98. Useful
But that was not the end of our problems.
We managed to get through the whole cave system without much of an issue. They did ask about the place, though. Again. I still had my doubts about sharing my information with them, but if I was to move on and try learning more, I probably should finally say something…
-What the hell even is this place…? Is it some sort of a mine… or a tunnel? Who built this? - Kon was wondering aloud.
-I already said that multiple times: I have no idea. I just know that it exists and is seemingly the only way out of that bowl.
-And where are you leading us exactly? The house of that person, right, you said that - he replied for me - but where is that?
-Not far out. In the forest, like seemingly every place in this damn country… But if you are asking where on the map, I have bad news: I have no clue.
-I thought you were from here - said Vendi, slightly confused.
-I said that I was here, not that I was FROM here. I got here in a somewhat similar way that we just did, although as you probably figured, not on purpose.
-Right… and then you found Melle - muttered Jack.
-Yep. And then, the story got repeated. Another fucked up spell and another sendoff to some weird place.
He went silent for a good second.
-Yeah, this is very strange… but I am somewhat starting to understand…
-Understand what?
-Where exactly we are.
-And how the hell did you do that? - asked him Vendi, stunned. - Everything looks the damn same in this place.
-Like anywhere else is different… - I muttered to myself, but Jack heard me.
-Exactly. It looks the same. Meaning that we are still somewhere near the south part of Suo.
-Suo? - I asked. - Where did I hear that name before…
-The large piece of land on the Inner Sea is called Suo - he explained. - You probably saw it on a map somewhere before.
-Ah. Possible…
But even though I said that, I don’t think that was the case. Even then the maps I’ve seen so far were pretty decent, sure, so maybe…
-Suo is always like this: lush and, well, a bit wild. Covered with forests and jungles. To the north there is a mountain range that breaks up the environment. Up there, there is a nice and big orange desert.
-Orange? Wait, how do you even know that? You used to travel? - asked Vendi.
-No. But I had some clients that came from there.
-Really? I thought that barely anyone lives there…
-Because that’s true. The environment is apparently very harsh there. Thanks to the mountain range there barely rains there, and even if it does it is also only confined to the edges of the landmass, on the coast.
-Interesting place - I muttered.
-And dangerous. They say that thanks to those hard conditions, the animals there have evolved faster and weirder. While our lands are green and often full of life, our wild animals can’t hold the candle to monstrosities roaming those deserts.
-Ha. You still think so after seeing the things that attacked the capital? - I asked, in half jest. - Someone is trying to one-up mother nature.
-Well, to be completely honest… I think that they are somewhat similar…
-You what?
-Yeah. I never really thought about it that much, but the creatures that appeared in the capital are similar to those I’ve heard in stories from the north.
-Like green and plantlike? - I asked in disbelief. - How? Wasn't the north supposed to be a desert wasteland?
-Sure, but I never said exactly like them… just similar. Sure, in the north there is not much of a plant life, only stray barbed weeds and sometimes dry grass…
-So what, you’re going to tell me that the “weirdly evolved animals” look like grass?
-Believe what you want, that’s what I heard - he shrugged. - But I agree, that sounds rather unbelievable…
-Strange… - joined in Kon. - I’ve heard something else…
-You? - Jack sounded surprised. - From where?
-I… I don’t know. I think it was from some of our guests one or the other time…
-I don’t remember having anyone from the north renting a room…
-I heard weird stories, too - he continued. - But I also remember hearing that they were a bit different. Sure, they have strange and dangerous animals, but that’s not what plant-like beings are. That the living plants are a new arrival… relatively new that is.
-Relatively new? What do you mean by that?
-The animals… the dangerous and weird ones that you mentioned, apparently were always there. That it was their… well, calling card. Or sometimes even an attraction for visitors. They would come from other places to see the monsters that seemed impossible to exist…
-Hm, sounds like a certain place I’ve heard of… - I said quietly to myself, making sure that no one would hear me.
-And that the other ones - he continued - appeared only a what, ten, twenty, maybe fifty years back? But one thing is true, they are definitely dangerous. Even for the locals.
-That’s… concerning.
-Yeah… Luckily, or maybe not, they only appear near the settlements, so they were able to swiftly respond and cull the population to manageable numbers. But that also meant a hefty death toll. That was more painful, thanks to the small population. It was also what apparently kickstarted the mass migrations to the south.
-I’ve never heard about that! - said Jack, clearly astounded. - Vendi, did you know about that?
-No… - he replied after a second of thinking. - I also do not remember ever having northerners staying in the inn… Are you sure that you’ve heard this info in our inn, Kon? Not from somewhere else?
-I… I don’t know…
He seemed strangely confused. Not about the info he was providing us, no, more like he was unsure of himself.
