Teen wolf / Beneath the surface / Season 7

Chapter 3: Plan A- Part 02

A hasty pair of feet walked through the hallways of Beacon Hills Memorial hospital, only decelerating around corners to avoid any collision with staff or worse...Patients. The nurse was rushing to greet an incoming patient, she charged towards a gurney carrying a woman whom, at first glance seemed in her thirties.

"Chris!" she called out to the man that brought the victim in, then as she started running along with the stretcher she added, "Why the front doors?"

"She is human," he replied.

"What happened?" Melissa questioned again.

"Gun shots, hunters," he answered.

Melissa's facial expression twisted in a way that perfectly translated her utter shock and confusion.

Her reaction was justified, ever since the big clash between humans and supernaturals back in 2013, a precise number of nurses and doctors took the task to care for supernaturals when they were brought in, they were usually admitted through the back doors and kept separate from other patients to avoid any unwanted situations.

Chris simply shook his head and implied that he would explain everything later on.

The woman was crying and pleading to whoever would listen,"Where is he? where is my son?" she implored, but nobody answered.

Another nurse held her hand and was too busy repeating,"It's going to be ok; you are going to be fine, please calm down,"

She was taken to the OR in order to undergo surgery, the doors closed leaving Chris behind standing alone, arms hanging down on both sides of his body.

He was dressed in an all-black uniform, a leaf fell out of his vest pocket when he pulled his phone out suggesting he'd spent sometime in the Beacon Hills preserve, scouting for potential endangered supernaturals or humans.

'How ironic!' he thought to himself, just a few years back his priority was to protect humans from the dangers of the supernatural world, how the tables have turned!

His screen lit up, he sat down in anticipation for news of any kind when he saw that he'd received a message from Scott, it read:

- Monroe is on her way to you, she left Los Angeles not long ago -

Alec had communicated to the rest of the pack everything he heard during his time being captured by the hunters, since he was the last member of the pack to stay unidentifed, it was mostly his role to infiltrate and collect information.

Chris Argent sunk in the waiting room chair, recollecting his memories of the past six hours in the forest, replaying the events for no other purpose than finding out if there was anyway he could have changed the outcome.

He jolted out of his thoughts when Melissa called for him to follow her, hours had passed since the patient he brought went into surgery, she ushered him into a room where the woman was lying peacefully asleep on a bed, it appeared she was out of the danger zone.

She closed the door behind her then turned to face Chris, both hands on her hips,"What's the story?" she asked peering at the woman for a second before looking back at him.

"We were doing our round in the forest as usual, we heard gunshots, screams, both human and inhuman, took us about ten minutes to reach the source, there were five bodies mutilated beyond recognition, at best I can confirm they were hunters, she was the only one with gunshot wounds," finished Chris by pointing to the woman on the bed.

"What about the boys? where are they?" she continued.

"Nolan stayed put with Stilinski at the scene, Corey and Mason took some pictures for Deaton, maybe he could enlighten us about the kind of creature that would be capable of this,"

"It wasn't a werewolf?" the more informations she received the more confused, scared and concerned she grew.

"Even from the distance we stood at, it sounded nothing like a werewolf's growl, as for the injuries... We couldn't even tell which were bite marks and which were claw marks..."

As he was speaking, Chris slowly came to realizing that he was yet again hands deep into something stranger and far more dangerous than what he was comfortable with.

"There were more than one?"

"Noway to tell," he answered.

They marked a pause in which, they both silently contemplated the idea that one creature could take five hunters armed to the teeth on its own. Then almost as if someone had slapped Melissa across the face, she jumped," What about her son? She kept asking about him when she came in,"

"There was nobody else there, not alive at least, she was the only survivor,"

This only raised more flags in their minds, crazy hunters were one thing, but a new supernatural threat? humans were already on high alert, for three years everyone seemed to be walking on eggshells and then this! Whatever happened, they were forced to wait for the woman to wake up.



Muttered Sherrif Stilinski under his breath, looking down upon a number of disfigured bodies, while his team was scanning the area and collecting evidence. He took a deep breath then exhaled before gesturing to Nolan to come near, the young man dressed similarly to Argent obliged.

"Walk me through it again son," said Stilinski.

"Yes, we heard a scream and a very unusual growl, I don't know what it really was because I've never heard anything like it before, then immediately after, a gunshot rain," answered Nolan.

"Anything else?"

"Yes... When we got close to the scene, they all ceased fire at the same time, kinda like it was synchronized," the young man added.

"Or... it took one blow to take them all down...at once,"

Stilinski frowned at that thought, just like Argent, the fear of a new all out war froze him for a moment, but Nolan's voice brought him out of his transe, "We didn't really take the time to look for more, the woman we found was critically injured," he stopped before quickly adding "Gunshot wounds, nonsupernatural,"

He perceived the apprehension in the Sheriff's face, at least they could choke the hunter's fate to self defense, but that woman seemed to have nothing to do with them.

The victims were drenched in blood, big gashes open all over their bodies, wounds so profound that the bones could be seen in some places, the rest was covered in smaller scale slashes and after closer examination there seemed to be no bite marks.

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