Teen wolf / Beneath the surface / Season 7

Chapter 100: Previously (9)

In the ten previous chapters, the pack suffered the loss of Maylee. She wasn't dead, but she was barely alive. The doctors struggled to find whatever was wrong with her, and when they failed, they had to conclude that the issue could not be natural.

Meanwhile, far away from Scott and his friends, the apprentice finally made his appearance. A conversation between him and his daughter, Euriella, spun around the fact that Euriella was sent to bring Maylee back, in order for her to be used for the plan they had. The apprentice let her know that she would be replacing her sister after she'd failed to fetch her.

The pack members split up like it had been decided during their latest meeting. At the animal clinic, Ethan was finally able to reunite with his twin brother Aidan. They were allowed their moment before they all had to focus back on the situation at hands.

Allison, Chris and Isaac were able to have a conversation about Matt's weakness, where she explained the way to take him down and what was needed to do it. According to her, she'd learned that from her time with Marie Jeanne Valet in the afterlife.

Derek gets the plan of the enemy's mansion thanks to Kali, who immediately goes back to the enemy once she's finished. Derek sends the plan to every group's leader, and things go fast from there.

Hilldon joins Liam and Hayden near the mansion, and they were the first to enter. In their path, they meet with Deaton's group, and they go together.

Scott, Stiles and Rosalie manage to infiltrate the mansion as well, but something is clearly off, as they can only hear a distinct number of heartbeats. Same thing happens when Derek gets in through the green house, but his group were caught in an illusion where they almost got killed if it weren't for Kali's and Anas' intervention.

Parrish, the sheriff and Rafael arrive to the first basement through a tunnel entrance. The same happens again for him. He manages to catch the sound of a number of heartbeats, and they quickly realize that all of it was a trap. They understand that they are bound to partake in a fight that they may not win but all the same, they cannot retreat. They come face to face with Jennifer and the place where she does her sacrifices. Parrish follows Fisher who follows Jennifer, they were led into a spot where the hellhound was completely isolated for the apprentice to finally meet him. But the worst was yet to come for him. He comes to find out and understand that Fisher was not the woman he thought she was, she wasn't the partner she'd presented herself as. She was working for the apprentice, and she was the one tasked with taking Parrish out of the game.

Allison and her group were to face none other than Kate. Meanwhile, still far from the mansion, Malia was plagued with visions of her birth mother, the desert wolf.

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