Chapter 70: Jellyfish
"I can!!"
"Is she your friend?"
"No. Say it like you mean it. IS SHE your friend, or was this a one night stand?"
"I don't know what a one night stand is, so I'm going to say yes again. She was….no….IS….my friend."
"Then like all friends, you need to know the definition."
"I do."
"Do you? Friends fight for you."
"She did that yesterday. It was cool. Check."
"Friends respect you."
"The first day we met, we held high respects for each other. Now that we've seen each others world, I consider it an honor."
"Friends include you."
"Bumper cars, cleaning, exploring; check, check, and check. This friend stuff is easy."
"Friends encourage you."
"I mean, she helped me get out of my shell."
"Watch it, kid!!!! Almost plowed you over."
"You're doing great work, Darius; but is it enough? Friends need you, they deserve you, and they will always stand by you."
"Yea.....yeaa....I got a…..I…..uhhh!! What were those last three?"
"Safrine leaves, Mintree oil, and a dab of Jellyfish for sting. Combine them and you shall be unbearable.
I don't know how I keep getting tricked into this."
"Landon, don't think of it as a trick, but more helping an old friend. Xy wants me to learn things on my own, which I am, but he never said I couldn't use you. This perfume will be wonders. Darius and I will never get in a fight ever again. One spray, and everyone will love me for a day."
"I didn't think I needed one for you though. Just remember, discipline also builds love. Try not to mistake the two."
"Thanks, Landon. I'll do my best not to make this a recurring endeavor."