Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 107 - Inexplicable battle

The killing of Di Liang’s housekeeper broke out without warning, and even the long-battled Bamamei had no time to react. Han Guangling’s sharp blade took Yue Zhong’s throat straight, and the fragile neck obviously could not make this A sharp weapon whose shape is not yet known has a slight obstacle.

Instinctively started the time deceleration at the moment when the sound of Diliang fell, and some instincts left behind by the blackening experience temporarily saved Yue Zhong’s life and gave him a little time to react before the sharp blade penetrated the throat, but the speed of the edge was slow. Ten times, the figure locked by the killer could not escape the range of the attack.

“Shouldn’t it be to get back the game in a wise battle? Why is this world full of guys who don’t follow the routines!” After dying to Lintou Yue Zhong and feeling vomiting, Di Liang hid his motivation too deeply, he At the beginning, I never thought that the plot would become like this, so there was no precaution.

   “Miniature flying insects.” The black technology shines in a different world, and Yue Zhong, who has regained the support of magic girls such as Xiao Meiyan, will naturally have no means of self-preservation. The weapon that escaped under Sakura Kyoko was once again sacrificed.

   The moment the explosion occurred, the motor nerve was almost beyond the limits of humans. Diliang did not drag back with a mud and water, far away from the explosion range of the miniature flying light insect.

   “Take it, no, kill him.” Of course, Yue Zhong, who wants to kill himself, will not be polite, even if your skill is better than Peng Ju’s, in front of the magic girl who has four pistols, it is not enough to watch!

Well-trained members of the Kamikaze Fu Parliament immediately took out their pistols to shoot, and at the moment, Bamamei behind Yue Zhong also completed the transformation of the Sailor Moon. Gothic-style combat armament replaced the OL outfit, but the way of attack was not The infinite gun system in Yue Zhong’s memory.

Three thousand six hundred astigmatic prisms appeared in the muzzle of the silver cannon. As the golden beam exploded, the giant beam was diffused, and like a skynet, the deadly light was woven into a projection network and flew directly to Diliang The bullets from the Xu pistol unfortunately became embellishments.

   “Mami has made progress unknowingly.” Yue Zhong sighed while looking at the gorgeous network.

Di Liang’s handsome guy is unavoidable. He can’t escape the light grid no matter how fast he is. It seems that he can basically conclude that Xiao Xiaoyu is about to die. However, with the background of evil gods, Yue Zhong can’t believe that he will simply hang up. .

  Unexpectedly, the two sharpening stick-like things on Diliang’s hands lighted up in white, and the wave of knots in front of him shattered under the wave of his waves.

   “What kind of weapon is this?” Yue Zhong looked at Di Liang curiously. Was he the fork soldier in the COS interstellar?

   “Beam thorn.” Ogi Liang’s mood is quite good. After generously answering Yue Zhong’s question, he said to Bama: “I don’t want to use violence against beautiful girls, please let go.”

   was ignored by Chiguoguo’s SB and others who rushed to the crown. Without saying a word, a few shuttle bullets flew towards Ogi Liang. The threatening cooperation made the bullet line well block the opponent’s evasion line. But this time Di Liang did not use his ghostly skills to hide the bullets, but took a more sad and frantic method, waving two beams of thorns in his hand to drop each bullet a little, easily like an electric mosquito The same as slapping mosquitoes.

  Ba Mami has not been taken care of by Di Liang’s handsome appearance. Perhaps the elegance of Di Liang in the previous look did give her a lot of favors, but she is no longer an ordinary girl.

The silver streamlined gunpowder is not much arranged under the Bama skirt, only two of them appear in the hand, but the only difference is that the two gunpowder’s sides are more than two pieces less than one centimeter wide and transparent Blade.

   “It seems that you will live up to your good intentions.” The opponent’s speed is too fast, even the pistol bullets can be easily present, and it is difficult to hit the opponent even if the scope of the fire gun’s shot is expanded, so only close combat.

It’s a little strange when Ba Mami practiced melee, but the short time even the magic girl’s talent is not enough for her to reach a high level. Yue Zhong took a deep breath and watched the two exquisite flames cross and run towards her chest Di Liang’s Bama also took out his pistol from his pocket.

  Time slows down…

After slowing down by a factor of ten, Yue Zhong could barely see the movement between the two. Although his time ability to turn on did not last too long, Yue Zhong was not in a hurry because the gun in his hand had only one bullet Only by waiting for the best time can we achieve the desired results.

   Di Liang said it nicely, but he did not pity the jade when he really fought. The first attack launched by the strange weapon called the beam thorn directly aimed at the position of Bama’s heart.

   For the magic girl, the head and heart are also fatal parts, and once devastating damage can only declare death. The speed of Ogi’s shot is obviously higher than that of the active attack, and the first attack launched by Bama can only be avoided.

Because the speed of Di Liang’s shot was too fast, the blonde girl who could not avoid it was able to hold the beam stab against her chest with two guns, and bent back to 90 degrees with good body flexibility, waist and back, wanting to use inertia to get close to Di Liang’s distance, but there is more than one beam thorn in Di Liang’s hand, and another deadly sharp mouth falls vertically to Ba Mami’s forehead when Bami reaches the appropriate distance.

