Teen wolf / Beneath the surface / Season 7

Chapter 6: Perigee Syzygy

"Perigee Syzygy,"

The creepy robotic voice uttering those words found its way to Lydia Martin's ears. She froze as a sense of dread filled her, she knew that voice all too well, how could she ever forget it, it tormented her for months to no end, her, her friends, her town that they fought tooth and nail to keep from harm.

She stood in place, but... What place? The only thing she could feel was the cold hard concrete underneath her bare feet, there was ... Nothing.

Nothing insight distinguishable to her eyes at least, everything around her was masked behind a thick layer of fog as white as the dress she was wearing.

She slowly, but finally took a few steps forward, turning left and right trying her best to scrutinize her surroundings for any clues regarding that location.

After a minute of walking through empty land, she started to get impatient when she realized she wasn't making any progress, impatience gradually turning into panic, Lydia picked up her own pace and began running with seemingly no purpose.

She halted to take a breath, she revolved around herself clockwise then counter clockwise, as if she was expecting or hoping for something new to happen each time, only for her to understand that she was nowhere near figuring it out, nowhere near getting out and...

"Perigee Syzygy,"

She heard it again, his voice, the Surgeon's voice, her breathing accelerated and soon after turned to hyperventilation.

"This... this can't be !!" she muttered to herself, tears ready to fall.

"Perigee Syzygy," he said again. At that point nothing made sense, he was dead! The three of them were dead! The dread doctors were dead! So why was she having a vision about them?

"It rings a bell, doesn't it?"

Lydia jumped, instantly flipped around, understandably taken aback, to make eye contact with the young woman that spoke seconds before. She stood at just about seven feet away from her, a sincere beautiful smile across the face.

" Who are you?" Lydia wasted no time in pleasantries.

The woman slightly tilted her head to the side, then her lips moved,"I am just like you Lydia," the unmistakable look of confusion she received in response told it all, she needed to give more than that, "Right... Let's not beat around the bush too long, You heard their voice didn't you?"

"y-yes but it's... it's impossible we..."

The stranger cut her off to finish her sentence for her, "You watched the beast rip their heads off, yes, don't worry there is no doubt, they are really very much dead," she reassured her.

The stawberry blond haired girl noticed that both their dresses were indentical, except for a large blood stain around the abdomen area of the woman, she was injured, and badly by the look of it. She brought her gaze back up to lock eyes with her again.

"What happened?... What's happening? What's this place?"

"Well you are a banshee, you are having a banshee premonition of what's coming,"

Lydia stepped towards her and stopped a few inches away, She was again beginning to feel impatient, for all she said she still didn't give any solid information.

"Okay, can you be a tad bit more specific here ? I mean, if the dread doctors are really dead then why am I... why are we hearing them? and why am I having a premonition of nowhere ? Make it make sense,"

She didn't wait long for an answer, it came immediatly," It's not about them, not directly at least, It's something that came from them, and this place is a starting point,"

" To what?"

" The first place you need to look at upon arriving to Beacon hills,"

At first Lydia was getting ready to ask how she knew they were coming back to Beacon Hills, but then she remembered that the woman was also a banshee, well, according to her own words at least, then a better question popped in her head, "What place? I keep asking you about this place, we are in the middle of nowhere!!"

She noted the movement of the stranger's Irises, she was no longer looking directly at her, her eyes stopped a little above Lydia's shoulders, indicating she was looking at something behind her, she raised both eyebrows and lifted her head to further point behind.

Lydia finally turned around to see it...

" But that's..."

" Yes! It's the basement where blasko broke out of the wall, the same basement where you found Liam and Hayden when they were taken,"

Lydia's eyes fell to the ground to let the information sink in, that was the place to start with? It was all confusing.

" You will find exactly what you are looking for there," the woman said, her voice cut for few seconds then she added, "Ow! and... If the hellhound doesn't find me, I'll count on you to do so, trust me, you will need me for what's coming,"

Lydia's puzzled face steadily pivoted, nothing was said, nothing needed to be said, her quizzing expression communicated her thoughts perfectly. Both women looked down at the blood stain that seemed to be getting larger by the second. They gazed back at each other again, one with obvious worrisome, the other displayed a sorry expression.

"I have to go now, i can't stay any longer,"

"Wait!... Who are you? Wha's your name? whah...where can we find you?" Lydia had grabbed the woman by the wrists.

she did open her mouth, but only one word was heard,"Maylee,"

"Maylee?" another voice asked out of nowhere, a muffled far sounding voice, but a familiar one for sure, it was ... Stiles's voice.

"Stiles?" Lydia opened her eyes to find her boyfriend sitting next to her in the bus, his face turned in her direction, with a visible interrogative expression.

She realized she had just awoken from slumber, The foggy neverland was all a dream, of course, she knew it was more than a simple one, she wasn't that lucky to get a boring normal dream.

She still wasn't very sure what it held, but she was sure of one thing, whatever it was, something told her she wasn't going to be happy about it, none of them were going to be.

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