SPACE COLONIST: in the oceanic world ARK

Chapter 191: Chapter 189 - Golden Dawns Mad Researcher (+18)

*(mood song: "Bill Withers - Just the Two of Us")

Tsutsu: "Sarlex... since when did you get promoted?"

Sarlex(Rose): "Well, it just happened recently"

Tsutsu nodded: "Is that so... congratulations then, I've been immersed in one of the projects-" he paused "Well, I guess you have clearance enough to know now..., follow me, since you are here you might as well make a complete report"

Sarlex (Rose) shrugged: "Sure, but be quick, the report was a task for me, I need to make it fast"

Tsutsu chuckled: "Haha... it seems you are still the same, going out of your way to please those on top..."

Sarlex (Rose): "Hah! And you are still the same, a crazy old man obsessed with research"

Tsutsu laughed loudly, followed by some dry coughing: "HUAHAHAHA!- cough cough! What else could there be in life than the wonders of new discoveries... everything else is meaningless" and walked away, waving his hand forward for them to follow him.

After some minutes walking, they entered a huge room with twelve huge pools inside. The pools had mid sized, thirty meter long leviathans mindlessly floating on them, while supported by cables and with tubes and cables connected to their bodies.

Tsutsu: "This is the transport leviathan training, we transport their consciousness to virtual reality where we remodel their way of thinking to obtain maximum loyalty" he pointed at the tubes "We even control all of their vital functions from food intake to blood oxygenation to reduce deaths by shock, some neural poisons injected in their bloodstream have also proven to help the process"

Sarlex (Rose): "Mental torture? quite ingenious, that way the product ain't damaged"

Tsutsu: "Yes, we search for their biggest fears and amplify them, inducing the thought that only the lizardmen can protect them from them, and so... only we can give them orders... those kinds of simulations, we can even make them think they are a lizardman that mutated haha~" he paused slightly "another key part is that we even feed them lizardman DNA to make them more receptive to the process, as only a creature with a certain level of intellect can have fears that surpass their instincts"

Sarlex (Rose): "Impressive indeed"

Tsutsu: "Hah! if you were impressed by that then wait and see the next room!"

They followed him out and through a long wide hallway full of dozens of guards and automated turrets on the ceiling. Finally, they arrived at a huge pair of steel doors that opened when they approached, and they entered a huge room full of bipedal creatures.

Tsutsu smiled widely: "Kekeke! observe the evolution of warfare! an army of hybrids fit for every situation, even capable of carrying out hard manual labor until they die if needed"

Sarlex (Rose): "The perfect slaves and suicide soldiers... how did you create these things?" looking at a black lizardmen with gills on his neck, and bloodshot eyes, floating in a tank as tubes and cables were connected to his head, mouth, neck and lower body areas, his eyes completely void of movement, and then it suddenly looked at Rose, a stare devoid of any feeling.

Tsutsu talked proudly: "Well, as you probably know, the creatures of this world are cursed with becoming what they eat, so we just had to select lots of different lizardman sized creatures and feed them lizardman DNA until they changed enough, there were some mishaps along the way, but now we are finally at the brainwashing stage~ in a few more weeks we should have the first batch ready"

Sarlex (Rose): "Is that so..., do tell me when they are ready then, maybe I could purchase some as bodyguards"

Tsutsu: "Well, the ones in this batch were already designated as assassins by the higher ups, apparently some nonsense of a huge ship made by the Iron Sect has become a threat, but when the second batch is ready, I will be sure to tell you hahaha!"

Erik: [well well well~ ain't that interesting~]

Rose: [indeed... guess we can just rely on them to take it over first]

Erik: [Haha... as the saying goes, when the Snipe and the Clam Grappled, it was the Fisherman who stood to Benefit~]

Sarlex (Rose): "That would be delightful... now, is there anything else I should write on my report?"

