Chapter 103: Chapter 103: The Power of the Star Destroyer Cannon
The following morning, Feng Mo rose early, donned his battle suit, and made his way out of his room. In the kitchen, Ai'er and the other women were bustling around, preparing breakfast. After eating, Feng Mo headed alone to the estate gate to await his ride.
A luxurious hovercar pulled up, and an enthusiastic voice called out, "Hahaha, nephew-in-law, hop in! Let's head to the starport!"
Feng Mo boarded the hovercar, joining his uncle-in-law, Xiang Rong, as they traveled to the Huiyao Starport. The vast spaceport, at least five times the size of Storm Star's, was a bustling hub. Together, they arrived at Dock One.
Feng Mo boarded the Hurricane, while Xiang Rong, who had once captained the T5 Huiyao-class Star Carrier and now served as fleet vice commander with a rank of rear admiral, boarded a T5 Huiyao-class Interstellar Destroyer, as the Huiyao-class Star Carrier was currently deployed elsewhere.
Hurricane's Command Deck
"Commander, Hurricane is synced with the T5 Huiyao-class Destroyer. Warp engines are primed and ready to go."
Feng Mo remained silent as Hua Qin briefed him, instead focusing on the specifications of the T5 Huiyao-class Destroyer displayed on his console. Huiyao Fleet, the Huiyao Empire's premier T5-only fleet, was one of only two such fleets across the Federation.
The Huiyao-class Destroyer itself was around three kilometers long, 550 meters wide, and 479 meters high—significantly smaller than Hurricane but far superior in speed, shielding, and firepower. The destroyer even boasted a T5 Star Destroyer Cannon, a weapon capable of obliterating planets.
Both ships engaged their warp drives and set course for the Huiyao system's southern sector.
"Commander, Hurricane has reached the designated coordinates. Awaiting your orders."
Hua Qin's report snapped Feng Mo out of his study of the T5 starship. He marveled at the swift journey—crossing an entire star system in just minutes. Larger systems like Huiyao took a bit longer, but the speed was impressive.
Just then, a video call came in from Xiang Rong. On Feng Mo's main console, a holographic screen displayed Xiang Rong.
"Feng Mo, intelligence reports confirm that the small asteroid ahead is a branch of the New Human Church. This organization is extensive, with branches across the Federation, and seven were identified for simultaneous cleansing today."
Feng Mo felt a chill. Even the most sprawling organizations couldn't escape the Federation's wrath once marked. Simultaneous strikes on all discovered branches—today was judgment day for the New Human Church.
Xiang Rong's feed shifted to an external video, revealing a gathering of seven T5 starships in formation in the darkness of space, facing a modest asteroid about 30 kilometers in diameter. Perhaps its size and remoteness had helped it avoid detection.
Due to a recent series of murders by mutated beings, the Federation had been intensifying its hunt for the church. The assassination attempt on Feng Mo appeared to have been the tipping point, prompting the Federation to launch an immediate and coordinated strike.
Magnifying the video, Feng Mo could see that the asteroid was far from ordinary. Its surface hid an intricate starship dock teeming with personnel. Workers in white lab coats hurriedly moved around, while transparent experimental pods filled with blue liquid housed an array of horrifying hybrids. Each creature was a grotesque blend of human and beast, with some sporting tiger heads and snake tails, others with insect bodies and human faces—a disturbing sight that sent a shiver down Feng Mo's spine.
Closing the video, Xiang Rong looked at Feng Mo. "Remember, these cultists pose a grave threat to humanity's stability. I heard you acquired a quasi-T5 Star Destroyer Cannon, so today, I'll show you the real power of a T5 Star Destroyer Cannon."
With a nod from Xiang Rong, all seven T5 starships primed their main cannons, charging with blinding orange light. Energy gathered into massive glowing orbs at the cannon mouths, their intensity almost too bright to look at directly.
"Sir, all cannons charged and ready!"
"Fire!" Xiang Rong ordered, his commanding tone filling the space. He was clearly the lead on this mission, and Feng Mo couldn't help but be impressed by his rise in rank.
At the command, seven orange beams shot forth, precisely targeted at the asteroid.
The beams tore through the asteroid's core with devastating precision. Under the overwhelming force, the asteroid turned into a smoldering ring as its core was obliterated, leaving the outer shell charred and fractured. The intense compression triggered a secondary explosion, and the asteroid, unable to withstand the internal pressure, fragmented completely, scattering into countless pieces.
The sheer destructive power was staggering. This was just a destroyer's cannon—what would a full battleship cannon be capable of?
Watching the obliteration, Feng Mo felt a surge of awe. If T5 weapons had such destructive power, what of the T6, T7, or even the T9? The possibilities left him breathless. He eagerly awaited the day his Spark System would unlock those higher-tier blueprints, but for now, T5 was the highest available. He wondered what requirements he'd need to meet to unlock more advanced designs.
"Target asteroid successfully destroyed, awaiting further instructions," reported the commanders of the T5 starships.
"Mission complete. All units, prepare to return," Xiang Rong ordered, ending the video link before turning to Feng Mo.
"Well, nephew-in-law, how's that for firepower? Think of it as a small show. But don't get too comfortable—there are far greater battles ahead. Facing the Hua family won't be so easy."
Feng Mo nodded. He knew the Hua family wouldn't let things slide, but this confrontation was inevitable. Besides, he had a newfound respect for the responsibility his title entailed.
"Thank you for the heads-up, Uncle. I'll handle things with Yunjian. We'll make sure the situation is dealt with carefully."
Xiang Rong nodded approvingly. Feng Mo was astute, picking up on nuances without needing explicit guidance.
Despite their missteps, the Hua family held considerable influence across the Federation, gained through the sacrifice of generations who had helped establish the Federation itself. The fact they were willing to visit personally indicated a willingness to settle this, likely through some form of reparation. Toppling such a powerful house over a minor incident was unrealistic, but a negotiated penalty was feasible.
However, it also meant Feng Mo would forever be on their radar. Even with the Chu family's support, he knew the future would be rife with challenges. The Hua family wasn't above playing the long game, waiting for the right moment to trip him up.
And as the old adage went, you could guard against a thief for a day but not forever.
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