Teen wolf / Beneath the surface / Season 7

Chapter 39: In enemies' Clutches

"Last time I checked, you three were not on the best of terms," said Derek to the three individuals that trapped him in the triangle shape they'd created standing around him.

"Well yeah, Kali did slash my face and left me for dead in order to be with Anas, but that's all behind us now," retorted Jennifer.

"Is that so?" Derek asked again.

"And she did kill me so...," added Kali from where she stood.

"Is there any use in asking you, how you all somehow got back to life?" Derek tried.

"I wouldn't see any problem as to why not, but I can't see why yes either," Jennifer harbored a malicious smile as she uttered those words.

Derek knew what they were there for, at that point he was just delaying the inevitable. Not only did he have to stand his ground against three enemies at once, but he was also in total darkness when it came to their abilities; he knew the old them for sure, but what if they were blessed with new powers since their resurrection?

Anas kept his silence from the moment he showed his face, Kali didn't seem all that happy either. For people who were presumably there to take revenge, they did not appear to gloat the slightest bit. It all felt like layers on top of layers of strange.

Nevertheless, Derek needed to brace himself for what was to come from them, pleased to be there or not, they did show up for the job, so he couldn't let his guard down.

"So, shall we do this or not?" said Derek.

"Oh, you're in a rush I see..." said Jennifer tauntingly, she gave one of her mischievous smiles before her eyes darted from Derek to Anas, then Kali.

Who was going to make the first move? They quit all and any motion all of a sudden, for a brief while, they kept their activities to the minimum of breathing... Anticipating.

"Well, it was fun while it lasted," It was Jennifer who threw the first punch. Well, a punch is mainly an expression; she lifted her arm up in front of herself suddenly, pushing the air forward with her open palm, her eyes had entirely shifted to a white color as she did that.

Derek felt like his body was yanked backwards, as a strong breeze emanated from her open hand, his feet detached from the ground and he was flung against something metallic, judging by the sound he made at the collision a few feet away behind him, he found no time to identify the machinery however, then again, what was the use?

"What are you too waiting for? An invitation?" she spouted in Kali's and Anas directions. They seemed reluctant, and she didn't like that.

Both of them glared at her, before turning Derek's way, and heading towards him.

"Where did he go?" Anas asked, as they halted in their tracks when they saw that Derek had vanished from the spot he had fallen at.

"You're both alpha werewolves, don't act like you can't find him!" she said, "hear that, Derek? I know you're here; I know you're hiding, but you can't hide forever," she taunted.

Her words gave him a sour taste, even though he knew she was right, there weren't enough machines for him to endlessly hide behind, not much to keep them at bay for long; he needed a plan, and he needed it fast.


He was wrong indeed, seeing his own end, had a thousand ways of being more painful than predicting that of others.

At least those were the thoughts of Parrish, as he sat trapped within a cube made out of six walls, all around him. Upon contact, they seemed very solid and very real. Was there really no hope for him?

"Why didn't you come sooner?" Sanders's voice blared in Jordan's mind like in an echo chamber; he flipped himself around to see him. No, no, whatever that was, it only had the appearance of sanders, as well as his voice before what happened to him in that place.

"You could have saved us Jordan!" another voice boomed, this time it was his other colleague, Bince who stood to his other side. But once again, Parrish knew it wasn't real.

"You really are good for nothing..." Fisher's remark made him cover his two ears with his hands, he pressed on them as hard as he could, hoping he could lock their voices out of his head, in vain of course.

He opened his eyes back to see that his three unalive colleagues, had surrounded him, their backs against the walls of the concreate cubicle he was trapped inside of. Parrish slowly crouched down and hid his face behind his palms, then moved his fingers through his hair, sighed but not in relief; he wondered about Lydia, what was she doing then? He also wondered why she was the one on his mind then...

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