Hello young womble
1 Soul Bound
1.1 Finding her Feet
1.1.5 An Inscrutable Mastermind Hello young womble
The Burrow (private area)
Subject: Anonymity in the Surveillance State
Reply: 7
Responding to: 3
Date: Sunday 4th June, 2045 13:00 UTC
From: Wellington
To: Kafana
I know how busy you are, so I've taken the liberty of setting up a security database and expert system for you that implement Bungo's suggestion. It talks to your tiara and will keep you informed. There's a heat map showing what they'll estimate is the probability that you live in a particular area, based on your cooking, music and other cues visible to them.
Subject: Anonymity in the Surveillance State
Reply: 8
Responding to: 7
Date: Sunday 4th June, 2045 19:00 UTC
From: Alderney
To: Wellington
I've added to Kafana's drone swarm, and taken a couple of other measures. I'm sending you the details, so you can use their feeds as inputs to her security database.
Subject: Greekish Fire
Reply: 23
Responding to: 22
Date: Sunday 4th June, 2045 12:00 UTC
From: Bungo
To: Alderney
Now Tomsk got us the experience from Lelio to add to the experience from getting the goats for the orphans, I've hit level 25 and am going to accept the journeymanship from Flavio. Then we'll see about making some Greek Fire. I suspect Flavio is from Greece. By definition, that means any Fire he makes is Greek Fire.
Subject: Flavio's Intelligence
Reply: 1
Responding to: 23 of Greekish Fire
Date: Sunday 4th June, 2045 12:10 UTC
From: Bulgaria
To: Wellington
Interesting chap Flavio. Anyone else notice he was left handed? He's rather obviously based on Leonardo da Vinci or, more accurately, the media stereotype of da Vinci as an uber-genius. I've been looking carefully at the questions from his wall. I think there's a hidden message in them. Before I give my theory, I'd be interested to hear what the rest of you think about him and his questions.
By the way, does it seem to you that a lazy developer was given the directive "make Flavio really intelligent" and he just told the system to maximise Flavio's ability to reason? I rather fear XperiSense may have accidentally created a general-purpose AI with above human IQ. Is this something we should be worried about?
Subject: Flavio's Intelligence
Reply: 2
Responding to: 1
Date: Sunday 4th June, 2045 12:25 UTC
From: Wellington
To: Bulgaria
My concern is about his intelligence in the other sense of that word. Mind magic is real in Soul Bound. What is he able to pick up about arlife by reading Bungo's thoughts when Bungo reacts to things Flavio says?
It appears he is afraid of someone. Can we find out from Isabella if the marks on his face are due to accident, disease or a magical curse? If he's afraid because he's being kept under mind magic surveillance as well as seer surveillance at all times, then will I be endangering him if I tell you guys here what I find out, and then you guys who don't have in-game protection against having your minds read get scanned?
For that matter, can someone just order you to tell them everything you suspect about what Flavio is up to? One of us needs to learn mind magic, so we can perform tests. Bungo, what's known about it from Divine Mountain?
Subject: Flavio's Intelligence
Reply: 3
Responding to: 2
Date: Sunday 4th June, 2045 19:05 UTC
From: Kafana
To: Wellington
I could try using my singing to transfer knowledge from someone's mind. My harmony spell must already be doing something similar, but it isn't precise enough to tell if it transfers information about arlife.
One data point, though: my learning spell seems to increase not just my character's INT stat, but also my own actual ability to reason and learn out-of-character stuff such as Fra Gamal's raid interface. Anybody else notice this?
Subject: Monk-ey style
Reply: 7
Responding to: 3
Date: Sunday 4th June, 2045 15:00 UTC
From: Bungo
To: Kafana
I spent a good while with my monks today. I watched some recordings by top martial artists teaching about stance and balance, and passed on their wisest sounding adages when teaching the monks how to do the "Pushing Hands" exercise. My Guru skill is strange. It doesn't have an associated level. Any idea what that means?
I'd like to teach them an effect similar to your learning and harmony buffs, and add that as an effect to their continuous background meditation. I'm also thinking that brooms could be used to sweep rune diagram patterns, so I spent some time getting them to make one of Wellington's basic designs, with each monk drawing a different part of the diagram. The edges didn't match, but I'm sure they'll improve.
