135 - Distraction
During the holiday, the office and factory closed for the week. While the majority were out and about shopping and taking advantage of a warm spring breeze, Li Yun continued with his research from his home clinic.
"You brat! It's the holiday, and you're not even going to bring Meilin to visit us?" Lu Suyin nagged on the phone, she had been talking for the entire afternoon.
"Ma, she's in Imperial City right now, she won't be back until the end of the week," Li Yun said over the speaker of his mobile phone. His hands were preoccupied with adjusting the data on the computer, which displayed a wide variety of technical data of his blood sample affected by his new formula. "We'll visit when she comes back."
"All right, are you looking for a job in Imperial City? You know your Aunt Nan is over there. She said that her son has a job as the assistant chief of the health bureau. He can introduce you to a couple of jobs."
"I still have my clinic to run."
"I know you do, but what will happen once Meilin graduates from college? Where are you guys going to live permanently? And the in-laws living there? Do you plan to stay in Yide forever? Isn't there more opportunity in Imperial City?"
Li Yun didn't get headaches, but if he did, he would be feeling one right about then. There were a lot of things he still had to talk to Rouxi about, but there were too many distractions.
The timing wasn't right. People often underestimated timing when it came to relationships. It was possible to meet a partner that meant all the qualifications of a spouse, but the timing didn't allow for it. Two people who were in love, but still hadn't achieved their goals were doomed to separate if their priorities weren't each other.
On Sunday, Li Yun picked Rouxi up from the station and took her to his parents house for dinner. Rouxi spent time chatting with grandpa and grandma outside in the courtyard. During that time, his mother chided him for not taking her on a date.
"What's wrong with you! Don't focus on work and whatever weird thing you get yourself involved in!" Lu Suyin chided. "Meilin still has three days of vacation left, so spend time with her!"
"Ma, I already have that planned," Li Yun responded. They had been dating for awhile, but he never really took her out on a date. He was already planning to stay home for three days to be with Rouxi. It wasn't like he was so obsessed with his mission that he would forget about his own girlfriend.
"Why aren't you focusing on your clinic? What is this about being a treasure hunter?" Lu Suyin didn't like the idea of a clinic, it was too risky. As for being a treasure hunter, what did her son know about antiques?
"I sold 10k yuan last week." Li Yun. "You already know the TeeBee shop is doing well, it's not like I can't afford to feed myself."
Lu Suyin thought treasure hunting was a waste of time. He was working as a researcher and part time at the hospital, she didn't know why he chose treasure hunting as a hobby.
"Are you sure you can pick up more antiques and it wasn't just beginner's luck?" Lu Suyin had heard stories of people who started treasure hunting after accidentally finding one treasure, but wasted away their life and fortunes on fakes. She didn't want it to happen to her son.
Her concern was how it would affect their standing with their future in-laws. People in Imperial City were likely to be better off, and Lu Suyin wanted them to like her son.
"I'm going to talk to Meilin," Lu Suyin walked away to leave the father and son to play Chinese Chess.
"Little Yun, you know what your mom is like," Li Fan said, looking at his son as they began a round of Chinese Chess.
Li Yun nodded.
"She worries a lot, but not as much as you,” his father added. “You may not show it, but I know you're working hard. You don't have to worry about us, we have enough to pull through. Focus on starting your own family."
The following morning, Li Yun took Meilin out on their date. She wanted to go flea shopping with him. As they approached the market, Li Yun wondered if Rouxi suggested going to the market because of him.
"We can go to the movies?" asked Li Yun.
"Yun, you can't survive if you don't do anything productive," Rouxi replied. "I happen to prefer the flea market and museums."
Li Yun nodded, and they stopped by the first vendor. It was the same type of trinkets, and most looked like it came from a factory, but Li Yun had already made it a habit to take a closer look. No matter how improbable it was. As he knelt down to reach for the items, Rouxi also followed, lowering herself closer to the ground.
The only thing that was distracting was her v-cut blouse. He never cared much for how she dressed, but it was starting to bother him when the vendor stared at her.
When the drunken tattoo guy looked at her before, it had also ticked him off. He wondered when he started to feel so possessive. He didn't think it was a healthy emotion, but it wasn't like he could control his emotions either.
After a quick scan, Li Yun got up and immediately bought a light blue scarf from one of the vendors. He then wrapped it around Rouxi's neck, dangling the remaining ends to cover the front.
"Is this supposed to be a gift or do you dislike my blouse today?" She teased.
"I like your blouse," Li Yun replied. "But don't you think the scarf goes well with it?"
She smiled, trying to hold back her laughter. Her jeans and t-shirt were quite casual, but she wasn't aware she was exposing much. Other than requesting that she didn't live stream from her bedroom, he never interfered much about how she dressed.
"The coloring is nice,” Rouxi said as she played around with the fringe.
"Rouxi,” Li Yun said in a serious tone.
"Everytime you go away, I feel like I am missing a part of myself. I can't help myself, so is it all right for me to feel possessive?"
She nodded, and he gently held her hand, continuing to walk down the street. Li Yun wasn't as focused on treasure hunting for the rest of the day, he simply looked at items that popped out at him. There were a few items he was able to pick up.
"How about this one?" Asked Rouxi, giving him a little gourd shaped porcelain vase.
The item wasn't something that Li Yun would look at since there weren't letter characters. There were too many items on the street.
It was a pretty vase. Using Qivi, he was able to see a man working on the vase. It wasn't a particularly old piece, probably from the 50s, but the man was dedicated in his craft, enough to imbue some qi into his work.
"Boss, how much does this cost?" Li Yun asked.
The vendor, sensing that Li Yun may want to buy it for his girlfriend, raised his palm, showing all five fingers.
"Boss, do you even know when this vase was made?" asked Li Yun.
"It's in the style of the Ming dynasty, so it was made then," said the vendor. "It's not an imperial piece, but just look at the quality. It's a highly skilled provincial artist."
"Boss, this was made in the 50s," Li Yun replied. "It's made by a Persian artist using tin glazing, not cobalt glazing."
The vendor was starting to sweat. He would usually tell when customers were bulls****** to lower the price, but Li Yun said it with so much conviction that he even thought it was true. There were some design elements that weren't common in the Ming dynasty. The vendor decided to sell it to Li Yun at his original cost.
"Lingling said you have quite an eye for antiques," Rouxi commented. "I'm beginning to believe you might even be better than me."
"Rouxi, I don't know much about antiques, just calligraphy and paintings," said Li Yun. "Help me find more items?"
The following day, they continued treasure hunting, but in a different market further west of the city.