Some Random Smut Collection(R18+)

Chapter 159: Series: Part 1(Jujutsu Kaisen)

"What a neat ability!" Gojo applauded as he watched his three students fight for their lives. The street was empty, the neighborhood was deserted so they were free to fight in the open. The teacher was using a bodega's canopy as a hammock to watch over the fight. He was so insanely overpowered, he was incapable of being worried.

The 'neat ability' was the Special Grade's power to birth a lower grade spirit. It split off like a scab. Nobara, Itadori and Megumi planned to fight both, each student formulated a strategy for fighting two at a time, they would then work with each other to determine the best path forward.

Then the secondary spirit ran away. The sorcerers all had a blank look of confusion that they needed to shake off before proceeding.

"Nobara, you go after him," Megumi shouted. The female didn't argue. The larger Spirit was more problematic, Yuji and Megumi's abilities worked better as a team. Nobara was more suited to solo-work.

The Lesser Spirit had run into an abandoned apartment building so Nobara gave chase. She clutched a hammer and nails in her hand as she slammed the door behind her.

She could sense it was close. It was luring her, not escaping. The creature had a predatory sense to it, different than the one outside. It wasn't an offspring of the Special Grade, more like a remora that clings to a shark to feed off its Cursed Energy.

Nobara was alone, the way she preferred to hunt. She had a technique that was incredibly successful, but she couldn't let any of her friends see it. Even still, she only started using it once she turned 18, because it felt wrong before that.

Carefully, she removed her jacket, then her shirt and her bra. She removed her skirt and her panties. She folded each piece of clothing, making sure they wouldn't noticeably crease when she put them back on. She set the pile on the first step of the staircase to the second floor.

She ascended the stairs slowly, minding her surroundings but also knowing that without a bra, her breasts were bouncing with each step. Sometimes, Spirits would come through the walls at you so you needed to stay on your toes.

Nobara saw an apartment door was ajar on the second floor. She swallowed and approached, her fingers lined up a nail to toss as her other hand gripped the hammer.

She flattened her body against the wall, slowly moving her head forward to look around the corner through the doorway.

It was no longer one Lesser Spirit that had come into this room. Three creatures with humanoid bodies stood perfectly still, a fourth was in the process of splitting from what Nobara was the main body. If she killed that, then the rest would likely die as well. They had no eyes or mouths, but large, pointed ears like goblins. Their bodies were lean, making them look muscular if they weren't so thin.

A loud thud shook the building as the Special Grade slammed Yuji against the exterior wall. The sudden noise woke them from their motionless state and they immediately noticed Nobara in the doorway.

The quartet of Spirits rushed at her. Nobara tried to run instinctually, but they caught her before she took three steps.

They paused again as they felt her naked skin in their hands. The creature's hands explored her body, seeing that she was completely naked except for her Oxfords and her black stockings.

Nobara closed her eyes and bit her lip as one of the four monsters put a three-fingered hand between her legs. In an unnatural way, its hand started to vibrate and rub her pussy. In a way, it was a pleasurable sensation.

The others were seemingly all trying to grope her tits at once. Three pairs of hands all fought to get a handful of admittedly nice rack. Her breasts were large enough where she had to wear a restrictive sports bra so they didn't bounce too much when she fought.

Weight was pushed down on her, Nobara eventually gave in and dropped to her knees. The monstrosities sprouted cocks, reasonably large members they started trying to force their cocks into her mouth, she felt them holding her wrists out, she dropped her hammer and nails. It wasn't like she could swing like this.

Nobara put up a struggle but eventually she opened up and allowed one of the dicks in. She felt the others whacking their helmets off of her cheeks and one of the back of her head. She sucked on the one in her mouth, but ignored the others.

The sorceress acted like she hated this, but everything was going exactly to plan. That's why she'd gotten naked. The simple thought-process of a Lesser Spirit meant they wouldn't be able to stop themselves from fucking her. She had surprise in store for after that though.

In the meantime, she just had to endure the spiritual dick being forced into her mouth. the creature's intelligence was low so it just thrust with no intent. Nobara looked up at the featureless face as it looked down on her. It held her with both hands as it thrust like a machine.

Nobara could feel their icy cold grip on her wrists, squeezing hard. They piloted her hands down so that she could feel their thick shafts being placed against her palm. Nobara gripped them and started to stroke. Unlike their hands, their dicks were warm.

Nobara's lips rubbed against the bulging, smooth shaft as it rubbed back and forth. She sucked on it as much as she could, feeling her saliva make the dick slippery and wet.

The four clones argued, yanking Nobara away from the dick. Several strings of spit connected her mouth to the cock that was just in it as a new hog was inserted.

Nobara shut down her thought process. There was nothing for her to do now, all she had to do was sit wait for the Curse to finish with her. Then she would finish it.

So for the time being, she just allowed the Curse clones to use her body however they pleased. They each took turns fucking her mouth while Nobara just focused on keeping her throat open and grabbing gulps of oxygen whenever there wasn't a supernatural cock plugging her airway.

It was because they were so dumb that it took them so long to realize that Nobara had other ways they could fuck her.

