Chapter 200: Essence Elevation Core!
Fist brought a transparent vial and gave it to James while James gave it to Seth. He checked, it seemed ordinary but with Aura's sight, it seemed deeper than normal.
"Rumours are that the vial can survive one dragon breath," Fist said.
"That's good. How will you induce the bloodline in your body!" Seth asked.
"I already have bloodlines so ingesting it will be easy. But I don't know about James." Fist answer.
"I will find a way!" James answered.
"Okay, I will use this one to store James' bloodline." Seth said and checked if it had a name and found James' name on it, so he put it in his pocket, "when and where are we going to meet?" Seth asked.
"What are your goals?" Fist asked.
"Class Quest completion. But it will take time because there are two more components I need to accomplish. One was to guide people to their fortune and two… I will not say!" Seth answered.
For some reason, he felt saying Living Root village was a bad omen.
"Can't you lead us to the bloodlines!" James asked.
"Haha, yeah I can but I won't. I'm going rich. So I will go monopoly on this one!" Seth said shamelessly.
In the end, Fist pushed away his insecurity and gave Seth another vial. After that, they separated.
Seth walked slowly dragging for the night to come and when the moon was above shining, he used Vela Aspector and ran, took a detour and ran toward where the direction of nomads was.
He knew he was blessed under the moon, so if there was anyone following him they would surely lose him eventually.
Seth was right on track because Zero did follow him but suddenly he lost him.
Zambia groups were divided, some were saying they should go and warn the nomads but others were not. Most see through Seth's facade and don't believe what he was accused of.
And when Zero went back with the news that Seth had vanished under the moon, they became a bit fearful. And they abandon the thought of investigating him.
Seth walked with no fatigue but excitement, the feeling was different he felt as if at home where he can do whatever he wants. Not even abhorrent monsters looked his way and in no time he reached the place.
It was a small valley with dried leaves and branches of a dead tree. Seth assumed that they grew when the rain came last time. He was not sure though.
There was no one there but the human footprints showed they were there. So he stood there and watched. But noticed that there was no abhorrent monster and he frowned.
But suddenly he saw something run toward him, it was as big as a cat. Gawee Monster has smooth furry flexible skin, red eyes and a mouth with teeth. The more it came close, the more Seth felt he recognised it until it came close to attack him.
It crashed at Seth's halo.
[Enslaved Gawee Monster has attacked you]
"Eh. That's new!"
Due to his Halo being level 1 now, he has this function too. He nodded, he needed to check his status soon.
This Gawee Monster was the fragmented one that split after he enslaved a big one, and it later consumed the bigger one after Seth killed it.
The monster has been wandering around seeking to continue its evolution of becoming Gawee Beast, sensing its master it ran to have a bite.
The little monster was flung away at first but now it was eyeing Seth from a distance. Seth too was eying it with a smile. He has just got an idea. And under the blessing of the moonlight, he knew it might succeed.
He walked towards the monster and it pounced on him, this time the halo barrier cracked telling Seth it was not unbreakable.
Seth then raised his hand intending to call Mantle but then the monster became very still and his connection increased. That means no need for more enslavement.
"Transform!" Seth said and the monster's flesh wiggled and its mouth opened wide disgustingly. Last time Seth felt aversion and discomfort but now he felt nothing.
Its red core deeply inside was presented, but it seemed to be on fire. That was it was brimming with energy. Seth then brought his Gawee Monster Core that he tempered with.
[Nameless Core]
[A boy angered a Cataclysmic Primordial Pillar and yet, he has the audacity to create a New Core using the very power sent to annihilate him.]
[Core Skills]
[This core will have three skills, discover them]
Seth felt as if the moon's intensity on him had increased before it then dimmed down but he brushed that as his imagination.
The cat-sized Gawee Monster trembled and tried to move but Seth said, "I'm your master, stay and do what I commanded!"
The monster became more docile. Seth bent as he moved the Nameless Core intending to make the red core absorb it but the monster's body began to swell as if it would explode.
[Unable to merge]
"What shall I do?" Seth asked. He then tried to make the core touch at least that will send energy but the red one moved deeper and was covered in flesh automatically.
"Send energy!" Seth commanded. Thinking it needs verbal command.
"Purify the Gawee Monster!" He added.
"Moon purifications!"
He said many things but nothing worked and the little monster got tired of staying in that twisted flesh form and it returned to normal and lay there.
If he has the Moon Dragon with him he will have to comprehend something by just looking at her eyes. Having this thought he remembers he has her Aspector, right?
"Luana Aspecto!"
Seth called and at that moment he felt the moonlight shining on him increased, his cloak became striped with a silver glow. And then he felt things moving in him.
He didn't understand them but one he grasped and that was Comprehension Eyes. The moment he sensed that he realized what he wanted to do.
The core has no name and the possibility of what he could do with it was many, some of them too complicated but now that his intentions were clear, he got his answer.
After that passed, Seth felt tired but excited. He held the Core thinking of various names to give it, something that will have the meaning of its three abilities.
"Essence Elevation," he said in relation to his staff
Join us at m,v le mpyr
[Essence Elevation Core]
[A Gawee Monster Core that has been tainted by the Moon and induced with other energies]
[A boy angered a Cataclysmic Primordial Pillar and yet, he has the audacity to create a New Core using the very power sent to annihilate him.]
[Core Ability]
[This core will have three skills, discover them]
From what he has gleaned, he can use the core to power instruments, he can also put it in water to slowly remove the essence of the moon to produce [Moon Essence Liquid], he can put it under the moon and it can absorb the light, he can use it as light in the dark. He can shoot energy blasts from it, he can scare away abhorrent monsters and even restrain monsters with it.
One thing that was vividly shown was that the core still contains the chaotic energy of all the creatures the monsters have fed on and evolved with but their blood red and deep crodo essence was gone and became neutral energy.
So Seth can also grab each of these creatures' energy to learn of their chaotic life. If he was good enough he can even extract some abilities from it. He can also use it to summon a moon beast.
There were so many possibilities.
Regardless, there were passive abilities but he can make them active for better utilization.
Moonlight absorption and its Lighting functions. As long as the core energy was depleted and it was put under the moonlight, the core will be recharged. The core was always glowing.
The most important knowledge he got was how to use the Essence Elevation Core now and so Seth closed his eyes and made his mind focused on the Essence Elevation Core.
He felt the roars and noise of all the beasts that were consumed, some of which were humans. He split his attention to his Stone Will, and all that violence roars energies were contained.
With ease, he grabbed the essence of the moon that has his M-y energy in it and pulled it out from the Essence Elevation Core. As if it was his arm, he gained great control.
"Open?" Seth commanded, this time he focused on the little monster and his Stone Will. With zero resistance the monster opened its body wider than before and pushed its red core out. But it instantly began to crack as it touched the wind. He immediately knew that was the weakness of this monster. Expose their core to the outside wind.