Tsutsu scratched the old scales on his neck: "Well... the bio armor project ain't working as it should... but I can show you what we have for now"

Sarlex (Rose): "bioarmor? what is that?"

Tsutsu waved his hand and sighed: "Sigh... it was an idea born from disaster... anyway, follow me, and don't touch anything, the next test subjects are highly dangerous"

Sarlex nodded and they followed behind Tsutsu down an elevator that went several floors down, finally reaching a floor obviously carved in stone, and covered with a metal floor and ceiling. In front of them, they could see a huge room full of turrets, with a dozen floating containers in the middle, warping figures constantly bumping against the walls inside them, as they- warped around a lizardman skeleton.

Tsutsu: "These are the recovered specimens from the disaster that sunk an entire city, the flesh eating armor parasite incident"

Sarlex (Rose) gasped, pretending to be surprised as he took a step back: "You... isn't this going too far? those things should be eliminated!"

Tsutsu: "I understand your concerns but rest assured, these containers are more than strong enough to contain the creatures"

Sarlex (Rose): "That's a relief... you said it was a bioarmor right? but those things control and eat their host..."

Tsutsu shrugged: "that's the part I haven't figured out yet, but I've created great specimens already" he pointed to an empty container "that being the most promising"

Sarlex (Rose) could feel a lifeform inside, but pretended not to: "Isn't that one empty?"

Tsutsu chuckled: "That's what it wants you to think but..." he tapped the container, and a blur tapped the container back "This one can adapt perfectly to its environment, and it also seems intelligent to a small degree, that's why his container is checked every day, but if we can reproduce him and shape him into an armor... the possibilities are endless! The Golden Dawn group would rule the empire!"

Sarlex (Rose): "...and how's the progress on that going?"

Tsutsu: "That... it's a failure, its instincts are too strong, even if we torture it after increasing its intelligence it always devours its host no matter what"

Sarlex (Rose): "That's a shame... do you have more like it?"

Tsutsu: "Hmmm not exactly, we managed to evolve some armoured ones that are really tough and also intelligent, but none with invisibility warping as advanced as this one"

Rose: [if we could extract the DNA of these beings... we could evolve your bioarmor and skin]

Erik: [I was thinking the same... but how? do we break the parasite out?]

Rose: [Nah, I will try the obvious first]

Sarlex (Rose): "Did you take tissue samples to show to the superiors?"

Tsutsu: "Of course, taken after every mutation to set the mutation procedure, it would be impossible to recreate them otherwise"

Sarlex (Rose): "Excellent, pack some tissue samples of your most advanced specimens along with report copies"

Tsutsu: "...that would take a lot of precious time so-"

Sarlex (Rose): "Funding, don't researchers always need more and more resources?"

Tsutsu's face lit up: "Hahaha ~ but of course, of course! Just some tissue samples right?, I will get my students right to it!" emitting then a loud whistle.

Hurried steps were soon heard as six obviously younger lizardmen entered the room in a hurry from another room.

One of them stepped in front of the others, a female lizardmen shorter than Erik, a really short size for her species.

Lizard woman: "Did you need anything professor?"

Tsutsu: "Ah, Layla" he pointed to Sarlex "This gentleman needs some tissue samples to get us some new funding... funding like the one paying all of your salaries..."

Layla and the others nodded.

Layla: "What do we need to do professor?"

Tsutsu: "Yes... compile the different tissue samples of successful specimens from B1 to Z12225"

The apprentices paled as Layla slowly nodded: "That... would take... days? how much time do we have?"

Tsutsu caressed his chin in thought: "Well, you can't make people of high status wait too long, one day should be enough if you don't eat, sleep, or rest"

Layla: "But that-"

Tsutsu: "No no, you are wasting time now, do you wanna get fired?" they all shook their heads "Then get to work!"

The students quickly scrambled away.

