Temporal Pearls

Chapter 204: Meddling With Evolution

Wondering Self was half his clone and half independent. His basic stats have improved but not by much. His strength was still below normal humans.

Body traits contained the effects of his tattoos such as Gawee Dots, Graviton Effects, Blood Aura Flower, Red Flower and Red Fragments and they gave him the ability to resist decay of the Gawee, floating, aura blood, red manipulation and memory of a red dragon respectively.

His Stone Will, Heart and Heat Sight weren't present. When he fought Temra his eyes burnt and when he burnt Luana his skin burnt but they didn't show in the stats. Perhaps they were similar to tattoos.

Moon Stigma was the thing on his hand and then Aspectos were there too. He was able to check their description, it was what already knew.

Conscious Deliberation Skill was there too. It aided him to control his organs very well.

But the biggest change was his character. His mindset and rich experience. The tattoos that aren't showing also have improved a lot. Especially Pure White Stone Will which still retained its name even after evolving.

Suddenly, Seth's body trembled as he looked outside. There was a deep red colour coming from a distant location and he felt a deep connection with it. The red changed to silver before it receded.

[Congratulations, you have created a variant Gawee Beast]

"That little monster has survived the dragon breath?" Seth questioned but shook his head, "that impossible, maybe it move at the last minute"

[Essence Elevation Core]

[A Gawee Monster Core that was tainted by the Moon and induced with other energies]

[A boy angered a cataclysmic Primordial Pillar and yet, he has the audacity to create a New Core using the very power sent to annihilate him.]

[Core Ability]

~Living Core Invasion!

~Beast Influence!


[This core will have three skills, discover them]


Seth brought out the Essence Core and he immediately felt the Gawee beast moulding. From his place, he can influence what the beast can be. Seth didn't do that, but soon all the various life essences in it achieved absolute harmony and they became one.
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The connection stopped but Seth could connect with it if he wanted. After he connected again he sensed it was very weak and moving fast. As if running from something.

Seth sighed and just stored the core away, for now, he doesn't want anything to do with it, lest the dragon finds out its true creator. If it survived, good and if not it was a good experiment.

"Hmm. I shall experiment more. I have crodo and blood crodo here?"

Seth ran out looking for them, he knew as long as he was in the forest no one would dare come attack them.

He first reached Blood Crodo, the monster was unsafe and dug up a hole in the ground. Its body was still red and had developed some flesh and muscles. There was a mishmash of crocodile-like hide and also the fur of a normal animal.

Seeing him it growled but then Seth held onto his Stone will with intention of it calming down. And it worked.

Like before he held the Essence Elevation Core and focused on it, a wisp thread was pulled out and went to the blood Crodo. With no hindrance entered, following the feel of the wisp, Seth found the crodo to have no core.

He remembered that when he saw Crodo dissected after the Vulcan Town invasion, they did not have any stone part called core.

"This is complicated!"

In a sense, what he was gleaning was that Crodo has no way of evolution in a real sense, unlike Anhorent Monsters. When a Crodo was born level 1, it would level up till it reached its maximum power depending on what it was created from.

If it was from a low-potential rabbit then its maximum was level 2. And even that, it will not be as strong as Crodo that was born as Level 2.

Abuhe Vulcan fought a Crodo that was Level 4 and it was very powerful enough to fight him almost on equal part. Even though Abuhe was holding back his true strength due to the limitation of the town. The thing was he used his powers to anchor the town in the Forest against the force of Gawee Continent and Living Roots. But later he appeased Living Roots and he was allowed.

But the fact remains, Seth despite his ability now doesn't believe he can face head-on against that Level 4 Crodo. One needs to know that his armour was made from it and was able to withstand all kinds of attacks except those that can bypass it.

Blood Crodo was made from bear blood and it started from level 1, and now it was level 3 and it was nowhere near his power let alone the Level 4 Crodo.

'Born Level 4 crodo is a game changer?' Seth wondered. While he was pondering he felt a change in the blood crodo. Its body was reacting differently.

As the wisp thread was moving in the body its cells were absorbing a portion of them and with that now the body was evolving. It was then he realized that eventually wondering Crodos will develop the core and become Abhorrent Monsters.

That was if they somehow absorbed some energy from the world.

The crodo screamed and its body contracted into a ball of flesh that had partial hide and fur. Deep within energy from it cells were moving toward the centre where a red tumour cell had been growing but slowly. That turmoil cells stored all kinds of essence they feed from another beast.

When it became the size of a grain, it hardened and began absorbing the energy faster than normal from the body and it shrunk down. By then the body cut off the wisp thread.

The crodo essence was then used to form the core and improved its size and hardness. That made the crodo hide part merged with the body and disappear.

Seth went searching for the other crodo, he had already noticed it changes long ago when it started having fur on its body instead of having the crodo hide. Now the fur was more pronounced but it was weaker than before and its aura was very low. As if it was dying.

There was also a mark on its neck, Seth sighed and realized. After becoming more beast than Crodo his Mantle Of Slavery influence became. pronounce and dominate its mind like the black panther.

"Where is the panther?" Seth wondered but focused on the half crodo half beast using the Essence Elevation Core. This time he actively searched for the clumps of cells and found them. Using Stone Will to grasp them he poured the essence into them and they began to grow fast, preventing the crodo part from being consumed.

That was when he found a wonder, the red clumps of cells were very special, something he can't describe because of their complexity. But in simple terms, somehow from within they break down and create energy, the energy then creates a bigger cell. It grew bigger but when it reached a certain size the nucleus grew instead.

For some time, that nucleus will consume energy like a sink with no end. Soon, though, somehow it will just transform very fast into a grain-size stone. But it was still soft and deep about 1 hundredth of the grain size of the dot that continued to have such energy but this time, it chose what to eat.

At that moment, the dot rejected the essence energy and began sucking the essence from the crodo body, starting from the crodo part.

While that was happening, the surroundings of the dots were being filled with wisp thread.

After the crodo essence was consumed and began consuming all other essences it sucked the wisp thread one more time before, the whole monster turned to a clump of fur. Cutting off the essence core. It then began to shrink in size.

This was how Seth rudimentarily felt it.

Seth watched it with Aura Sight and he was amazed by the fact that even its aura was being consumed. When it reached a certain critical level the aura burst back but was now tainted with some dangerous impressions.

Seth then sensed something and he turned, he saw the other clump of flesh rolling toward him. Like a magnet, they shot toward each other and merged. There was some resistance between the cores but they settled.

It then moulds like dough for a moment before they become a ball of soft fur with flexible muscles.

Two hands pushed forward like a bear and then a mouth slit opened and sharp teeth grew. It was just like the Gawee Monsters he first met.

Its red eyes glared at Seth but then its attention was attracted from elsewhere. It moved fast to hunt.

"It's still an Abhorrent Monster, not a Gawee Monster," Seth commented, "my meddling made fuse better than normal and have this appearance."

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