Chapter 123: Shattering Skull Dragon
As Gyuuki continued to clash with the Skull Dragon, the debris flying around was manageable. What made things difficult, though, was the magma flying along with the rubble—definitely an annoying challenge to deal with.
"Hmm... I wonder which part of its bones would work best for an axe."
: Are you really worrying about that right now?
: Do the bones even stay intact?
: Don't monsters just turn to dust when they die?
: Some monsters disappear, but not all of them. Bosses on the final floors don't vanish either, so it's not surprising if some remain.
: You sure about that?
: Maybe it's only final floor bosses that don't vanish?
To be honest, I haven't fought every single monster in every dungeon in the world, so I can't say for sure. But according to the records, the Skull Dragon's bones remain after it's killed... for reasons unknown. If we could figure that out, we might understand dungeons better, but that's not my job.
Still, if its bones remain after it's killed, wouldn't that mean the entire skeleton stays intact if I break it apart completely? Now I'm curious... maybe I should break the whole thing into pieces.
As the Skull Dragon charged toward me, Gyuuki slammed it away with a massive punch. It was a bit comical to see the 3-meter-tall Gyuuki send the 15-meter-long Skull Dragon flying, but I couldn't just sit back and watch.
: Man, Shikigami techniques are so intense and cool.
: Honestly, if it weren't for the fact that only a few people can use it, this technique would have no drawbacks.
: The only drawback is that if the caster is weak, the Shikigami is weak too.
: That just limits the number of people who can use it.
: It's already super limited, though.
: Not being able to use it is normal for most people.
: Guess that's true.
While the Skull Dragon struggled to get back up, I rushed in and swung my sword down on its head. But the sound of my blade hitting something incredibly hard echoed through the air, and the impact was so strong it left my hand numb.
And just as I managed to get a clean hit on it, the Skull Dragon spewed magma at me. I jumped back, but the magma slithered across the ground, chasing after me. Gyuuki took the brunt of the magma attack for me, groaning in pain, which told me—yeah, this is real magma, not just some visual trick.
How the heck is it even spitting magma? Its body is literally all bones with nothing else. Is it generating magma with magic inside its body? If that's the case, maybe I could copy the technique... not that I would, though.
With Gyuuki holding the Skull Dragon's attention, I took the opportunity to jump off its back and strike at its foreleg, charging my blade with magic to enhance its hardness. But once again, I was met with a hard impact that sent a painful shock through my arm.
"Damn, it's absorbing the magic from my sword too!"
: Is Kisaragi actually struggling?
: It's not like he's losing. He's just having trouble cutting through those bones.
: Looks like he
finish it off if he wanted to, though.
: I feel like it's rare to see Kisaragi struggling like this.
: Guess he's not really suited for close combat.
"The damn thing not only absorbs magic across its entire body, but physical strikes barely do anything either... What a piece of crap monster."
Are you kidding me? This thing is just ridiculous. Someone nerf it already.
: Resistant to magic
physical attacks?
: Skull Dragon's actually pretty strong, huh?
: It's a deep-layer rare monster. Of course, it's strong.
: Skull Dragon fan club in the making here, lol.
As frustrating as this is, it doesn't seem like my attacks are completely ineffective. My magically-enhanced strike left a small crack on its foreleg. If I keep targeting those cracks, I might just be able to break through.
"Gyuuki, I need you to act as bait."
: Bait, huh?
: Using your own summon as a meat shield, classic.
: It's his own Shikigami, of course, he's going to use it as a shield.
With the strategy in mind, all that's left is to put it into action.
Gyuuki roared, drawing the Skull Dragon's attention, and the two started trading blows again. From observing the fight, I noticed that the Skull Dragon reflexively focuses on whoever attacks it. In simpler terms, it's kind of dumb.
While Gyuuki distracted it, I circled around and hit the other foreleg with another magically-charged strike, cracking it as well. When the Skull Dragon turned to face me, Gyuuki seized the opportunity to punch it square in the face, sending it flying again.
"Alright, now it's my turn to be the bait."
: This fighting style is pretty brute force.
: Like master, like student?
: Didn't Kisaragi's master only teach him basic martial arts?
: But his master fights the same way.
: Yeah, but she's fast enough to make it work.
Using my speed, I dashed in and kicked the Skull Dragon in the head, grabbing its attention once again. As soon as it turned its gaze to me, I transferred more of my magic to Gyuuki, empowering it further. Gyuuki jumped up and came crashing down on the Skull Dragon's spine, crushing both forelegs and snapping its back in the process. The force of the blow caused the bones to crack and shatter, leaving only the Skull Dragon's head bouncing away from the impact.
"Why is it always the head that keeps moving?"
Now that it was just a head, it was much slower. I stepped on it, concentrated magic at the tip of my blade, and drove it through the skull. The head tried to absorb the magic, but without the rest of the body, it couldn't handle it, and my sword pierced through.
...It looks kind of ridiculous, honestly, like something straight out of a pirate movie.
: The head's still moving? LOL
: Guess the head was the real deal after all.
: It's probably just animated by magic. I doubt it has a "real" body. Discover hidden stories at M V L
: So it was absorbing magic because it
: I dunno, man.
: Then why are you saying that? Lol.
After impaling the skull, it dissolved into dust, leaving behind a massive magic stone that I have no idea how it fit inside the body. But the fragmented bones Gyuuki had crushed were still intact. Even though they were shattered, given that the Skull Dragon was about 15 meters tall, there were still plenty of large bones left.
...Now, was breaking it like that considered "cutting" the bones? Well, whatever, it's dead now, so I guess it doesn't matter.