Since I Became a Woman, I’ll Do Cosplay

Chapter 17

– Squeak.

The preheated roulette wheel began to spin noisily.

[Boundless Vitality – Fluffy Fur – Doorframe Immunity…]

I can sort of get what boundless vitality is, but what in the world are fluffy fur and doorframe immunity?

Did they really put such bizarre things as rewards?

No, fluffy fur would turn anyone into a furry, wouldn’t it?

That’s not a reward; it sounds more like a penalty, doesn’t it?

Such complaints barely surfaced before…

[Hawk Eyes – Immunity to Cold Hands and Feet – Tax Immunity…]

Some fairly useful options passed by as well.

Immunity to cold hands and feet is self-explanatory, and hawk eyes as a vision-related reward is…

Given Hayoon has to sit in front of a computer screen every day, it was quite a pity to let it pass…

“Isn’t there a way to prevent… this?”

This one.

Tax immunity.

The lazily named special ability was very appealing.

I momentarily thought it would be great to get this, but the roulette kept spinning; gradually slowing down until eventually…

[Boundless Vitality – Perfect Growth – Hawk Eyes – Door…]

It stopped.


Perfect I’m not so sure about, but it certainly is strange.

Isn’t it just a case of either you develop well or you don’t? How can the word “perfect” be attached to growth?

Hayoon’s head was already aching as if she’d already drawn a blank prize…

[Perfect Growth]

-Maintains your growth status at its peak condition at all times.

-This peak condition refers to the utmost standard of universal beauty, conferring partial immunity to aging.

“My, isn’t this strange…”

The status window quickly added an additional explanation, but hearing it didn’t really change her feelings much.

Since she was in her growth phase, perhaps she’d grow a bit taller, and as there was partial immunity to aging, her joints wouldn’t deteriorate as much, right?

It wasn’t something she particularly hoped for, so it didn’t really bother her…


The roulette began to spin once more.

The status window had clearly mentioned that extra rewards would apply, so there was still a chance.

So, this time!

This time, for sure!

If I could just get the tax immunity ability…!

[Tax Immunity – Aura of the Queen – Doorframe Immunity…]

That would’ve been good, but again, some weird thing ended up being selected.

“What’s this queen’s aura…?”

[Aura of the Queen]

-If you were born in a monarchy, this aura alone would have been enough to overwhelm countless crowds.

-However, there’s no need to be disappointed that it’s not a monarchy.

-Since many people will still look up to you regardless.

“Ah, it’s a blank prize…”

It’s blank.

At least by Hayoon’s standards, this kind of intangible value from before was far less attractive than the tax immunity that had appeared earlier.

“Argh… I thought I could get some income tax break, but…!”

Life doesn’t always go as planned, it seemed, and she briefly thought she might need to apply for a business license soon…

“Young lady? We do need to close soon. Due to the year-end event, we’ve extended our closing time until 1 AM but…”

“Ah, yes. I’ll get my parents ready.”

“Thank you for understanding.”

As the waiter approached cautiously watching for her cue, Hayoon let out a deep sigh seeing Min Jeong-kyun sitting on one side of the terrace and Yun Soo-hee sleeping with her head buried in his chest, and began to move the somewhat irresponsible pair.

“Are you cold? We need to head home.”

“Yes, let’s go. Help support your mom.”


“No need to push me…”

“No, you need a lot of help.”

Though she didn’t express it, perhaps moved by the thought that her daughter had booked the whole restaurant for the year-end celebration? Hayoon noticed that her mother Yun Soo-hee’s face seemed strangely bright, as if her intoxication had worsened.


A few days had passed into the new year.

“Yes, please install it in this room. Yes, thank you.”

The technician for the large display tablet finished setting it up in Hayoon’s room and left, and Yun Soo-hee, who had been watching the process closely, blurted out a remark.

“When did you buy this?”

“Didn’t I tell you I was going to buy it the last time?”

“Last time? When?”

“At the restaurant. I mentioned that I would use the money from selling my illustrations at my discretion.”

“Did I? I was drunk… but yeah, I probably did. You have no reason to lie.”