I'd also like them to have mage sight or, better yet, the combined senses thing we experienced as a party today. I don't know if they can achieve the close coordination that the Fra Gamal melee team manages, without that funky predictive overlay thing. Do NPCs even have access to the System?
Subject: Monk-ey style
Reply: 8
Responding to: 7
Date: Sunday 4th June, 2045 15:40 UTC
From: Tomsk
To: Bungo
Interesting project. You might find it useful to set up a swinging quintain for them to practice hitting simultaneously as a group.
According to the book, the key to creating a new formation move is for all the participants to share a visualisation of what they expect to happen, and for it to be linked to a specific cue (such as a command by the leader) so the system learns the parameters of what to identify as being part of the move. Once the move has been created, it can then be levelled up to gain power by practicing it. We did much the same ourselves, when we created the run-really-fast-in-a-line-making-use-of-slipstreams move, by associating it with the phrase "Line Run" and practicing the same thing twice in a row.
Subject: The limitations of buffs
Reply: 1
Date: Sunday 4th June, 2045 19:10 UTC
From: Kafana
To: All
Anyone willing to be a guinea pig?
If someone is buffed too much, there appear to be dangerous side effects. I need to get a better handle on what the limitations are. Is it number of buffs? Only some specific buffs? The total strength of the buffs? Does the number of buffs a person can take vary with level or some stat?
Or better yet, the game has been launched for a few days now. Has anyone else been doing experiments and posting the results? Should we be posting our results in the public area? Should we be trying to encourage visitors to carry out specific experiments to distribute the load, and then share results? Wellington, is parcelling out tasks and adding in enough duplication to catch deliberate sabotage attempts something we can set up?
It would be nice to have something similar for variations in cooking recipes. Extrapolate backwards to identify hidden properties of ingredients or serendipitous synergies. Maybe give karma points or recognition badges on the site for those who contribute?
Subject: Great Uncle Mysterious
Reply: 1
Date: Sunday 4th June, 2045 16:00 UTC
From: Bungo
To: Bulgaria
What's up with your stat point allocation? Why are you splitting them evenly between all six stats?
Subject: Great Uncle Mysterious
Reply: 2
Responding to: 1
Date: Sunday 4th June, 2045 18:00 UTC
From: Bulgaria
To: Bungo
I'm testing a theory. Either it will pay off, or it won't.
Subject: Long term character development
Reply: 1
Date: Sunday 4th June, 2045 13:15 UTC
From: Wellington
To: All
Kafana said, quite rightly, that we have not been good at communicating about how to build a character for the long term. So, as a start, here's a thread for it. Could people post their elemental attunements, which branches of magic they are interested in developing, and where they see their character heading in terms of combat role and general effectiveness in supporting our mission?
My strongest attunements are earth and light. I've already started learning runic magic, which has a strong similarity to computer programming at the higher levels. In the short term I’ve been putting points into INT, because that’s a limitation upon rune diagram complexity.
In the medium term, I think the way I can best support our mission will be by starting a trading company and building up our wealth, because that will leverage my out of game skills and experience. Trading requires both INT and CHA, so my secondary stat will be CHA. That’s also useful for Taming which fits my attunements, so I may do a bit of that.
Long term, however, the mage specialisation I’m really interested in learning is reality magic. Being able to teleport would be a boon for both trading and party play.
Subject: Long term character development
Reply: 2
Responding to: 1
Date: Sunday 4th June, 2045 16:25 UTC
From: Bungo
To: Wellington
I'm air and chaos. Flighty and random, huh? No surprise there. I wonder how they decide what attunements to allocate to characters? Bit of a bummer if you'd set your heart on being a healer, and then didn't have any water.
I'm currently a tank. Medium term, I'd like to pump enough into magic and int to make use of my illusion skill, but that's going to require at least 200-300 stat points, so now is not yet the time. Long term, I'm interested in all the air and chaos line. Seer! Mind Reader! Quake, Bolt, Flame, Storm! All the power is mine, muhahahahahaaaaa.
Talking of long term ambitions, do hallucinogens work on NPCs? Do they take mushrooms or other stuff to relax? Or is it just purely alcohol around here.
Subject: Long term character development
Reply: 3
Responding to: 1
Date: Sunday 4th June, 2045 15:55 UTC
From: Tomsk
To: Wellington
I'm not into magic. Not my style. It feels like cheating. I want to see what raw physical ability can do. Although I guess the sort of Qi-based martial arts from Divine Mountain might be ok. Is that magic?