Tsutsu turned back to Sarlex: "Haha, anything else you are curious about? your samples will be ready on a day, I can also lend you a terminal to start writing the report, I wouldn't want someone of your status to waste his time here after all"

Sarlex (Rose): "Thanks that would be great " she pointed at the panicked apprentices quickly running around "but... will that be okay though?"

Tsutsu laughed: "Don't worry, I will of course check the quality of their work before delivering the samples to you"

Sarlex (Rose) laughed too: "Oh, I feel relieved then hahaha" taking a pause and pointing to his back "So, you had a room with a terminal I could borrow?"

Tsutsu: "Ah, yes it's too long to go back to my office all the way up from here, so I had them install a subterminal down here for me to use, follow me"

They followed him and arrived at a pair of huge steel doors, Tsutsu scanned his eye and hand and the doors opened, revealing a small room with a bed, some bookshelves, and a table with a terminal.

Tsutsu: "Feel yourself at home... or just make yourself comfortable" he looked at Sarlex's men "As for your men, my apprentices won't use their beds so they can wait there if they want"

Sarlex (Rose) made a sign to the others with his hand indicating them to go: "Well then, thank you for your hospitality, only one of them shall remain with me here then" pointing at Erik.

Tsutsu nodded and motioned for the others to follow him: "this way"

Erik: [well that was easy]

Rose: [as it should be, there's nothing they can do to prove we ain't who we say, even if they try video calling their superiors I will be the one answering, and vice versa]

Sarlex (Rose) then sat on the terminal.

Rose: [better take this one over too... hmm I barely have enough nanobots... well, no one will notice if Sarlex becomes a bit thinner...]

Erik's bot shrugged: [probably not]

Rose: [and... done]

Sarlex's body thinned slightly as a dozen finger sized worms made of nanobots crawled under the table and inside the walls, slowly taking over the systems of the safe room.

Erik: [so... what now? can we go?]

Rose: [pretty much, they don't know it yet, but they belong to us now hehe~]

Erik: [Alright, I'm gonna go back to the submarine and eat something then, can you take over the bot? I'm feeling really hungry]

Rose: [Sure, it will be good to let the others rest too]

-- Back at the Base --

The eggs from the elders had been born, as octopeople rushed to pick them up and give them to their approximate mothers, most eggs had moved slightly but the sheer amount made it almost impossible to identify each parent, even more so as the little octopeople were born and moved around the tubs... or so everyone thought at first, cause Rose already had a solution.

A bot appeared and placed a machine in front of the laying pools, while the other three installed machines with tendrils over the other pools.

Bot (Rose): "Please form a line, I will scan each of you and give you the babies that share your genes"

The octopeople acknowledged it and all the expected mothers formed a line, the machine in the front scanned their bodies, while the tendrils carefully and skilfully grabbed the playful baby octopeople, delivering them to the arms of their mothers.

Then the fourth elder, Shana directed a naming ceremony where all the babies received names, but they were soon faced with a problem. The survival rate had never been so high, so most of the names Shana could think of were variations of one another.

Bot (Rose): "I can do it if you want, I have a database with millions of possible names"

Shana: "It's fine"

Bot (Rose) shrugged: "Alright, but it's gonna take you a looong time at this rate"

Shana looked at the still long line of infants left to name and her face twitched: "...well, I could hear some suggestions"

-- Submarine --

Erik stood up from the pool and took off the helmet, his bot was being controlled by Rose again so that he could take a rest.

His body was feeling stiff, and suddenly he felt it "Ugh..." a movement from inside his body "Was that... a kick?"

Sarah stood up next to him: "are you okay?"

Erik: "Yeah, I just... felt something moving inside" touching his belly.

Sarah examined his smooth toned belly: "Strange... you don't look pregnant at all..."

Rose appeared from behind and put a hand on Sarah's shoulder, surprising her.

Sarah: "wha-?!"

Rose: "I can answer to that, it's simply the fact that those two normal human sized babies are growing inside a much bigger body than normal, that combined with his toned body makes the bump remain inside his thoracic cage, he would need quintuplets for his body to give away and distort..."

