Chapter 3: Chapter 3: To Earn One’s Keep
"Rat catching," Master Tang began, as he led the two out of the inn early the next morning. "Is best done in groups. None of us are employed, you know."
The two teenagers narrowed their eyes.
"Then how do you get paid?" Basila asked, as she eyed the shabby rags which were covering Hua Tang's body.
"Well," Master Tang said, as he sighed. "Most days, I grill the rats. Besides… no! Wait! I can't speak of this right here! Come on, let's go to my home!"
Icarus took a step before Basila, making sure that she could run if worst came to worst. He did not worry about himself.
It was the slave market for him.
But Basila was a girl. One who, beneath all the dirt, might actually be a pretty one. Icarus wasn't sure.
Sometimes she behaved like someone who had the confidence to get what they wanted. But most of the time, he just found her strange.
He had never seen a girl willing to chop wood for a place to stay, even if Basila had used a rune. And he had never seen a girl wear men's clothing before.
Even the candle peddler Maia wore colorful dresses. Sure, they were too big on her, but they were dresses!
Before Icarus knew it, he was in a dark sewer. He blinked, only to notice that Basila had taken a hold of his elbow, and was still in the process of leading him after Master Tang.
"It's nice that you sleepwalk," Basila told him with a smile. "I won't have to do watch duty while we are on the road!"
"What do you mean?" Icarus asked.
It was a talent, well, most people said it was a curse. He could become so lost in thought that the world disappeared around him.
But this time, he knew that Master Tang must have said something important! Was this about the books the man had mentioned the night before?
"The girl is telling you that when you go to do the dungeon delving, you will be keeping watch while you sleep!" Master Tang gave out a belly laugh. "But to be honest, with a rune smith like Basila, you wouldn't need to do that."
Basila stopped. Icarus stopped with her.
"From where do you know I craft runes?" Basila hissed. Her hand on a knife which was hidden in her belt.
Icarus blinked as he saw the hilt. It was forbidden for women to carry weapons! If someone found Basila with that thing, then it was the headsman's axe for her!
"Well, people talk. Honestly, girl… If you really want for people to think you are a boy, then you should cut your hair," Master Tang turned the corner, the two stood still.
"You are trying to pass off as a boy?" Icarus asked, confused.
Basila just sighed.
"Well, duh! How else can I carry weapons? Or be out at night? Or even earn my own keep?" Basila asked so, as if it were obvious why she did what she did.
Icarus had never thought about that. Now that Basila had told him this, he could not help but think that he had seen no women out at night.
Or even anywhere near the wood chopping yard.
"But" Icarus said, as he patted Basila on the arm. "You are strong. So… chop your hair, maybe? Before we end up dead?"
Basila slapped him.
The sound echoed in the dingy sewer. Icarus touched his cheek, not believing what he was seeing.
Had Basila been a boy, he'd punch her in the stomach, but…
"You have no idea how lucky you are to be born with this!" Basila's foot aimed at his groin, but Icarus jumped up, did a backflip, and then began to look for a way out.
Basila was insane! He was not going to stick around for a beating he couldn't respond to!
Hitting a woman was punished with 100 lashes! With salt thrown at one's back all the while!
"Just because I am a woman, you won't hit back?" Basila yelled, her blood cooking in her veins.
Only to be hit in the head by a flying sandal. One which was missing its toe area but was still deadly.
Basila swayed on her feet, her arms flapping. Her body began to make the descent.
She lost her balance.
The girl fell into the sewage, disappearing into the still water and things no one wanted to think about.
Icarus jumped right after her.
He was not thinking. This was not about Basila being a woman. This was not about the fact that should someone ask where she was, he was going to be blamed.
And torn by four horses once it was discovered that he left her in still water.
This was about the girl who slept by his side the entire night, keeping him warm. About the girl who gave him a system. Something that had been lost fifty years ago.
As he pulled her up and she began to spit out eldritch horror which had been water once, Icarus knew that they were a work in progress.
Both were hurt.
It was just that Icarus knew how to reign himself in and Basila did not.
"Huh, you really are a lady," he said, as he spat out something that might have been corn once. He didn't want to think about the alternatives.
"And you are a horselord!" Basila yelled.
"And both of you are going to need a deworming!" Master Tang said, as he was searching for his lost sandals. "Darn brats!"
"You nearly killed her!" Icarus was on his feet seconds later.
He knew that under the rags there was a mountain of muscle. He was no stranger to the tales about the martial arts of the humans.
And yet, he still stepped before Basila. His fists balled.
"If she wasn't such a klutz, she wouldn't have fallen," Master Tang spat when he saw his sandal floating in the sewage. "Come on! Both of you owe me new sandals! Do you want to see what the price of power is? I know a place from where even two stinky brats like you can watch!"
And so, the old Guild Master prepared to show a lesson the two children had heard about time and time again in a new light.
One where the shadows crept free, and blood flowed freely…