Long term I guess some sort of paladin, riding a white steed at the head of an army, inspiring the troops and challenging the enemy champion to 1-on-1 combat before the lines clash together. Cyrano de Bergerac at the Siege of Arras.
Subject: Long term character development
Reply: 4
Responding to: 1
Date: Sunday 4th June, 2045 18:15 UTC
From: Bulgaria
To: Wellington
Shadow is my prime attunement, with fairly strong water and earth. I've gone necromancer, and if I get a chance I'd like to try shifter. I see my mission supporting role mainly centered around using my acting profession, which I will evolve into something like 'spy' if I get the opportunity.
Subject: Long term character development
Reply: 5
Responding to: 1
Date: Sunday 4th June, 2045 19:10 UTC
From: Alderney
To: Wellington
I have perfect fire attunement, reasonable order and chaos, but little else. I wish I had light. I so wanted to be a tamer. But I don't. Wellington, you rat, you owe me a cute pet. Or two. At least two.
So I guess I'm a maker. And if we ever go somewhere with strong chaos, I might learn to blow stuff up. But my role is basically going to be scout, which I will evolve to being a ninja if I have to invent the profession from scratch. I guess I could make a neat sniper crossbow, but with my size, longbows are out of the question. I'd prefer to stick with knives and grenades, anyway.
The Burrow (public area)
Forum: Lobby
Subject: Welcome to The Burrow
Reply: 1
Date: Sunday 4th June, 2045 12:20 UTC
From: Bulgaria
To: All
Hello young womble, welcome to The Burrow.
Please excuse the duct tape holding on the doors and the recycled bottles propping up the chairs. It’s just that type of place, full of stuff being put to surprising new purposes, and always being added to.
We encourage people to choose a ‘womble name’ for their userid here that is different from the one they use elsewhere, by picking it from an atlas of the world. It can be a town, a river, an island or any other named feature. It doesn’t have to be one near where you actually live. Just a word you like the sound of. There’s a button on the user creation screen that pops up 10 random suggestions from among the names not yet taken, each time you press it.
You’ll have noticed that the only way to post here is via full immersive velife. There are several reasons for that.
Firstly, one of the services we offer is recording anonymisation. If you upload a sense recording or live stream of you playing Soul Bound, and tick the “anonymise” box, it will automatically fuzz out your character’s name, and can substitute in your womble name in its place, if you wish.
However it wouldn’t be fair to let people go around claiming achievements that were actually earned by someone else. So we use the tiara brain interface to verify that if you make a claim about an external identity, you are not deliberately lying. It also helps if you want to set up a rendezvous in-game with someone you met at The Burrow, and want to make sure they’re not deliberately luring you into a trap. Wombles should be helpful and work together nicely, so we’ve set up a special ‘virtual guild’ area, The Clan Room, for people who have not yet reached a level that allows them to create a guild in the game, but who want the features that allow them to chat and arrange things with a group of people who match what they’re looking for.
Secondly, we wombles will never again be sock puppets. Requiring tiaras allows us to check that there are not multiple womble names being run by a single person. No rigging of votes or gaming of trust networks.
Thirdly, as implied by that, we also use it to ensure that posts are submitted by people rather than by expert systems. No automated manipulation networks run by states or companies, thank you. Wombles are individuals and proud of it. It also means the posts get searched and read at human speeds, which means if a malicious organisation wanted to download all our discussions and profile us, not only would they need to find human dupes who didn’t know they were being used for malicious purposes, but they’d also need a lot of them to avoid tripping algorithms looking for those sorts of usage pattern.
The last, and by far the best reason, is that it is going to allow us to add some fun features you won’t see anywhere else. Taste test food recipes in Kafana’s Kitchen. Build weapons in Alderney’s Mayhem Room, and test them and your strategies against mock opponents in Tomsk’s Dojo. Got big ideas about reality and how the world should ideally work? Chill out with Bungo in his Blue Sky Observatory. If you have some bright ideas on what you’d like to see added, please do post in Wellington’s Workshop where crafting new things for The Burrow and analysing the game takes place. And finally, if you have a problem or just want a chat, my door is always open for you at Great Uncle Bulgaria’s Study.
