Chapter 88: Unexpected
One foot in front of the other, Maylee stepped ahead. She walked the hospital hallways with a clear destination in mind. She turned at corners where she needed to, and she made stops where she felt she had to. It was like she was guided by an unseen aura; an estranged yet so familiar aura.
At last, she made a final halt in front of a door; she hesitated for a moment before finally pushing it open. Maylee was greeted by the back of a woman that stood facing the window in the room, a woman she knew all too well.
"So, you came, and you came alone," Euriella announced as she turned around towards Maylee.
As soon as Euriella's eyes met those of Maylee, Maylee's gaze darted all around in the room, everywhere except for Euriella's face, "I didn't feel like bringing company," said Maylee.
"You never were the brightest bulb, sister. Can't say I am surprised,"
There were two hospital beds in that room, Maylee walked towards one of them and sat down, still refusing to look at Euriella higher than knee level, "Nothing you should be surprised about, I just wanted to have a moment alone with my sister, can't I?" said Maylee.
"As if. But a girl can dream, I suppose,"
They stood in the same room, yet it was like they were in two separate dimensions. The air around them was cold, even though both the window and door were closed. The short list of words they'd exchanged reached each other's ears just fine but, had a much deeper impact than both wanted to admit. They had so much to say but wanted to keep just as much hidden. Maylee couldn't really tell about Euriella, but her heart ached just at her presence. She couldn't even bear the sight of her; it was all too painful.
"What is it you came here for, sister?" Maylee asked.
The smirk on Euriella's face faded; she took a deep breath, "Whatever it is you're scheming with your new little friends, forget it. It won't end well for any of you,"
"You came all the way here to threaten me?"
"Take it as you will, sister. But you know how father likes to do things," said Euriella with a heavy tone. She moved back towards the window and stared outside, "A beautiful town, Beacon Hills, don't you think it is?" she said.
"I never knew you much of a beauty admirer,"
"Well, I say that, I say things can turn ugly pretty quickly," Euriella retorted.
Maylee got off the bed and slowly walked towards Euriella. They both stood side by side, staring ahead. Maylee wasn't really interested in the scenery; her eyes were just lost in the void of space. Nothing other than the sound of her own thoughts chained her attention. She wondered about the reasons that brought her sister to visit her, she wondered about all the things she knew her sister had in mind but would never be able to hear from her mouth. But most of all... She wondered... If her sister had a shred of emotion to spare her way. When she couldn't bear the weight of her inner voice, she thought it'd be best to ask, "Euriella, do you remember back when you used to teach me how to harness the powers of the nematon?"
"I distinctly remember you failing miserably at it," said her sister.
"Still as cutthroat as always, I see," Maylee couldn't help but smile a little when she heard the strain in Euriella's voice. She was evidently struggling to sound harsh in front of her.
"But you clearly had something in mind when you asked that. Why else would you bring it up?" said Euriella.
"To be frank, I have no idea why," Maylee paused, then she continued," Perhaps I wanted to know if I was the only one having these flashbacks of us back then,"
"And what if you weren't? What change would that make?"
For the first time since Maylee had walked into that room, her gaze rushed to meet Euriella's. Their eyes bore into each other's, and they stood that way for quite the long minutes. Their silence said a thousand words without the need to utter them. Maylee felt a burning sensation that rose all the way through her chest and huddled in her throat along with all the pent up emotions she'd kept bottled for years. She was afraid to speak, scared the cracks in her voice would expose her. When she finally plucked up the courage to speak, she asked, "I heard he was on the way here,"
"You've heard?" Euriella pondered a bit before adding, "You really can't trust anyone to keep their mouths shut these days, can you?"
"And I suppose it would be of no use asking you what his goals are," said Maylee.
"I think you know the answer to that," Euriella responded exhaling.
There was another lapse of time when both remained as silent and still as they could, only remembering to breath for their lives. But in the blink of an eye, that all changed. Euriella made a swift movement with her arm, lifting it up and rapidly bringing it towards Maylee's neck. By the time Maylee had caught up, she realized it was too late to react. She was able to catch the sight of a fairly large syringe jabbed right into her carotid artery. She watched as the content of it disappeared into her body; the homogeneous neon green fluid worked as fast as it was being injected into her. Maylee began to feel its effects almost immediately; she fumbled around with her hands for something to grasp in order to steady herself. She tried to fight the daze she was gradually falling in into, but to no avail.
She was sure she hit the ground after that, but when no pain came with it, she started to doubt herself. The space surrounding her lost all its light as her eyes slowly closed. Completely alone and lost in a tract void of all matter, the only color she could perceive was black, pitch black. Unconscious but somehow still aware of what had just happened to her; it wasn't like one of those dreams where, the moment one falls into them they lose all connection to reality. She remembered well but she wondered... For how long she was going to be stuck in that void and... What was the exact purpose of Euriella's doing.