87. Chance
-Argh! This is annoying! - I finally blurted out after a minute of silence. - Ilon, Iloa, Ilma, Il… The fuck, why does everyone have basically the same name!
-Now when you mention it… it’s strange…
-Yeah, no shit. And as if to add an insult to injury, every single one of them makes my head spin, meaning that those people are important! This can’t be a coincidence.
-Look it this way: at least you are sure that you’re going the right way!
-Right way? Right way towards what? - I sighed. - I still have no fucking idea what am I doing.
He had no reply for that.
After about fifteen minutes of walking we finally stopped.
-We’ve been walking for that long and found jack shit - said Jack. - You really think there is a point?
-Don’t know - I replied, still annoyed and trying to piece all this together. - I wanted to find more of those ruins in a place that was not blinding me, or at least maybe some other clue, but no dice I guess…
-Seems so… Shit, I should’ve led you the other way… I chose the direction that was most deserted after all, since you said that you were blinded…
-I guess I only have myself to blame, should've said something sooner… Whatever, fuck. Let’s get out of here. I guess we can try fixing your kid…
-I thought you had no idea how to do it? - he replied, half-stunned, half-happy.
-Because I still don’t know. But you do, don’t you?
-And how the hell…
-Oh, don’t play stupid. You already told me that you know how the remnants are made. Just spit it out. That’s the thing that Ilon taught you too, isn’t it.
-I mean, sure, but that’s not what we are doing! - he protested. - I want him back in his body, not in the shape of a monster.
-Oh, thank you.
-I didn’t mean it like that! - he realized what he just said. - I mean…
-I am just joking. Just get the portal ready, we will discuss the details in your office, not in some damn forest in the middle of nowhere.
-Eh. Okay…
He started digging through his belongings and finally produced a small piece of wood, pretty similar to the one I was given to be able to pass through the barrier. After a brief look, he chose one of the larger trees next to us and started creating the magic circle in its bark using a small knife.
As the last touch, he made a larger hole in the middle of it and placed the piece of wood inside.
-Yeah, sure.
The portal opened, and after a brief gesture from Jack I walked through.
The warp was smooth. Without any issues, I stepped out on the other side, appearing in the middle of his office, almost bumping into his desk.
I was greeted by Vendi, who jumped up at my sight and covered his eyes.
-Everything alright? Did the Red Edge attack you? Where is Jack?!
-Right behind - he replied, appearing next to me and closing the portal.
-Yea, sorry, I’ll be glowing for now.
-What about the Edge? Did they agree to help?
-See… we didn’t really arrive at the Edge…
Jack explained where we appeared and what happened. Vendi looked panicked, even after I said that the mana at the place was more than sufficient.
-What, you know more than I do?
-No! - he protested! - But I find it doubtful that some random leyline, as you said, is more powerful than one available at the Red Edge.
-Do you really think that we need that much? - I asked, not convinced. - Last time I checked, it was me that you were relying on to try and fix this mess. Or you want to contribute something?
He was about to say something, but thought again and went quiet. That did not get past Jack, who just shook his head.
-Vendi, it’s alright. I told him about Ilon. He’s more capable than you think.
-You what?!
That did not calm him even in the slightest.
-What are you doing!? If he ever learns about that, we are dead meat!
-You are overreacting. He never forbade us from talking about him…
-Are you serious?! That’s the story with elves all over again! You are too trusting! And he even has spiky ears like those fuckers!
-Racist much? - I couldn’t help but laugh.
-Oh, don’t pretend that you like those sons of bitches - Vendi was not going to give up that quickly. - I trust you, but there are limits!
He was pretty adamant about that, which seemed slightly strange. I never expected him to be that much of a follower of that guy…
-Calm down - said Jack quietly and sat heavily on his chair.
He was clearly tired after teleporting us again, so he started chewing on a mana fruit.
-Calm down? I am calm! It’s just that you lost your marbles while trying to get your kid back! Can I remind you that there are a bunch more downstairs, as important as him? Or are you…
His voice was calm, but there was enough strength put in that singular word that it made him shut up instantly.
-May I remind you of your place here? - he sighed, and started speaking more softly. - I know what you are worried about. We should not propagate his teachings, especially after what happened… But think about it. We only learned about those side effects thanks to Mor. And, besides that, he knew most of it already…
Vendi was clearly still torn about it, but stopped protesting.
-Now, if you would be so kind, please bring me more mana fruit. I am exhausted after all the teleporting.
With that he left us alone.
-I hope he will finally stop… - he said, leaning back on his chair. - I just hope that I am not wrong…
-Nah, nothing. Anyway, you better start talking.
-About? - he didn’t seem to get it.
