Shinobi Gamer in Marvel

Chapter 58: Law Abiding Citizen

In any case, incidents were averted with the President intervening before the Secretary of State, or any Secret Service agents were harmed.

"Mr. Leon, please forgive my Secretary of State for his outburst; he is only reacting this way due to your actions towards our nation's citizens."

The President said, attempting to prevent further issues. As he finished, Leon pushed a manila folder towards him. And the President began to review its contents.

"As I was saying before being rudely interrupted, Mr. President. I require an end to your government's hostilities against me and my organizations, with written assurances that they will not continue."

Leon insisted.

"Secondly, you have lost my Uzumaki Corp industrial factories and labs to the East."

"You can't!"

Ross exclaimed, pounding the table and quieting the room with his commanding tone.

"We need your scientists and engineers to maintain the technology we acquired from you."

To which the President shot back immediately.

"You're overstepping your place, Ross. This matter is out of your hands. So, what is it that you are offering, Mr Leon, in return? Because no matter how we put it, we require your technology."

"I can't offer much, since you were the ones who initiated this chaos."

Lion stated, casting a stern glance at the Secretary of State.

"However, you can cover the shipping fees for any technology and pay a premium for our technicians and scientists."

'Damn it! The plan devised by Pierce and Ravencroft is still screwing us over! The downside is the loss of all Uzumaki Corp's industrial factories and labs. The upside is that he'll cease the bounties on our agents in exchange for covering shipping and transport costs. That's manageable. I just need those technicians.'

Ross reflected and glared nastily at Fury.

"What is this MRA bill about?"

Inquired the President.

"It concerns the absurd registration requirement for mutants, whom we refer to as metahumans. They demand that all metahumans reveal themselves to the public."

Lion replied with evident disgust. However, a senator then interjected.

"Mr. President, do not be mistaken—mutants are not our allies. They dwell among us, concealed, biding their time to strike. They possess the power to kill us with a mere glance, to read and pilfer our thoughts, to reduce us to a vegetative state, or, in the case of true monstrosities like Magneto, to obliterate civilization."

Senator Kelly stated with a chilling conviction that echoed throughout the room.

"Go ahead, pay some mutants to perform charity work in our country if you wish, Mister Uzumaki, or attempt to rebrand them with more PR-friendly names; it will be futile."

He continued, his voice intensifying.

"They will betray you, they will betray us all, for they are not like us. They have the capacity to eradicate humanity from the planet. We cannot stand idly by, especially not after last night's events. The very earth and the future of humanity depend on us to take action immediately!"

"Hmm. They are not like us, and they have the capacity to eradicate humanity from the planet, Senator Kelly?"

Lion slowly stood up and looked towards Senator Kelly like a predator playing with its prey.

"Tell me, Senator Kelly, how will that bill help you when I can just kill you with a single thought?"

Lion asked in a cold voice. His whole body was covered in golden energy, and a massive energy construct stretched in the form of a hand clasping around Senator Kelly's body, lifting him up.

Kelly was now hanging off in the air getting his body crushed, unable to breathe. Lion turned back sat on his seat and opened a comic. Kelly's face was reddening and tears were rolling down his cheeks. His arms and legs were flailing and quivering. Lion ignored him and continued reading.


The President screamed.

"Stop, he's going to die."

He begged. Lion shrugged, seemingly indifferent.

"If anything happens to him, you'll be arrested."

Fury warned, realizing the other's disregard for life.

After a moment's thought, Leon released Senator Kelly, who collapsed to the floor, gasping for air.

"Are you insane? You could've killed me! You won't get away with this, MUTANT!"

Senator Kelly bellowed in fury. Leon raised an eyebrow and, with a sudden gesture, his energy construct, shaped like a hand, enveloped Senator Kelly once more. Crushed again, Kelly's screams filled the air. Having tormented him for mere seconds, Leon promptly let him go.

Kelly lay on the floor, convulsing and whimpering. His loud sobs of agony and despair resonated throughout the room.