-I just know that I’ve heard that before from someone… Or was it that I’d read it somewhere…
-That’s impossible… I don’t have any books or papers about the north…
-Doesn’t matter either way - I interrupted them. - Back on topic. You were talking about where we are.
-Ah! Yes! As I was saying, the mountains that are the border between the Suo and the north are the only mountains that are this tall.
-So you think that we are near the border?
-I am pretty sure. No mountains this tall exist anywhere else.
-Huh. Are there some cities near the border? On one side or the other? A town? Maybe a small village?
-I am afraid not…
I couldn’t believe my ears.
-What the hell, why?
-I already told you that the north is a wild place. Who in their right mind would want to live near something like that?
-Come on, you said it yourself, the large mountain range is essentially blocking the way. What kind of creature would even attempt crossing this monstrosity of a mountain?
-I don’t know. But if one like this exists, it definitely is in the north.
The longer he was talking about that place, the less believable the stories were getting. But, he had a point: why would anyone want to live in the neighborhood of an essentially dead country? No people, no trade… Hell, I thought that maybe at least it would’ve caught the attention of some adventurers or something along those lines, but nope. I guess no one wanted to have anything to do with that place. Even the underbelly - I sort of expected that with this kind of setup, the more shady people would’ve loved to use that place. But I guess there was no point - no people means no money, and no money means no interest.
-Let’s end the discussion about the north and all that bullshit and focus on what’s in front of us - I reminded them after a while.
We were already out of the caves and well on our way to Melle’s house.
-Right. We should be wary. Who knows who can we find waiting for us there… - said Jack.
-Do you really think that we’ll find someone? - I said a bit skeptical. - I gave it a bit of a thought and I don’t think that anyone would bother with this place…
-Aren’t they looking for her? Why wouldn’t they check this place?
-Two reasons. First of all, she got kidnapped. Who in their right mind would’ve tried hiding her here? Literally the first place that comes to mind?
-Well, true, but what if she was not kidnapped - suggested Vendi. - Maybe that was just some big setup and she was essentially “freed” by the elves… and just went back home?
-I seriously doubt that’s the case… - I muttered - but even so, Melle knows Axlelrod found this place. And that he had their people teleported here.
-Maybe you’re right…
-And reason number two: they straight up do not have resources for that. Didn’t you say it yourself? Axelrod’s forces got absolutely demolished by the elves. You think he can spare someone to keep an eye on this hole? Especially if we think that this place is only reachable with magic. Do you think he’d waste his resources like that?
-Why do you think that this place is only reachable by magic? - asked surprised Vendi. - If we are on the border, I don’t think that would be the case…
That threw me out for a loop. Why did I think that?
Damn. Was that the presence again? Was it awake already and trying to tell me something?
I think that was it, but even though I focused and tried calling to it once more, I did not get a straight answer.
But, I did get something.
For the first time, I actually felt something. Somewhere in the back of my mind I felt it… still. Like it was both with me and at the same time somewhere else…
Bit weird if you ask me, but what wasn’t, really?
-I have a feeling. Sort of like Kon with his theory about the monsters from the north - I replied, brushing the feeling off. - Doesn’t matter. What was important though is you’d be on guard.
-Right… - nodded absentmindedly Jack.
-Wait, why are we even worried? Can’t you just check with your senses if someone’s there? - asked Kon.
-I intend to - I agreed with him. - But that does not mean that someone won’t just teleport there while we are nearby. I don’t know what they used as an anchor last time, so they can surprise us.
-I thought you said that you doubt that they have resources for that - reminded me Vendi.
-I still think so. But I’d rather be prepared in case shit goes south. I’ve already been mistaken multiple times.
-But you are right, I will be monitoring our surroundings. I will attempt to warn you before someone appears…
-You can do that? - Jack was surprised. - You can predict the future now?
-Hell no - I laughed dryly. - If that was the case, a lot of things would be so much easier. No. it’s just when someone teleports, before the actual portal is created, there are very obvious signs. I just need to watch for them.
-For example? - now Kon was asking.
-Eh… when you make a portal, you need to gather mana, don’t you?
-Er.. yes?
-So why do you think it’s different on the other side? Sure, there is no caster to gather the mana for the portal here, but it doesn’t mean it just appears out of thin air. No, you can easily spot a large mass of mana forming where the portal is going to be. Just like with every spell. But that reminds me… - I realized, thinking. - Please don’t use any large spells.
-Why…? - Vendi was slightly suspicious of that request.
-Because I won’t be able to tell the difference if that’s you trying to fireball me in the ass or it’s Axelrod teleporting behind me. Well, I’ll probably realize which one it is after I either feel it moving towards me or after the actual portal forms. Either way, it’s going to be too late. Or, you know, warn me before you cast anything larger.