-The remnants? What do I need according to your mentor? Come on, you only told me that he taught you, not what we have to do exactly…
-I mean, you already know, we…
-And besides that - I interrupted - your whole story doesn’t add up. First you want me to find the solution, now it comes out that you already knew what we should do and played dumb. What gives?
-First of all - he started after a moment of silence - we did not know that Kon would end up in a crystal, so I never mentioned it. Second, even after I learned that, I was not really keen on trying to use this method… You saw Vendi.
-Yeah, but he just does not want to share the secrets of your teacher to me.
-Sure - he agreed - but that’s not all. It’s just… Remember when I mentioned how a lot of Axelrod's friends got killed by soul remnants? I don’t really want to risk something like that happening to us…
-Yeah, you mentioned that… - I nodded - but what does that even mean? They got killed because of what?
-There are a lot of versions, I am not sure which one I should believe - he admitted. - None of them are pleasant though.
We were interrupted by Vendi, who brought some mana fruit. Without delay, Jack started restoring his mana.
-Okay then, enough beating around the bush. Speak up, what do we need?
Vendi still did not look convinced, but after an affirming nod from Jack, he started talking.
-To create a remnant we need three things. First, the mana source. He never mentioned how strong it should be, but if we are to believe your story and how you came to be, the amounts needed are immense.
-That’s done - I nodded. - The place we just scouted is definitely more than enough.
-Right - agreed Jack.
-Okay - continued Vendi. - Second, we of course need a subject.
-You say “subject”, what does that mean exactly? Our “subject” is currently in two parts, as you are well aware - I pointed out. - Which one do we need?
-Both. But the one with the soul is the most important.
-Meaning the crystal - said Jack.
-Yep. And the third, mages to do the ritual.
-”Mages”? Plural?
-Yeah. To connect the soul stored within the soulstone we need a mage capable of using life magic and another one with the ability to manipulate light.
-Light? What does light have to do with anything?
-According to Ilon, the soul is a substance that has very similar properties to light.
-Wait, why do we need the other one with life magic then? Wouldn’t that mean that just you, Vendi, or anyone with light magic would be enough?
-No - answered Jack. - I don’t really know the details, but first of all, the process is complicated, so we need to share the tasks between the two of us. Or in this case, three I guess. The one manipulating light is responsible for guiding the soul from one place to another while the other one needs to try and assimilate it into its new vessel.
-Hm… sounds reasonable…
-With the three of us that should be even easier - muttered Vendi. - I never expected to do this with a trio, but splitting responsibilities in three parts is possible…
-What kinds of magic can you use? - asked Jack, also trying to figure out the logistics of this operation.
-Whatever you need me to.
-Wait, what?
I sighed.
-All of them. I can use all the elements.
They both looked at me with amazement.
-I mean, you mentioned that you can use multiple elements, but…
-All of them? - Vendi was stunned.
-Yes, yes. I am sorry I am not going to give you the demonstration, can we get on with it?
-But which one are you the best at? - asked Vendi. - There has to be one that is better, right?
-Not really - I shrugged. - Although if I was to choose I’d rather not use life…
I stopped mid sentence.
At this point, who gives a crap? I already was an abomination created thanks to life magic, so what’s the point in trying to avoid it?
-Never mind. I can use whatever you need me for.
-That’s… huh… - muttered Vendi, lost in thought.
-In any case, is that it? No magical objects needed, no strange rituals?
-Not really - shrugged Jack. - We just need to bring the body and we should be good to go.
-We have to formulate an incantation first - chimed in Vendi. - Since there are three of us, it’ll be different than usual, so I need some time… we need some time.
-Fair enough.
-And what does the ritual look like? Anything I should know beforehand?
-We need to connect…
-No, no, I know the basics - I interrupted. - I mean are there any “strange” additions or something along those lines?
-Basics? I am not sure what you mean… - Vendi looked confused.
-I told you I worked with spells. You think I never was a part of a ritual before?
-Right… but while you might have taken part in many different ones… - started Vendi.
-We just don’t know what the “standard” is to you.
-Eh… - I sighed. - Fine. So explain in detail.
-We need to write the formula down on the flat surface, using infused ink, or anything similar that has enough mana conductivity.
-I usually use dust or chalk - I said.
-Yeah, we have some dust - said Vendi. - And there was plenty of space in the ruins where we arrived, so we are good on that.
-Then it’s just to chant the formula, while the subject is placed in the center of the magic circle.
-Sounds awfully easy… Is that it?
-No - he shook his head. - As the finishing touch, we have…
He hesitated for a moment.
-We have to pierce the vessel with the crystal containing the soul of the person we want to “implant” inside - finished for him Jack.