Sitting down Leon spoke to the whimpering Kelly on the floor as he looked at him with terrified eyes.

"There, there, little fascist. Don't cry. I won't hurt you anymore. For now."

Leon said, his arms resting on the table, a seemingly innocent smile on his face. Kelly flinched at his words, yearning to distance herself as much as possible from him within the building. Leon leaned back in his chair, observing the others in the room who were visibly terrified of him.

They were unmistakably frightened.

"Don't worry, I don't hurt anyone without a reason, and you haven't given me one yet."

Leon reassured in a soft voice, though he was uncertain of the truthfulness of his statement, allowing them time to process the recent events.

"Well, the fact is, Senator Kelly wasn't entirely wrong. Metahumans do have the capacity to wipe out humanity from the planet. From Magneto using his full power of magnetism to disrupt the world, causing tidal waves and earthquakes that would kill millions or any other of Omega level Metahumans. Which there are a few hundred, might I remind everyone, and Director Fury can confirm. But Senator Kelly's mistaken about one thing: we're still human, and we have no desire to eliminate our kin. However, if this bill forces our hand, then you all understand what desperate men will do to survive and protect their own."

Leon explained.

The tension in the room was palpable, with everyone contemplating Leon's words. They understood what they might do if placed in the same desperate situation and were fearful of their potential actions.

"Now, Mr. President, do you have an interest in history by any chance?"

He inquired.

"I fail to see the relevance to today's discussion, Mr. Uzumaki."

The President responded, eyeing him.

"It's a historical fact that prior to World War II, Hitler and the Nazi party harbored extreme prejudice against anyone who didn't meet their ideal of a 'perfect' German. Gypsies, Jews, and anyone who didn't conform to their Aryan standards were persecuted. It's well-documented that before the Holocaust, Jews were compelled to wear a Star of David to signify their faith."

"I fail to see the connection..."

"It's also a historical truth that before the Civil Rights Act, African Americans faced segregation solely based on skin color. Over a century ago, women were denied the right to vote."

"Please, Mr. Uzumaki, get to the point. We don't wish to waste precious time on a history lesson."

The President interjected.

Yet, several onlookers gazed at him with interest. In each scenario, he depicted, a common thread emerged: persecution for traits beyond the victims' control.

"The Mutant Registration Act proposed by Senator Kelly bears a striking resemblance to the discrimination faced by Jews based on their faith before the Holocaust. Metahumans, being a minority, are protected by numerous American laws that prevent persecution over innate traits. Mr. President, would you really endorse the oppression of a minority for traits beyond their control?"

The President's surprise was evident at the charge.

"Mr. Uzumaki, I trust you're not implying we are racists," he retorted with indignation.

"Racism is the belief in superiority over another due to the nature of their birth. Mr. President, if you deem Metahumans inferior, does that not equate to racism? They cannot alter their genetics any more than you can change being born male."

Lion cornered him; the President couldn't advocate for a bill requiring Metahumans to disclose their identities and abilities without appearing racist—a political suicide for his re-election.

After the meeting, Leon secured not only his initial demands but additional legislative protections, bolstered by the support of several Senators who concurred with his arguments on Metahuman rights.

The Constitution should have shielded them as a minority group, a fact overlooked by Senator Kelly and others.

Name: Leon Uzumaki/Leon Petrov

Kekkei Genkai: Uzumaki, Wood Release, Dust Release, Lava Release 

Elemental Affinity: Wind, Fire, Earth, Water, Lighting, Yang

Chakra level: Sage of Six Paths

Chakra Control: Rank EX

Taijutsu: Power Rank S, Technique Rank S

Shurikenjutsu: Rank A

Kenjutsu: Rank A

Fuinjutsu: Rank S

Genjutsu: Rank C

Ninjutsu: Rank S


+Naruto Ashura mode, Sage of Six Paths, Rank A

+Yamato, Jonin, Rank A

+Onoki, Kage, Rank S Ninja

+Harold Finch, Rank S Mechanical Engineering and Rank S Computer Science

Divinity: 18%

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