  At the same time, the spine thorn held by the silver firebrush also quickly spun up, and the smooth body shook out the uneven spikes, but instead stuck Ba Mami in place.

   “It’s a pity.” A bit of reluctance flashed in Ogi’s eyes.

  Blind sees that it will pierce Bamamei’s head, but Yue Zhong still hasn’t pulled the trigger, because he doesn’t think that Bamamei will be so aggressive, at least it’s impossible to be killed by the second fight.

The two guns in the hand disappeared instantly, and the silver firecracker, which is the magic product, of course, will not be simply suppressed, and then a golden ribbon is stretched from the feet of Bamamei, which is accidentally tied to Ogi’s feet, and then Pulling Ba Mami’s body forward again, the beam thorn inserted vertically fell down with the hat on Bama’s head and failed to cause any harm to her.

As if throwing her arms around her, she pressed her body close to Diliang’s body, and the silver flames with two sharp blades appeared on her empty hands again, and mercilessly wiped Diliang’s from different angles. neck.

Di Liang, who was not familiar with the magic girl’s fighting style, took a dark loss. In the face of Bama’s cut throat, he still calmly withdrew his feet and used the ribbons wrapped on the feet of both sides to disrupt the balance of the other side. The sharp edge of the attack passed the tip of Di Liang’s nose, and the attack fell again.

However, Bama’s offensive also changed as quickly as the design. The ribbon on his feet took the opportunity to pull out when Diliang pulled, and wrapped his legs together, controlling the opponent’s Bama to lie back straight, Then, with a stir of the legs, Di Liang’s balance was also destroyed.

   “Do you wrestle closely, the endless tricks make up the speed gap between you and me.”

  Because his legs were tied, Ogi did not fall sideways as expected by Mami, but instead he caught Mami’s instep and adjusted his direction to press Mami’s position.

   Of course, Ogi wasn’t trying to create a misunderstanding. The two beam thorns were staggered in front of him while the body was falling.

   “However, there is too little melee experience, and there is such a big flaw.”

   The target of the beam stabbing is uncertain, and he intends to lock all the areas of Pamamei Tengnuo who fell on the ground, and then directly use the beam stabbing through his body to nail the other party’s death to the ground.

   can’t see Di Liang’s pretentious manner, and now is also the best time to launch an attack. Yue Zhong pulled the trigger without hesitation and fired the only bullet in the pistol toward Di Liang.

   The screaming sound of the rifle is a masterpiece. This special bullet is emitted by the carrier of the pistol, but it has a speed far exceeding that of the heavy sniper rifle. It rotates with a windy trajectory to bring out a blue light.

   Di Liang’s eyes changed at the moment when the child popped out, but the deep surprise hadn’t been fully revealed in his pupils yet, and the bullet hit him.

  The powerful impact force flicked Di Liang’s body out. At the time of the attack, Di Liang still avoided the fatal injury with a terrible reaction speed. The bullet was originally aimed at the chest, and now only one right hand was broken.

  Yue did not look at the same thing as Diliang who was hit by the flight and fell to the ground. He ran over and pulled Ba Mami up and said: “Pretty.”

“It’s so risky, I was going to kill him alone.” Ba Mami’s smile couldn’t see that she was a little scared, and said like a joke: “Do not check it? You know if the villain can easily hang up, UU reads not to mention a villain.”

After shooting the bullet, Yue Zhong canceled the time slowdown that made his head hurt, so he didn’t see clearly what Di Liang was dealing with in the end. In the faith of Xiao Meiyan, I believe that once the bullet hit the person , No one can survive.

“This person is different.” Ba Mami knew that Yue Zhong had such a bullet and would boldly go forward to fight melee. She originally thought that there would never be a live mouth under this special bullet, but Ogura’s reaction Still beyond her expectations.

Di Liang, who fell on the ground, was unable to move. The right hand disconnected from the elbow did not bleed but exuded a burnt smell. All the parts above the elbow were burned to black charcoal, but the injury seemed to have nothing to do with him, no Instead of sending a trace of pain, looking at the sky calmly seems to be thinking about life.

   Listening to Yue Zhong and Bama Mei’s footsteps approaching, Di Liang’s dry throat that seemed to have not drunk for a few days made a hoarse voice: “I thought you could not threaten me, it seems careless.”

It was indeed based on too many accidents that Di Liang was defeated so quickly. As a native indigenous, he obviously could not understand these unscientific things, and he could learn from the battle of the special ability with Bama, but Yue Zhong’s black Tech bullets exceeded his estimate for firearms.

“It’s really not dead. What constitutes the housekeeper of the Longmen family.” Yue Zhong said with emotion, Di Liang is now in a state of being arbitrarily slaughtered, and he will not kill the other party in a hurry. “Does your master have a brain?” If you don’t like it, shout and kill.”

  PS: I swear to defend the head of Xuejie, please vote for it.

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