-That’s… concerning…
-Doubly so - agreed Jack. - See, this ritual is made with a dead vessel in mind, so the actual well-being of it is not really a priority…
-That might be problematic - muttered Vendi. - But… it probably should be alright. Isn’t he TECHNICALLY dead? I mean… mostly…
-Yeah, but if we stab him with a crystal, be it for the ritual or not, it’s still dangerous.
-I don’t think we have to pierce his heart or anything…
-I mean… I am not sure… that’s been pretty vague…
-You really sound experienced in this thing… have you done this before? - after listening to their banter for a while, I finally pointed it out.
-Of course not.
Both of them replied a bit too fast for my liking. Obvious lie.
-You know, I don’t believe you for some reason…
-Listen, if either of us was part of something like this before, don’t you think we’d be a bit more informed about the amounts of mana needed? - pointed out Jack.
-I mean… not exactly like this…
-Jack! - hissed at him Vendi.
-We’ve been through this already…
-By all means, keep your secrets - I shrugged. - Just later don’t blame me for messing something up if you won’t tell me everything…
-It’s alright. See, we never actually performed a full ritual like this… but that does not mean that we’ve never attempted something in reverse…
-Excuse me?
Vendi for a second looked at Jack with disbelief, still not convinced, but finally caved in.
-How do you think we learned this?
-Well, Ilon taught you, didn’t he?
-Yeah. And have you ever thought why would he do that?
-Because you wanted to? I would’ve definitely been interested in that kind of magic… - I replied truthfully.
-Believe it or not, making sacrifices and experimenting with magic is not my favorite pastime! - said a bit offended Jack.
-Wait a minute. Sacrifices?
-And how do you think we had gotten the “vessels”, huh?
I twitched. Something horrible came to my mind.
-Do you mind telling me WHO exactly were those sacrifices? - I asked, trying to be as calm as possible?
-And why do you care? I saw you kill with my own eyes, don’t even deny it - stated Vendi defensively.
-Aha… - I just muttered, while instinctively letting my mana gather at my fingertips. - I asked who.
Neither of them replied. Vendi looked a bit perplexed and did not know if he should say, while Jack was straight up scared.
The tension was hanging in the air. Even Kon, who I was not speaking to, appeared to notice that something was wrong, because I started feeling the crystal pulse with mana in my hand.
-I should’ve known… that’s what this place is for. You are using those kids for some maniac's experiments…
-NO! IT’S NOT LIKE THAT! - Jack screamed terrified and jumped back. - Please, let me explain, stop your magic!
Ah. I involuntarily ignited the mana I gathered at my palm and now my hand was covered with flame, slowly burning away at my bandages and a part of the sleeve.
I raised my hand, observing the spell I accidentally casted, but instead of canceling it, I just changed its property.
The layer of flame instantly dissipated, instead replaced with blue sparks of lightning arcing between my fingers.
-You better have a good answer.
-We are not killing children here! - quickly said Jack. - Quite the opposite! We are trying to save as much as we can! But… for some it was too late…
-Yes! - chimed in Vendi, now pale, realizing what was going on. - And it would be a shame for them to go away without even trying to give them a second chance!
-So you decided to experiment on dead children? How generous of you… - I muttered putting a bit more mana into the spell, now covering not only my palm, but the whole hand up to my elbow.
-No! I mean, maybe, but it was for a greater purpose! - started assuring me Jack. - If we were to succeed even once, we’d be able to bring them back again.
-So necromancy. Amazing.
-It’s just giving them a second chance!
-Second. Chance. Second chance - I repeated, not even sure what I should do. - You are fucking sick…
-Weren’t you made the same way!? - protested Vendi.
-Maybe - I admitted. - But as you are well aware, I am a monster. And even the process that made me was the anomaly in itself, it’s not something that we planned!
-Yes, but it still helped you - tried convincing me Jack. - See how strong you are? Imagine being able to spread a gift like that!
-Gift? - I laughed bitterly. - Not being able to eat is a gift? Not sleeping? Not being able to touch anything alive without fear of destroying it?
-Being a creature of pure energy! Being able to sense mana without even making an effort! Understanding spells like it’s your second nature!
-Half of that didn’t even come from my body. Also, I am an adult, I TOOK A RISK. Did your “vessels” have a choice?
-There was no choice to be made! If we didn’t have to, it’d never come to this!
-This is your first and last warning. You will explain to me right now what is that you are doing here, or I will actually start acting like the monster you want me to be.
I didn’t even try increasing the magnitude of my spell any more, but I guess the mana boiling in me had a different idea, the sparks of lightning were speaking for themselves. To add to the effect, the whole side of my body already turned dark blue, a hue I have not seen yet.
-But I… - started Vendi, but got immediately silenced by Jack.
-Just no. Let me.
His voice was slightly trembling. Don’t know if it was because of the magic I’ve been waving around or from the fear of what his teacher would do if he was to learn that he’s decided to tell me his secrets.