“Fair, individual, creative, helpful, fun”, that’s us wombles. Glad to have you with us.
Great Uncle Bulgaria
Forum: Lobby
Subject: Welcome to The Burrow
Reply: 2
Date: Sunday 4th June, 2045 14:00 UTC
From: Vistofte
To: Bulgaria
Thanks for the invite. It was nice to meet you guys at Celleno today.
Love the idea of The Clan Room. It has been bugging me that I won’t be able to create Fra Gamal as a guild on Covob until I reach level 70. So watch out world, here come the gals from Clan Fra Gamal!
Forum: Lobby
Subject: Spread the word cautiously
Reply: 1
Date: Sunday 4th June, 2045 14:05 UTC
From: Bulgaria
To: All
We hope to go public in the next day or two. But if you know anyone you trust to not announce The Burrow publicly and to be good Wombles, please feel free to invite them now via private messages to the beta phase.
Forum: Lobby
Subject: Spread the word cautiously
Reply: 2
Date: Sunday 4th June, 2045 15:14 UTC
From: Whitney
To: Bulgaria
I’ve got a lot of contacts, both in the media and among fellow bloggers and live-streamers. I know who will respect an embargo. If you already have press-releases of different lengths tailored to specific audiences, including video clip and sense recording clip versions, I can advise you on a release strategy, which you can activate when you decide it is time. I’ve also got a group who’d be willing to give feedback on different versions of releases, if you want help fine tuning them, though I warn you in advance they can be very nick-picky, so it isn’t for the thin skinned.
Forum: Lobby
Subject: Spread the word cautiously
Reply: 3
Date: Sunday 4th June, 2045 19:25 UTC
From: Alderney
To: Whitney
That would be amazingly helpful. I’ve sent you contact details, let’s have a real-time chat.
Forum: Workshop
Subject: Feature Request : clan-level trust web
Reply: 1
Date: Sunday 4th June, 2045 14:08 UTC
From: Narodnaya
To: Wellington
I’d like to send you copies of our live feeds, expurgated and time-delayed, so you can add monster and combat data from it to your analysis database. But for clans I’ve not met in-game and approved, I’d like to fuzz out not only our names but also the area we’re in and certain quest bits, to make it harder for enemies to trace us.
Forum: Workshop
Subject: Feature Request : clan-level trust web
Reply: 2
Date: Sunday 4th June, 2045 14:57 UTC
From: Wellington
To: Narodnaya
Done. You can now set defaults for what happens to the data, and alter those on a per clan or per clan trust level basis. And I’ve set up a “Clan Beresford” so Vistofte can allocate a level at which Clan Fra Gamal wishes to trust us with their data.
Forum: Kitchen
Subject: Recipe: Combat Buff Snacks
Reply: 1
Date: Sunday 4th June, 2045 14:57 UTC
From: Whitney
To: Kafana
I owe you some recipes. Here’s one we use in combat. They’re quick to make, and don’t need a full kitchen.
Ingredients: pumpkin seeds, honey, almonds, dried cherries, cinnamon, oats & lemon zest
:link to file section “Recipes/Mary-Lynn’s Granola Bars”
Forum: Kitchen
Subject: Recipe: Combat Buff Snacks
Reply: 2
Date: Sunday 4th June, 2045 15:07 UTC
From: Whitney
To: Whitney
Wellington is a magician. When I look around the kitchen, I can now see the bars on a shelf, and they taste just like they do in-game. It even displays the buff they give! How does he do that?
Forum: Kitchen
Subject: Recipe: Combat Buff Snacks
Reply: 3
Date: Sunday 4th June, 2045 18:23 UTC
From: Wellington
To: Whitney
It uses your memory of what it tasted like when you tried it in-game. I’ve added in a way for people to give karma points for recipes and feedback on what happened when they tried using them. If several people upload sense recordings of what the recipe tastes like, you can pick “as cooked by” on the shelf when you pick the bar up. If you wanted you could hold a weekly competition to see who can make the tastiest dish from a particular list of ingredients. It might be interesting to compare the in-game result to what it tastes like when you cook it in arlife, as there’s nothing to stop people uploading arlife sense recordings too.
