Chapter 24: Chapter 24: Acceptance.
Katara, Kanuk and Fei jumped out of the cart that was moving very fast. The force of the jump caused it to become unstable before it started derailing and falling.
The cart fell on top of a cabbage stand. And the three jumped out of it. Kanuk caught Katara in his arm, and Fei jumped out without difficulty as she used her air bending.
The three landed on the ground, and the three were surrounded by earth soldiers, who pointed their palms at them, ready to use earth bending if needed.
"MY CABBAGESSSSS!!!" Kanuk looked towards the shout, and he was surprised to see the cabbage seller shouting on his knees, tears coming out of his eyes as the cart landed on his cabbage stall.
"Uhhh... Looks like our talk will have to be done later."Katara clicked her tongue while water Slipped from her hands, moving too fast for the soldier. The tips of the whip cracked as they struck the soldiers.
A boulder was sent flying towards the whip, but it was destroyed as the whip snapped a soldier in the chest, knocking him 10 meters back.
"Attack them!" The leader of the soldiers shouted as he stomped on the ground. A boulder the size of a wheel popped up, and it was hurled at Katara as the soldier kicked it.
Kanuk's fist destroyed the boulder while looking at the shoulders with cold eyes. He would never allow Katara to be attacked as long as he was near her.
"Blast away!" Kanuk shouted with anger in his tone. The air shuddered while a concentrated sound wave left his mouth. The soldiers felt their consciousness slip as their eyes turned white.
Blood leaked out of their mouths and ears, falling on the ground as their brains shut down from the loud sound assaulting their senses and ears. Their bodies were sent flying as the shockwave hit them.
Katara and Fei watched in shock as the ground in front of Kanuk tore open, a trench being made as the sound wave sent the soldiers flying from the force.
Kanuk turned around with a sneer and took Katara and Fei's hands. None complained as he took them by the waist and flew away towards a secluded alley.
The three landed in the alley, and Katara looked away as she crossed her arms under her chest. Kanuk sighed as he felt his head have a tiny headache.
'Now I gotta explain that it was an accident...What a drag.' Kanuk sighed as he scratched his temple with frustration. Kanukw was about to explain, but he was interrupted as Kaara turned towards him.
"It's okay. As long as I am the first. As long as you won't leave me..." Katara looked down while biting her lips. She felt her chest tighten as he waited for Kanuk's answer.
She knew Fei romantically looked at Kanuk, but she could not say anything as truthfully, she knew that Kanuk liked it by the way he did not outright say no.
She saw how the two looked at each other. Fei might be clueless about it, so she couldn't blame her for her feelings. Kanuk definitely knew what he was doing.
He saw the effort in trying to hold himself back, and she appreciated it, but it wouldn't be long before he cracked and did something she did not know about.
"Katara...I would never leave you! Don't ever say something like that." Kanuk bit his lips in frustration as he looked at Katara. He would never leave her, even for the world.
She was the first woman he ever kissed, ever liked and ever had sex with. She was his first in everything. In the mere 16 years of life, he did not feel anything like this for any other woman.
"But... I saw the way you kept looking at Fei." Katara's lips trembled as her eyes turned wet. Fei looked at this in confusion as her lips dropped. Did she do something wrong?
Katara closed her eyes, trying to stop herself from crying. She felt a little bit embarrassed being seen in that state. She suddenly felt Kanuk embrace her in his arms, and his thumb wiped away her tears.
"Katara... I can't deny it. I don't want to lie to you anymore." Katara looked up, listening as she felt even sadder at being lied to by her husband.
"I am a greedy man... I want all that I desire. I can't deny that." Katara wiped her eyes as she listened with attention. She did not know that's how he thought of himself...
"I want Fei, just like I want you. But that does not mean I want to leave you. I want you. I will never leave you if you don't want me to." Kanuk said as he told his true feelings. His shoulders lifted as his thoughts were told to someone other than himself.
Kanuk can't hold it back anymore. His greed is coming out and showing itself as he looks at Katara and Fei. He had these thoughts ever since he married Katara.
That's when he started to doubt himself.
Is he a bad person?
Is he a good person?
Or is he neither?
Does wanting multiple other women while having a life make him a bad person? If it does. Then Kanuk finally found the answer to the question that lingered in his mind.
But if his wife does not consider that bad. Then, Kanuk also finds another version of the answer.
"So Katara... What I want to ask you is... Do you still want me, knowing that I am a scuba?" Fei listened with wide eyes as she tried to take in the information she received.
Kanuk wants her? She wants him, too! But what about Katara? She knows Katara said it's okay, as long as Kanuk won't leave her, but she isn't sure...
Katara let out a sigh as she rubbed her head. She looked up at Kanuk for a few seconds, the alley full of tense silence as Kanuk and Fei waited for Katara's answer.
"Fine. I will allow it, but you will remember who the first one is!" Kanuk sighed as he felt his heart beat a million miles a minute. A soft breeze blew through the alley as he let a smile make its way on his face.
Katara sighed as she looked up, noting that even Fei had a smile on her face. Her eyes lit up in excitement as she looked at Katara.
"Katara... I love you!" Kanauk leapt forward as he slid on his knees. Kanuk embraced Katara from the thighs. He looked up with a smirk before burying his face between her thighs.
Katara felt her thighs tremble as Kanuk's breath heated her thighs and her crotch up. Fei pouted at the attention Katara was getting. She turned away with a pout.
Katara looked at Fei, and she suddenly smirked as she pulled her closer to herself before embracing her in her arms.
"Don't worry. Kanuk already made it clear that he likes you. So I guess that makes us both his wives." Katara said with a smile as Kanuk stood up. His face turned neutral as he looked at the shadows of the alley.
"Now that I am finished. How about coming out/" Kanuk asked with a smirk. A few seconds passed, but no one came out of the shadows, so Kanuk whipped an air slash towards the place.
The walls had a massive cut as the air slashed across its surface, and just then, a boulder flew forward faster than sound, smashing the air blade into just air.
"Hehehe!!! What an interesting young man! You are funny!" Bumi laughed as he stepped out of the shadows, a smirk on his face. His eyes held a crazy look inside them the old age making him delirious,
"And you are?" Kanuk asked.
"I am Bumi!"
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What do you guys think of how KAtara handled the situation. I dropped hints that she already knew what Fei and Kanuk felt for each other, so she had time to think about what she would do in that situation.
But if you have anything you want to say, I am happy to be criticised. I want to improve my writing, after all!
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