-It wouldn’t be an ambush if I was to warn you beforehand - said Vendi, seemingly innocently. - But, what’s “large” exactly?
-Right… I keep forgetting that you can’t see mana like me… Hard to tell, really…Ah, and Kon, you too.
-You too try paying attention to the surroundings. I know it’s a bit new for you and seeing all the mana is distracting, but that can be a great exercise for you. If you notice something strange appearing that you’ve never seen before, give me a shout.
-You think I can do this…?
-And why not? It’s not hard to spot a glowing spot, right?
-I mean…
-I know, everything is new. It’s hard to wrap your head around everything, but don’t worry. I’ll be keeping my eye on everything - I assured him. - You have a much shorter range than me anyway. Probably.
He nodded, but I don’t think he was convinced.
Our conversation had to be stopped, because we were getting relatively close to the house. At least that’s what I thought, it really was hard to keep track of the correct path when everything looks the same as everywhere else. Good thing that I had my magic sight working well again, because it was the only way I managed to find our target.
About two hundred or so meters in front of us I felt a larger source of mana. At first I wanted to stop everyone and go alone, thinking that might be a person, but nope. After a second look I realized that what I felt was just a large tree… a VERY large tree that was surrounded by a bunch of smaller plants, even thicker and livelier than the regular forest floor.
-We are getting close - I said to the rest behind me. - And for now I can’t feel anyone besides us.
Even then, we slowed down, just to be on the safe side.
Unnecessarily. As we were just about to reach the clearing where the garden was, because that was definitely what I felt before, it was clear that we were alone here, at least for now.
Emerging from the woods, the three of my companions stared at the clearing in confusion.
It was just as I left it last time: a nice and clean garden, now slightly more overgrown, but still giving a clear indication that it was man-made, along with a very large tree in the middle, looking unnaturally thick and bulbous.
-This is it…? - asked Jack, gazing at the tree and the garden.
-Yep. We’re here - I said, unceremoniously walking out into the plain sight, trying not to disturb the plants too much, still remembering my first meeting with them.
-Where’s the house? - asked Vendi, stepping carefully between the different roots and plants.
-Right, I forgot to mention that part… - I finally realized. - When we last left this place, Melle “closed it up”.
-What is that supposed to mean?
-You’re the ones that use green magic on a regular basis - I shrugged - and still didn’t figure that out?
-Figure out what? - Vendi was still not getting it.
-That’s the house - Kon pointed to the tree with wide open eyes. - This tree…
I didn’t notice before, but he was the one that was the last one that walked into the garden, and it was not because he was not paying attention. No, he was staring at it with almost reverence, I want to say.
-This is amazing… - Jack was almost as amazed as his kid.
Well, I probably shouldn’t call him that any more… he was neither a kid nor his child…
-Precisely - I said plainly, approaching the tree and the doors covered by thorny vines. They were barely visible under the layer of moss that apparently grew on them in the time it was standing here abandoned.
-This is… something else… - Jack was still slack-jawed. - I never expected for something like this to be possible…
-What’s possible? I don’t get you. Isn’t that just a weird tree? - Vendi was still not impressed.
-No… It is a tree, yes… but it’s also a house… It’s hollow, but at the same time it still is alive - muttered Kon.
-I recognize those shapes… those are the same as what Noli was making… Same as the houses back at my place… as my inn…
Now when he mentioned it, I also noticed. Vines that were covering the windows and overall pattern of the bark was similar to the one I’ve been seeing on his island. To be honest, it was similar to every other house that I’ve suspected that had been made using green magic.
-I can’t believe it… I had my doubts about that, but that woman really had to be connected to him… Can it be really true… is that his wife…?
-It certainly looks like it - I said. - In any case, we still have something to do here, remember?
-Yes… - Jack snapped out of his trance. - Right. We need to look through this place… Find something that would help us get out.
-Precisely. You two get to it.
-Why us? - Vendi seemed surprised.
-And who else? Me, who has to constantly monitor the surroundings for a potential ambush? Or maybe Kon, who just awakened from, basically death, and is still not accustomed to his body? You want him to accidentally drain and destroy something?
-I won’t… - started Kon, but I immediately silenced him.
-Yes sure, we can do that. But don’t cry if someone’s going to ambush us or if Kon destroys something that would help us get out of here.
-It’s okay - stopped him Jack. - Vendi, just do as he said. He’s right.
He muttered something under his breath, but complied and started slowly inspecting the nearby roots.
-You really think I am that unstable? - asked Kon quietly when they walked away, looking for anything usable.
-Ah. Sorry… - he silenced himself with his hand. - You are supposed to be focusing on scouting, my bad…
-Pfff. I mean, yes of course I am doing that. But I can multitask. A small talk is not going to disturb me. After all, I’ve been constantly monitoring our surroundings for a good while.