Forum: Dojo
Subject: Unarmed against a skeleton
Reply: 1
Date: Sunday 4th June, 2045 19:25 UTC
From: Inthanon
To: Tomsk
I’ve uploaded a recording of me fighting a skeleton in Torello’s graveyard unarmed, and your Dojo has extracted the monster and made it an available practice target. I would be most interested to learn from observing how you would choose to approach that scenario.
Forum: Dojo
Subject: Unarmed against a skeleton
Reply: 2
Date: Sunday 4th June, 2045 20:15 UTC
From: Tomsk
To: Inthanon
You chose Muay Thai, which is a good choice if you’re trying to shatter one of the larger bones such as the femur (which requires 4000 newtons, approximately, if you don’t pick the right angle). Certainly that works better than techniques aimed at the joints, because rather than using physical attachments such as ligaments, the bones of the skeletons in game are held together by magic.
But it is worth knowing that bones may be cracked with less than 10% of the force if you apply it within a 5 degrees angle of the direction in which the collagen fibres are aligned.
I’ve uploaded a recording of my running your scenario using Kapu Kuʻialua, whose focus on pinpoint accuracy and enhancing strikes with mana makes it a natural fit.
Forum: Blue Sky Observatory
Subject: Questions on the wall : Innocence
Reply: 1
Date: Sunday 4th June, 2045 15:45 UTC
From: Bulgaria
To: All
One of the NPCs in the game has a wall covered in questions. I plan to post some of them here, to get people’s thoughts. One theme I notice appeared in several questions: Innocence. What it is, why some value it, when do children or creations break free to become responsible for their own actions?
“When should a youth be treated as the equal of an adult?”
“Do people find other people attractive mainly because attractive children received more attention and so survived better?”
“If the deities made vampires to be as they are, are they responsible for those they kill to get blood?”
Forum: Blue Sky Observatory
Subject: Questions on the wall : Innocence
Reply: 2
Date: Sunday 4th June, 2045 15:48 UTC
From: Min
To: Bulgaria
Nothing with free will is entirely innocent. Innocence is better considered to be a property of the intentions behind specific actions taken, rather than of the person themselves.
Likewise, no matter how dire your circumstances, even if death is the alternative, you are still responsible for the contribution towards the outcome made by the effect of your choices, to the extent that you would have been recklessly careless not to have predicted the effect.
Forum: Blue Sky Observatory
Subject: Questions on the wall : Innocence
Reply: 3
Reply status: submerged, as off topic
Date: Sunday 4th June, 2045 19:10 UTC
From: Alderney
To: Min
Hey Min,
Wowey, you talk very differently here than in the game.
Forum: Blue Sky Observatory
Subject: Questions on the wall : Innocence
Reply: 4
Reply status: submerged, as off topic
Date: Sunday 4th June, 2045 19:15 UTC
From: Min
To: Alderney
Thank you. I have grown to like having a ‘stage persona’ and try to role play it to the hilt. When you are in a top clan, it is not unusual to have 100,000 viewers or more, watching what you do and say. It either makes you so nervous you screw up and the clan fails, or you learn to adapt. Forgive me for asking, but have you guys braced yourselves for what being a public celebrity will be like?
Forum: Blue Sky Observatory
Subject: Questions on the wall : Innocence
Reply: 5
Reply status: submerged, as off topic
Date: Sunday 4th June, 2045 21:48 UTC
From: Tomsk
To: Min
I’m used to it, as was Kafana to some extent. The rest of Clan Beresford? Not so much. They’ll hopefully be protected from arlife hounding by Wellington’s wonderful anonymity service, but I don’t really know what things are like online from the perspective of a popular live streaming game player.
Any advice on DOs and DONTs gratefully received.
Forum: Blue Sky Observatory
Subject: Questions on the wall : Innocence
Reply: 6
Reply status: submerged, as off topic
Date: Sunday 4th June, 2045 22:31 UTC
From: Vistofte
To: Wellington
I’ve got quite a bit of advice I’d be happy to share, but perhaps not here in the public forums. Is there a way to move this branch of the discussion to a thread of its own in a new forum, or set replies to be visible only to people rated highly enough by the trust webs of both our clans?
Forum: Blue Sky Observatory
Subject: The Economic Plight of Basso
Reply: 1
Date: Sunday 4th June, 2045 12:30 UTC
From: Bulgaria
To: All
I guess, like me, none of you enjoy seeing people starving in grinding poverty when it isn’t necessary.
