Chapter 62: Badgers
"Are you sure I won't stand out in these? They look a little baggy!!"
"What do you prefer?"
"I don't know. Maybe a fit shirt? Short and stylish with jeans that sparkle when I twirl."
"Ruby, what do you have against covering up?"
"Nothing. I just…."
"Hun, let her show a little. This is the first time she's been in her own dream body and not the body of others. So what if she wants to look at it."
"It's not her looking I'm worried about, but others."
"Don't worry. I….where'd they go?"
"Ruby, follow me. I know just the place for you."
"Oooo…ooo….oooo, Darius; what do you think of this shirt?
Fear me, for I am a Badger.
A Badass, dangerous girl; so everyone run.
"Ummm…are you sure you want my opinion?"
"....Okay. I'll put it back."
"Ruby, look at this one? Glitter sparkle. 'The world may be bleak, but out of the dark we shall peak.' Then you press the button and it lights up these adorable chicklets.
But, from your facial expression, I see you've made your mind. Think you're too old for light up shirts anyways."
"No, no; it's not that. I think you put forth a wonderful gesture. The feel of the shirt is….hang on a minute. Now that Crop top over there is soo me.