That said, thanks to the escape route that Hyun cleverly set up that time, her mother didn’t press the matter too hard…

And she thankfully managed to keep the fact that this tablet cost several hundred thousand won secret.

‘Well, it went smoothly. Lucky…’

No matter how well someone earns money, it’s bound to raise an eyebrow when a 16-year-old suddenly buys something worth several hundred thousand won.

Since there was no unnecessary fuss made, it was considered a clean escape…

“Alright, the screen looks great…”

Returning to her room and connecting the tablet to her laptop, Hayoon started drawing.

As always, she was going to draw a Patreon reward illustration today.

After AGC and after the expo, the number of patrons increased to 250, and she intended to make full use of the December and January rewards, if only to retain these patrons.

She was determined to provide everything she could manage…


-Today, we’ll talk about Sun Ce, also known as Xiao Pei Wang…

To liven up the room that only echoed with the sound of the pen striking the tablet, she turned on any random YouTube video and started drawing.

Today’s subject was a saint.

“Side slits are essential, and adding garter belts would be good… A white contrast to the nun’s habit would be nice. Let’s add some ruffles too…”

Of course, saints were the sexiest beings in the world.

They’re called saints, aren’t they?

It was only right that people should depict them in risqué ways.

“Let’s add some slits around the chest area, and casually expose the back also. In the patrons’ illustration series, I’ll add an additional viewpoint from the back…”

Perhaps because it had been a few months since returning to her original equipment?

Hyun felt that she could work several times better now than when she was drawing on her tiny A-pad screen.

She started thinking she’d have to replace her chair and desk soon and continued making progress when…

In no time, Hyun had crafted a saint.

Was it because the rough work of the originally prepared artwork had already been completed?

With the new equipment in use, she was able to make progress on the base coloring in a matter of hours…

All she had to do now was work on the detailed shading and light sources for the coloring, and another bonus illustration would be complete.


Was it because another piece of artwork had been completed?


Because she drew an illustration where burly men surrounded a saint on her knees in front of a cross, supposedly praying for divine protection, arranged in a rather risqué manner?


Hayoon, who was grinning wickedly, felt drool slipping from the corner of her mouth and quickly wiped it away with her sleeve.

She just really enjoyed drawing such risqué pictures.

There was no particular reason needed.

It felt good, that’s all.

One of the three main human desires is sexual desire; being honest about that wasn’t a sin, was it?

“Uh, haa…”

Finishing the under-coloring stage, Hayoon stretched and got up from her seat to grab some snacks.

She was starting to feel hungry, and if there were some fruit peeled by Soo-hee, she thought she’d eat a little of that while finishing her drawing.

“Ooh, persimmon.”

She thought she’d grab some slices of persimmon from the fridge and eat them while she went back inside…

…Until the news she’d just heard startled her.

“The situation in mainland China is chaotic now. Symptoms of a variant pneumonia starting from Wuhan…”


“Why? Hyoon?”

“No, nothing…”

Yun Soo-hee’s news had briefly featured a chilling segment.

2020, China, Wuhan, pneumonia…?

This was something she’d heard a lot before.


Back in her room, Hayoon started browsing the news while eating her persimmon with a fork.

Since she remembered the domestic news being slow to cover the situation, she decided to translate and search for original reports instead…

-China’s Wuhan pneumonia, a concerning rise in confirmed cases…

-WHO states the need for prompt action…


It seemed the ominous event she had in mind was indeed coming.

“Before long, it seems like I’ll be stuck at home, unable to step outside…”

Frowning, Hayoon briefly reminisced about the hellish two years when she always had to wear a mask.


-With a global disaster looming, soon going outside will become burdensome for you.

-Can you still generate 20 million won in profit under such predicaments?

-The deadline is your first day of high school enrollment!

Reward: 1 Roulette Spin.

Penalty: ???

Finally, the status window began to move.

“So, I was wondering why you hadn’t acted yet.”

Hayoon also had her thoughts.

“Looks like I need to get a new computer. A good desktop.”

Because the times when earning money would be harder were coming soon.

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