leadership.


But as their power grew, their priorities shifted.


 "Survival in the martial world isn't just about protecting the weak. If we wish to remain relevant, we must become a true force to be reckoned with."


This shift in ideology created a widening divide between the leadership and the lower ranks of the sect.


The lower-ranked members—ordinary beggars and vagabonds who had once formed the foundation of the sect—began to voice their discontent.


 "The sect wasn't created to chase after power. We were meant to be a refuge for the oppressed."

"The leadership doesn't care about us anymore. All they do is curry favor with the great sects and ignore those of us struggling to survive."


Tensions escalated when the leadership began targeting Chun-Hyang's Pungwolru, viewing it as a liability rather than an ally.


 "Pungwolru is a stain on our sect's reputation. It is nothing more than a den of pleasure and vice."


But the lower ranks held a different opinion.


 "You don't understand. Fenghua Pavilion isn't just a brothel. When no one else would help us, they did."


Though Fenghua Pavilion appeared to be a simple pleasure house by night, by day, it was a sanctuary for the lost and destitute.


They provided food, shelter, and protection for those with nowhere else to turn. They did not look down on the poor; they treated them as equals.


 "There was nowhere else for us to go. We were treated like filth everywhere—except at Fenghua Pavilion."


Unlike other factions, Chun-Hyang and her people did not simply offer charity. They treated the beggars and the poor as human beings, offering them dignity rather than mere scraps.


 "They didn't just give us food. They listened to our stories. They treated us like people."


This internal strife within the Beggar's Sect deepened.


The leadership saw Pungwolru as a disgrace, an obstacle to their rise in the martial world.


The lower ranks saw it as an ally, a place that had saved them when no one else would.


 Leadership: "If we wish to be taken seriously, we must cut ties with places like Fenghua Pavilion."

Lower Ranks: "Fenghua Pavilion stood with us when no one else did. We won't abandon them."


Meanwhile, Lee Do-Hyun had become a growing influence within Fenghua Pavilion, no longer just a protector but a symbol of something greater.


Speaking to the lower ranks of the Beggar's Sect, he posed a question that struck deep into their hearts.


 "If Fenghua Pavilion has no place in the martial world, then what does the Beggar's Sect truly stand for?"


His words resonated with those who still believed in the sect's original mission.


 "That's right… We weren't created to chase after power. We were meant to protect the weak."


The leadership continued to plot against Pungwolru, but their plans were hindered by the growing dissent within their own ranks.


One of the high-ranking leaders muttered to himself.


 "If we lose control over the lower ranks, the entire sect could weaken. But if we let Fenghua Pavilion grow unchecked, that man—Lee Do-Hyun—will only become more dangerous."


A confrontation between Pungwolru and the Beggar's Sect leadership was now inevitable.


A Meeting Between Do-Hyun and the Regional Beggar Chief


As Lee Do-Hyun's name spread throughout the martial world, his reputation reached the ears of Jung Ho-Rim, a regional leader of the Beggar's Sect.


Despite the Beggar's Sect's vast information network, they had been unable to uncover any clear background on Do-Hyun. This made Jung Ho-Rim wary.


 "Who is this man? And is his sword truly a legendary artifact, or is it just another rumor?"


Determined to see for himself, Jung Ho-Rim set out for Pungwolru Pavilion.


Disguising himself in ragged clothes and an unkempt beard, he approached the entrance.


The women of Fenghua Pavilion were quick to notice him.


 "Do-Hyun, there's a strange man outside. Something feels off about him."


Do-Hyun stepped outside, observing the man carefully. The stranger, unfazed by the wary glances around him, approached.


 "What can I do for you, sir?"


Jung Ho-Rim smirked.


 "This place requires money for entry, doesn't it? I have none."


Do-Hyun looked at him for a moment before responding with a polite nod.


 "That is true. But I can't simply turn you away. Please, wait here for a moment."


He disappeared inside and soon returned with food.


 "This was meant to be my meal, but if you don't mind, you can have it."


Jung Ho-Rim studied him with interest as he accepted the meal.


 "I was curious to see whether you were truly the man the rumors claimed you to be. At the very least, you're not a hypocrite."


As he ate, Jung Ho-Rim released a small pulse of inner energy, testing Do-Hyun's reaction.


 'If he's truly ordinary, he won't withstand this pressure. If he's something more… I'll see it.'


The force of the energy felt like an invisible weight pressing down on Do-Hyun's shoulders.


Yet, he remained completely unaffected.


Instead, he tilted his head and asked, completely unaware of the test.


 "Are you feeling unwell? You seem a bit tense."


Jung Ho-Rim was stunned.


 'Does he not even notice my energy? Or… is his sword protecting him?'


Withdrawing his energy, Jung Ho-Rim's mind raced.


 "Fascinating. A normal man would have collapsed under that pressure."


Do-Hyun, still oblivious, simply nodded.


 "If you need more food, just let me know."


Jung Ho-Rim chuckled and set down the food before rising to his feet.


 "My name is Jung Ho-Rim. I am the regional leader of the Beggar's Sect."


Do-Hyun blinked in surprise.


 "A Beggar's Sect chief… coming all the way here for me?"


Jung Ho-Rim studied him closely before speaking.


 "If the rumors are to be believed, your sword chose you. Yet no one knows where you came from."


Pausing, he narrowed his eyes.


 "The martial world does not take kindly to mysteries."


Do-Hyun held his gaze firmly.


 "I may not have a great background, but I will protect those who have protected me."


Jung Ho-Rim smirked.


 "A bold claim. But the martial world is not so kind. You may not survive for long."


He turned and walked away, his thoughts lingering on the encounter.


 'This man… I will have to watch him closely.'


From that moment on, the Beggar's Sect would not ignore Lee Do-Hyun.

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