Sarah: "I see..."

Rose scanned Erik's belly: "Hmm, you should be giving birth in the coming days... I will go scan Inky to confirm her state too" exiting Erik's bathroom.

Erik: "So I'm gonna be a father... mother? well, it's fine as long as they are healthy..."

Sarah got closer and laid on his chest: "Say... why don't you make me a mother too?" while awkwardly caressing his meat pole through his suit, and resting her head on his ample bosom.

Erik chuckled and smiled with his pearl white slightly serrated teeth: "Well, I guess I can't leave you hanging if you are feeling needy~" and started groping her ass, a huge bulge grew on his suit, but it quickly peeled off his body and gracefully fell to the floor, folding itself nearby, as Erik's curvy and toned body was now in full view of Sarah.

Sarah's attention was soon focused on a meat pole hitting her chin though, she looked at it intently as her hands slowly grabbed it, stroking it up and down as a bulge grew on her own clothes and her breathing grew erratic.

Erik slipped his hand inside her suit and started stroking her dick, while he fingered her pussy slowly.

Erik: "You did a good job remaking your body... did you use your dick yet?"

Sarah: "Ahnn... Rose helped me... and no... not yet..."

Erik smiled: "Then let me teach you..." as he stroked her dick "By the way, you have no balls?"

Sarah: "Internal... like the octopeople... Rose said... better design... oh god!"

Erik: "A pity, they are fun to tease, though I suppose it is more efficient, how are they refrigerated?"

Sarah: "Bio coolant... heat resistant... proteins... hnnn can't think... stroking..."

Erik laughed: "Oh right, we better talk later, for now..." he grabbed her head "Let's keep your mouth occupied" and pushed her head to the tip of his dick, as Sarah greedily opened her mouth and took the tip into her mouth, and with Eriks help easily down her throat, finally hitting the entrance to her stomach.

Sarah felt way more flexible now as she was turned around and easily took the giant dick down her slippery throat, her own now dick rock hard while her pussy was dripping wet.

Erik started to piston down her throat as Sarah put her hands on his knees and used the weight of her body to help her. Wet sounds echoed in the bathroom as Erik stood up and grabbed Sarah's head, his balls hitting her chin as he slowed down but went deeper inside her.

Any normal human would have suffocated, but after the mutations, Sarah wasn't a normal human anymore, as she stroked her 20cm dick while her throat was being impaled.

Erik: "hah.. hnnn... I'm gonna cum! get ready!"

Sarah tapped his side for him to pull out, she had seen Timberly cum and it had scared her, but it was no use, Erik couldn't stop. With one final piston motion, Erik's balls hit Sarah for the last time as tennis ball sized balls suddenly contracted. Sarah could feel the dick pulsating inside her as a warm liquid filled her stomach, she felt full, way too full, and couldn't help herself from cumming from the sensation, as her stomach keep bloating past what a human should be able to endure.

Erik pulled out as Sarah puked load after load of sperm onto the floor, finally gasping for air, Erik noticed she also came and smiled.

Erik: "You liked that~?" and sat on the side of the bathtub, opening up his legs and moving his balls aside, revealing his wet pussy to Sarah "Wanna give it a go?"

Sarah stammered: "B-but you are pregnant so-"

Erik: "It's fine, you are quite small"

Sarah blushed: "No, you... you are too big..." she watched his enormous bat sized dick and couldn't stop herself from gulping as she rubbed her thighs together, she wanted it inside her "What about-"

Erik: "Yeah, I can fuck you later, don't worry~ but I want you to experience this before you are exhausted though~"

Sarah nodded slowly: "o-okay..." and stood up, getting closer and aligning her dick to the entrance of her pussy "Wha-?" but then she felt Erik grab her butt.

Erik smiled widely: "like this~" and pressed her against him, making her penetrate his pussy in one go, instantly feeling a warm liquid inside him "Really?"