-Oh. So why…?
-Why did I tell them to do something useful for a change?
-So I can have some rest and opportunity to observe them for a while - I decided to tell him the truth. - I mean, sure, I believe you. I understand why they did what they did, and don't really hold that against them. But that does not mean that I am going to immediately feel safe in their presence. I still want to have an eye on them, just in case.
-Oh… I… that’s fair, I guess…
-While they are busy… tell me, how are you feeling? - I asked him, laying on the grass with my eyes closed.
-Oh… I am fine… but, if you don’t mind me asking… Why do you really care?
-And why not? - I replied, not bothering to move.
-Well… You seem… somehow different than before?
-How exactly?
-More caring… and a bit more open I guess? It doesn’t fit you…
-You think you know me that well?
-I… eh… I just had a feeling. At first I thought that you were just helping me because you thought I was a child, but it’s clear that’s not it.
-Well, you told me that you are not. What, you think I can’t help someone just because I am a good person?
He did not reply at first, but after a while I heard a very quiet answer.
-I don’t think you are a good person… not always… I don’t understand.
I opened my eyes in surprise.
-That was bold - I said, sitting up.
He gasped, covering his mouth.
-I didn’t…
-Mean to say that? Ha. You better be careful when you think out loud.
-I am so…
-But you are absolutely right - I said flat out. - I am unsure, myself.
-Yes. It’s strange, isn’t it? At first I really thought I was just helping you because, hey, kid in trouble, it would be shitty of me to just leave, right? After I learned who you really are, I thought that maybe I would change my mind, but nope. Still felt the same way. I thought that it was your background that motivated me maybe, I dunno.
I sighed heavily.
But that’s bullshit.
After all, It wouldn’t be the first time that I’ve seen shit like that done to someone. Same with that whole problem with Jack and Vendi. Feeling like they did something wrong? Hell no. I was just trying to somehow explain myself. I am the same as them, probably worse.
Not experimenting on the unwilling? Not dealing with kids? Ha. Of course we did. I did.
Do I feel bad about it? I don’t know, really. It all is just messy…
I shook my head, trying to clear my mind.
What in the hell got to me?
Kon was staring at me, mortified.
-I… nothing. I just… didn’t expect for you to be this open with me…
-Open? Believe me, I am not open with you. There are a lot of things I never said to any of you and never intend to.
-Well, it may be better for me if I didn’t know…
-Most likely. But you are right about one thing. I’ve not been myself lately…
-Not yourself…?
-I already mentioned that I have a bit more going on in my head than just my own problems, right? I think you felt that once before.
-I felt…? Ah… right.
-So you can see it… I think I have a good idea... It’s like something else is mixed with me that is both similar and very different at the same time, right?
-So you can see it too? - he asked, wide-eyed.
-Sadly, I can, but not in myself. And that is a problem. Problem that I don’t know how to deal with.
-Wait, not you? Then who?
If he was not frightened before, he now was.
-No… that’s what you meant that I was “defective”.
-”Defective” is a bad word for that. I’d say, it’s more “problematic” than defective.
-But what is that? There is something like that stuck to me as well? That other presence?
-The thing is… I am not sure. That is a problem. With me, I am almost certain about what the presence is and how it feels… I mean, I was able to sense it before our “merge” so to speak, and what I feel that is stuck to you is not that.
-I have… something else? Why?! From where? Who?
-Those are all great questions, on which I don’t have a good answer to.
He went quiet for a moment.
-So… how do we get rid of it? - he finally asked.
-And why do you think I want to do that?
He gasped, speechless.
-What, is it that weird?
-But… Isn’t that… wrong?
-Wrong how? - I asked, curious. - It’s another being. Why would I want to kill it, when all it’s done was help me?
-I never said anything about killing! - he yelped in surprise. - Just… maybe move it… just like you did with me?
-Hm. I don’t think that’s possible.
-Why?! There was no problem with me… why wouldn’t it…
-Do you have a spare body? - I asked, interrupting him.
-I am sorry…?
-Do you have a spare body. Or better, maybe two, for both your and mine “guest”. And of course another source of mana. Or do you want me to go to the Red Edge? Do you think I can just do that without any preparations?
-Well, you did that for me…
-I did - I agreed. - But most of the preparations were done beforehand.
-But you can just reuse them! It’s not like everything is just one use!
-Oh, of course, the incantation is the smallest concern. What about the rest?
-I… I don’t know.
-Exactly. That’s the problem. I have no clue. This is… different. And new for me. And besides that - I added after a while. - Even if we had everything on hand… I am pretty sure that it would be impossible. You said it yourself: it’s merged together with me. Same with you. It’s not something that I can just yank and pull out of you, or me. It is already part of us, and we have to deal with it.