Right now there’s a lot of people in Basso who are in that state. Thanks to the flexibility of the game, we players have the ability to change that. I think we should.
If you agree, here’s the thread to post your ideas on ways we could go about improving things for them.
There are some who favour giving direct charity.
There are others who say that will stop them learning to support themselves.
I’m hoping that, if we put our minds together, we can go beyond the partisan divide to find not just compromises, but genuinely different out-of-the-box solutions.
Forum: Blue Sky Observatory
Subject: The Economic Plight of Basso
Reply: 2
Date: Sunday 4th June, 2045 13:40 UTC
From: Wellington
To: Bulgaria
I’m initially starting from the “teach a man to fish” school of thought. Money spent investing in education and helping locals start new small businesses has a far bigger long term impact than supplying food or even building wells that provide clean water. Remove the war, crime, corruption and broken social structures that are impeding people’s own efforts to look after themselves. Too often you get foreign powers imposing their own values and solutions upon a local culture in the name of doing it “for their own good”, when what they need is less interference rather than more.
Forum: Blue Sky Observatory
Subject: The Economic Plight of Basso
Reply: 3
Date: Sunday 4th June, 2045 19:25 UTC
From: Kafana
To: Bulgaria
I’m initially starting from the “giving a man a few fish to start him off does more to help him learn to fish for himself than it does to hinder him learning” school of thought. That’s why providing school meals for children shows a positive impact upon their learning. If someone is working 12 hours a day just to feed their family, then no matter how much hunger incentivises them, they’re not going to learn computer programming or some other university course as fast as a student who can study full time rather than part time. It is a stereotype to assume that poor people won’t understand how important it is to gain skills until their short-term food supply is cut off. If you’re going to change a downwards spiral (where bad conditions drive out those who can most help, and persuade others not to bother trying) over to an upwards spiral (where success inspires more investment and effort, leading to more successes), then that takes an initial investment, not just in business ventures, but also in alleviating some of Maslow’s basic needs (such as clean air and water, food, heat, shelter, health and personal security) during the period of change.
Forum: Blue Sky Observatory
Subject: The Economic Plight of Basso
Reply: 4
Date: Sunday 4th June, 2045 21:21 UTC
From: Amazon
To: Bulgaria
I’m with Kafana on this one. I see too many young bodies in the streets of my city in arlife. I don’t like it, not one bit. Teaching people to fish only helps if there’s someone to stop the resulting fish from being stolen from you by stronger fishermen who threaten to break your fishing rods.
Nations are passé. The boundaries we have are often things that were imposed upon us by foreign popes drawing lines on maps from half a world away. Who decides which house is part of Basso and which is part of Mercato? Some old dude sitting in a comfortable chair in Centrale, that’s who. Viva la revolución.
Olympus, (the private forum of The Immortals guild).
Eistla: “Well, the Wombles failed that test, with flying colours.”
Jinzha: “Are you referring to their alliance with Fra Gamal? I admit, I was surprised to see yet another global announcement mentioning them, and this time linked with a major clan doing the first boss raid on the new world. It is one thing to luck into a few good artifacts early, but in no way should that put them level with the high tier items Fra Gamal’s top raiding group will have brought over as legacies from Divine Mountain. They must be considered to have shown the potential to be a long term danger.”
Eistla: “No, I was referring to the other aspect.”
Tlaloc: “Oh?”
Eistla: “I got the report back from Mazarin. They took the body we planted in the sewers to the guards, and Mazarin’s source overheard them discussing our warning. It seems they don’t like us and they don’t fear us sufficiently to stay out of our way.”
Nirrti: “So 100% bleeding hearts, then?”
Eistla: “Yep. I’ve already received word from Malzeth.”
Nirrti: “Terminate?”
Eistla: “His actual words were: TERMINATE. WITH EXTREME PREJUDICE.”
Tlaloc: “So what’s the plan? How do you get them alone?”
Nirrti: “It doesn’t really matter if they are alone. Our brute squad have years of combat experience, legendary weapons designed for player killing, advanced enhancements to their combat stats, and skills they’ve won tournaments with. The Wombles don’t stand a chance.”
Eistla: “It would be better to get them outside the city, though, so we don’t have to deal with the watch. Which is why Mazarin has them under surveillance. The day they next leave the safety of the city is their last day of innocence.”