Shh, she can hear me

Chapter 88: Chapter 82:Lined Masks

"Because they are neutral, not having loyalty to rebellion or me, they are just inbetween." "InBetween?" I repeated and my mother eyed me, "Yes, InBetween just as I said, what more is there to question?"

"Nothing nothing." I glance down to the soup and gulp, it looks okay but I really don't feel like eating. "Victoria." "Yes ma'am?" "You aren't to leave this table until you atleast had a bite of that soup, it's not a hefty meal so it shouldn't be a problem."

It shouldn't be a problem but yet it is, it definitely is. This small soup with basil seems like the most filling thing and while I want to eat it I can't help but falter. I'm just not hungry.

I glance up to my mother and she already started on the soup, about a 1/4 of it seeming already gone and I wince at the fact. A bite couldn't hurt right? Just a bite? Even if I don't feel like eating, if it will get me out of this situation maybe it's worth sacrificing?

"Victoria." "Yes mother?" "You asked about the lined masks earlier right?" "Yes ma'am." "Well I keep them there to observe first hand on how important influence is. Right now they are neutral, but it makes me wonder how long they will stay in that sense. Will something come and change their views or will they keep their ground as the InBetween?" "Will you keep them then if they is the case? If they choose not to pick a sign?"

She raises a brow, "Interesting question, not really sure honestly but mostly likely I'm leaning to no. If someone is to stay neutral all the time then you can't depend on them to ever take your side or or stay loyal. It would be like never knowing what they will pick, never having anyone full there just lingering."

She takes another bite of her soup, looking down to mine. "Take a bite of yours before you speak to me again, I won't answer unless you eat." I scrunch up my face, "Don't give me that Victoria, it is not hard to take a single bite. You would eat if nobody was here so what 's stopping you from eating now? Me?"

I pick up a spoon, shaking my head, and her eyes widen, "I see, so it's not just people that stop you from eating. In general you just lost an appetite over time haven't you? Only eating when you really have to or when it comes to mind?" I stay silent, scooping some of the soup onto the spoon.

She must be testing me, she keeps asking questions yet I am not suppose to speak until I start eating. How is that suppose to work?

I furrow my brows taking in a deep breath, I take a bite of some of the soup and force it down. My body shuddering, it's not gross but the thought of food just makes me feel sick. The taste tasting so unnatural to me as the smell makes me want to turn away. Again it's not a bad meal but I just don't want to eat, especially now.

I'm not exactly sure why but-"Good now was that hard Victoria?" I don't answer that smart remark, I just face the table.

"Are you liking the Bellums so far?" I glance at her with a frown, "I guess not." She laughs, "Makes sense, when I first meant their parents they weren't the most welcoming. It's like they judged me secretly for not having as much money as my husband." She shook her head, "Ironic really because I ended up surpassing them in every way. I don't have a perfect relationship but I atleast can get my husband under control."

She takes another bite of her soup almost finsihed with it now, "Even though the damn fucker is so stubborn, like I said nothing like how he was when we meant. But of course it's because he was hiding it. Sometimes you can come to know someone for years and still not really know them. In hindsight it seems like you would be together for a long time but really they are waiting to stab you, to use everything they learned about you against you so you can keep them. Despite everything they say, despite everything they do. Once they have you trapped, you will think all those years are worth it."

She faces me and doesn't look away seeming to have a hint of sympathy in her eyes, "Don't make the same mistakes I did, don't trust the Bellums fully even if you get them for years." She blinked back, "They will try to form any alliance they can since we are number one and that's fine just don't forget who you are. What you are worth. You are more than they will ever be and don't let them try to falter you or embarrass."

She then finished off her soup settting it to the side, "I think that is all I want to say for today, so I will be taking my leave. Again you don't leave until you finish that, and if you don't finish it then you will be eating it tomorrow."

She got up, and turned on her heels, my mind wandering for a bit before I yelled out, "Mother! Can I just ask one more question?!" She eyed me and put a hand on her hip, "So you really are going to abuse this freedom of speech then huh? Okay then fair, what do you have to ask?"

I stand up myself, straightening my dress, "What was he doing out in the garden today? He was digging at something and rather off to himself. There was an old shed there that seems not tended to and when I spotted him he almost seem brash, not mention he was mumbling to himself about something and the fact that…" I stopped and my mother raised a brow, "Go on child don't stop now, what was he mumbling about and more importantly why were you wandering by yourself?"

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