Nobara's bob of brown hair was a wild mess from being consistently pulled and her head grabbed. Her eyes shadow was cloudy as saliva hung from her lip and chin. She gasped for air as the cock left her mouth and she was lifted up by the elbows. She stood and was turned to face one of the Spirit clones.

He shoved his face between her breasts as he wrapped his arms around her in a hug that lifted her off the ground. Discomfort form being held up made Nobara throw her legs around his waist. Then she felt herself descending. The tip of his cock was pushing against her, Nobara reached down to grip it and place it correctly.

The cock slid into her easily, her pussy was wet and ready for him. She just hoped she was ready for the next part. There was no doubt what came next.

Another of the large-eared creatures stood behind her, his deformed hands gripped her buttocks and spread them while also helping to support her weight. Nobara grimaced and bit her lip as the tip of the cock entered her asshole. She felt it push into her before the two clones started to fuck her in tandem.

Nobara wrapped an arm around each of their necks, turning her body slightly to the side.

"Oh fuck, oh god," Nobara moaned as the cocks rammed inside of her. They were perfectly in sync, she felt both thick, long cocks driving deep into her pussy and ass, reaching into her as they spread her holes.

As she moaned and cried out, her attention was pulled away by one of the creatures climbing up the hallway wall like a spider. It crossed onto the ceiling and stood like gravity made no sense. Nobara looked at the upside-down Spirit and how his cock was directly in front of her face.

The Spirit took her head and shoved his cock into her mouth, Nobara returned to a state of having to watch her breaths. She endured as she was fucked in all three holes, each cock thrusting into her at the exact same time, with the exact speed and exact power. Her eyes opened wide with each time the three cocks lunged into her.

Though it was still not exactly easy for her, Nobara had experienced a double-penetration before. She was in a casual triangular relationship with Megumi Fushiguro and Yuji Itadori. As Jujutsu Sorcerers, they had severely short lifespans, some of them had already died and been miraculously brought back. So Nobara had been nominated to live her best life... Which meant shopping beyond her means. For any money she borrowed from the two guys, she exchanged sex. The sex was good, so it was a win-win for her.

The sorceress endured the triple-fucking, though she was curious about the location of the fourth Clone. The plan was fucked if all four didn't fuck her.

Luckily, a mysterious hand grabbed her hand and brought it back to his cock. There, problem solved. Though the height and angle seemed strange. It wasn't until Nobara was steered into sucking that cock that she discovered the Cursed Spirit standing on the wall next to them. Regardless of the oddness in his placement, it was easy enough for her to suck on the dick.

Nobara subjugated herself to the four creatures, dutifully sucking and fucking and stroking. The two standing on the floor were the first to pop, the one in her pussy swelled and expelled, filling her cunt with fluid. Like a domino falling, the one in her ass shot his load almost immediately after.

Back on the ground, the remaining Clones positioned themselves in front of her. Nobara gave them both sloppy, delightful blowjobs. Using all of her enthusiasm to service them until the third load was forced down her throat. She was happy to receive it, swallowing it without spilling a drop.

Nobara gave all her attention to the final Clone. His hand clutched the top of her head, but Nobara was in firm control of the action. She worked the shaft with both hands and sucked on the head excitedly, she saw the end in sight and now she needed to be alert and ready.

Her mouth worked loudly, saliva bubbled around her lips. She felt the wetness against her palms as she stroked until finally the cock burst in her hand, flooding her mouth with cum.

Nobara gulped it down quickly, she needed it for the next step. She squeezed the shaft with one hand and sucked whatever was left from the tip as her other hand snuck inside her stocking.

The blind and dumb creatures didn't see what was happening. Though they heard her moving suspiciously. They didn't see the rose tattoos becoming visible on her skin. Starting above her left eye, a row of black roses stretched down to her neck, to shoulder, down her arm to her wrist.

Nobara Kugisaki's Cursed Technique was called Resonance. By ingesting spirit energy, she was able to establish a connection that she could exploit.

From her stocking, she retrieved a straw doll. She then grabbed the hammer and a nail and spiked the doll. The four Clones sprouted mouths to express their agony in a scream as they died.

Nobara smiled with sinister glee as her plan worked without a hitch. All she had needed to do was ensure all four Clones had came inside of her, so she could be sure the Resonance Connection was established with all four. Since they were Clones, they would be connected, but she had to make sure they were all established with her ability.

The Special Grade outside let out a shriek too, her technique possibly had been able to exorcise it as well. Or it was just a coincidence. Either way, Nobara needed to be more careful now.

She returned down the stairs quickly and got dressed as she hoped no one came to check on her. Nobara was terrified she would have to explain the circumstance for her nudity. The technique was powerful and efficient, but it was embarrassing.

Nobara fixed her hair quickly then walked out onto the street. Yuji and Megumi looked rough and bloodied, but not seriously injured.

Gojo smiled when he saw her, "Great job, Nobara Kugisaki. Taking down four all by yourself."

"Thank you," Nobara smiled and started walking, her look turned to terror when she made the realization.

If Gojo knew that she had defeated four, then he must know how she did it...

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