Sarah: "hah... hah... that felt good"

Erik rolled his eyes: "Glad you liked it cause we will keep going~" and easily moved her back and forth, penetrating himself with her dick loudly.

Sarah: "Hnnn... you are... so wet and tight... its amazing hmnn~ so hot..." biting her lip as she resisted the urge to cum again too soon, while Erik keep pistoning her body back and forth, hugging her with his legs as the pace accelerated.

Sarah then grabbed Erik's boobs and started sucking on them, her tongue making circles around them and then sucking sweet milk out of them.

Erik: "Hnnn that's good"

Sarah: "You got tighter~"

Shouts echoed in the room as the pistoning continued.

"Annhm..." "MMH!" "FASTER!"

And finally, Sarah couldn't help herself anymore, and loudly came inside him.

Erik was about to continue as he felt the bit of warm liquid inside him, but Sarah suddenly pulled back, falling on her butt and panting as she turned around and spread her butt cheeks, presenting her dripping wet pussy to him.

Sarah: "now... hah... hah... I want you... inside me~..."

Erik stood up with his meat pole standing straight: "Sure, are you ready~?" caressing her pussy with the tip of his dick.

Sarah: "Yeah... FUCK ME~"

Sarah felt two hands grab her hips as something huge slowly penetrated her pussy, she could feel it displacing her organs even.

Erik: "Okay, that's halfway in~"

Sarah: "Only half?!"

Erik: "Wanna stop?"

Sarah: "...n-no... keep going!"

Erik then kept pushing and could feel his dick impacting her cervix, with only sixty percent of his dick inside, murmuring to himself "Guess this is it..."

Erik: "I'm gonna start moving~" starting to move back and forth slowly.

Sarah: "Ohhh... fuck~" biting her lips as she accompanied the movement back and forth. 

Erik: "Okay, I'm gonna get serious now~" pistoning forth strongly.

Sarah felt like someone had punched her stomach "w-wait" but the pistoning had already started. Erik's meat pole kept hitting her cervix, until finally it gave out, "F-fuck wait-" and Erik plunged in all the way in, his ball now clapping against Sarah. 

Sarah's eyes almost rolled back as she struggled to breathe with the sudden mass displacing her insides.

Sarah: "s-slower... too much- ugh!" 

Erik: "Hang in there, I'm almost done~" Erik easily lifted Sarah off the ground and hugged her to his chest as she pounded her pussy from behind.

Sarah's dick dangled wildly at full mast as load after load was squeezed out of her, her mind barely conscious.


Erik: "Fuck... here it comes!"

Sarah felt her belly bulging and expand more and more.

Sarah: "Aaah!" propelled herself forward as she got free from Erik's grasp, and fell on the floor, sperm being ejected from her pussy as some more rained down on her as Erik was still ejaculating.

Between one spasm and another, Sarah's pussy did its best to empty itself of all the accumulated sperm. Her body wasn't responding to her as her mind was clouded by a mix of ecstasy and extreme fatigue.

Sarah laid on the floor as she felt something entering her pussy from behind.

Sarah weakly tried to resist: "Rest- ugh!" but it was too late.

Erik: "Round two!" "hehe~ I will make sure to breed you well!

Time passed as Erik kept fucking Sarah in different postures, lifting her butt and fucking her from behind, laying her on the floor and lifting her legs, from the side, with her legs around his waist and against a wall... an entire night went by fucking.

Sarah had lost count long ago as she regained consciousness the next morning, waking up cleaned and clothed on Erik's bed, Erik was nowhere to be found but there was a note on her chest.

Sarah weakly opened the note, she was still extremely exhausted: "We are... pregnant, congratulations, aww" she caressed her still hurting belly with a smile and finally fell asleep again.

Meanwhile, Erik was in the kitchen eating when he suddenly felt some kicks from inside him.

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