84. Anchor
That surprised them both.
-Melle. The same person that made so much noise and was in the center of all bullshit…?
-The very same. But that’s not the end of the story. This thing apparently belonged to her husband.
-Yeah. So I am not sure where in the hell would we land if we used this thing as an anchor…
-Well shit…
-But you know, it’s not that hopeless. - I said, after a moment of thought, contemplating how much I should say. - Actually, it might even be better…
-And how so?
-Even if we won’t get to the Red Edge, this thing will most likely connect us to the place where I got it, her home. And, lucky us, nearby there is a nice and potent mana source. I don’t know how strong the one in the Red Edge is, but I am pretty sure that the one near her place is good enough for our needs…
-You sure about that?
-As sure as I can be.
He fell silent for a moment.
-Now I am concerned - he finally said. - If you really say that it’s not the Red Edge you got it from, then I cannot be sure where we would land…
-Wouldn't it be the place that the thing spent the most time recently? I am pretty sure if that’s the case, we would be right on target…
-That is usually how it works… It either is connected to the place it was for the longest time in, or, in some cases, where it was created. That’s why I am worried.
-So Red Edge or.. Melle’s place? Win-win then.
-I guess… - he said, but he did not sound convinced. - Argh… this is annoying.
-Hey, it’s your call - I said, shrugging. - I don’t mind carrying Kon with me for a while, but I am not responsible for what happens to him. I already am not sure what’s going on with him, but…
-I know, I know! - he replied, annoyed and started pacing around. - Give me a minute to think.
Again, I shrugged, but shut up.
While he was pondering the options, I instead focused my attention on the person in question - Kon. I told him what he said, explaining what we are planning to do and said how his father was trying to think something out.
He seemed to share my uncertainty about his current situation and agreed that if we were to do something, it would be for the best if we hurried up. While he no longer was feeling the pull he explained earlier, it didn’t mean that it was gone for good.
Even though it was not a very reliable solution, we agreed on using the necklace as the anchor.
-Do you need anything else to make the portal? - I asked Jack, following him to his office.
-I need to grab my stuff. Besides that, nothing.
-Hm. Is it really that easy?
-What, you never used that kind of magic?
-Well, no. Is it that strange?
-No, it’s just… with your… body, I thought…
-What does my body have to do with anything?
-Nothing - he shrugged. - It’s just I assumed that with that much mana it would be easy for you…
-It probably would be - I replied unenthusiastically. - I just never had the need to learn it. And after it seemed like it would be useful, it was already too late…
-Need? I really would’ve thought that in such a powerful country that you seem to be from, that kind of magic would be the first thing you learn…
-Quite the opposite. It was barely in use. Or rather I should say it was barely casted.
-You are right. When “our country”, as you said, started dealing with magic, portals were the first thing that were studied. Transport is everything, after all. That’s why it soon got popularized so much that learning it was pointless - I explained. - It didn’t take even a month for there to be a network of permanent portals linking the whole city together. The people who learned how to make them later found that to be pointless: after all, every place you’d ever want to go had already an established portal. No one else needed more mages specializing in portals, hence I never saw it fit to learn how to do it.
-That sounds amazing… I mean the whole idea of free transport… it had to be so nice to just be free to move wherever you please - he said in awe.
-Oh, it was, don’t get me wrong, but who said it was for free? Ha, no. Most of the public portals you had to pay for. They were cheap enough though, so no one would think of trying to overthrow the order of things.
-I see…
-But I do have some basic knowledge. I might not be able to completely make one from scratch, but if you were to provide me with the incantation, I most likely would be able to make one - I tried nudging him a bit, but he did not budge.
-Mhm. Well, I can do it so we are fine on that front. I just am going to get my shit and we’ll be on our way.
Minutes later he was out of his office with a small sack tied to his belt.
-That’s it? - I gazed at his bag. - Seems a bit small for a journey that has a chance of ending up in hell-knows-where. Or is this one of those fancy bags?
-Fancy? You mean void bags? Haven’t you heard of them?
-No, just wasn’t sure if the name wasn’t different. Of course I know of them, I once even tried making one.
-Excuse me? - he looked at me like I was insane. - Make? You can make those?
-Yeah. Didn’t come out as well as I wanted it to be, but I used it for a good while. It only got destroyed after all the bullshit that went down under Kalkano.
-Holy shit…
-Yeah. It took more than I expected. Also, why are you surprised about making them? What, where did you get yours from?
-The one I am using is, funnily enough, a gift. From Goldie, of all people.
-Fucking hell. Don’t tell me that its’ also from that “dragon’s hoard”?
-Seems like it - he also did not sound convinced. - I always wondered where the hell did he get all that stuff.
-Speaking of. What exactly did he find in that supposed hoard? I already heard about a bunch of items that came from there. Are there any more strange things?
-Well, I honestly can’t tell you.
-What, another “trade secret”? - I asked, disappointed.
-Hell no. It’s just that I have no idea.
-You? No idea? - I straight up was not going to believe that. - The all-knowing Jack has no idea? Don’t make me laugh!
-Then fucking laugh then, because it’s truth - he replied, very bitter.
-I tried, believe me - he predicted my next question. - But I learned almost nothing. I only managed to find out that every time he brought those “gifts” of his to some town, his brother was also present and helped him deliver that crap.
-I mean… that’s given, since he is the one that supports him and supplies him even now… - I pointed out.
-That’s why I said I learned almost nothing. That’s basically common knowledge, I know. The only thing I know is that every time he brought those, he was traveling from the coast, so it had to be somewhere from the sea.
-Wait, from the sea? That doesn’t make any sense…
-Right? Why the hell would there be a dragons’ hoard on some island off the coast? I’d think that it’d be somewhere in the mountains or something…
-No, I don’t mean it like that. I am pretty sure that I know of one person that was present during one of his “charity events”...
-Ha! What a name!
-...and he said that they did not come from the coast, rather the opposite, from the capital.
-The capital? - Jack seemed slightly intrigued. - And how reliable is that info?
-I can’t tell for sure, but it was not only me that he told that. But I can see why you could be skeptical about that. Especially if you knew the person.
-Yeah, who’s that?
-Some kid from Kruro. Goldie apparently visited the place a couple of times, bringing “gifts”, or rather the donations we heard of. Every time though he was adamant that he was coming from the capital.
-I mean hiding that you’ve just come from the sea would be pretty hard in that small of a village, especially there.
-And what’s so special about that place?
-Nothing. It’s just small and people from there know each other by the name. Right, Vendi?
We were already in the corridor leading outside the mansion and were about to join up with him.
-Don’t bunch me up with them. I am not from there any more.
-Ah right, you were from there, right I heard that story…
-You did? - both of them were surprised.
-Yeah. Don’t know how much truth is in it though…
-Probably little - he puffed, trying to change the subject.
-Doesn’t matter. But at least you have all the appendages intact, so that part is true.
-What are you… - he was clearly shaken.
-Okay, can we not focus on his bullshit and instead go and finally start moving? - interrupted Jack.
-You’re the one that is making the portal. I’m just making some small talk… - I replied innocently.
-A bit aggressive small talk.
-So - Jack turned back to Vendi. - During my absence you are not to let any of the kids outside and if you could. And try to patch the hole in the bunker…
-I know, I am not an idiot - he puffed at him, annoyed.
-The barrier is fixed, but fuck if I know if it’s going to work as well as it should… the thing is a bit finicky… And if it finally gives away, I won’t be able to fix it. I will be here, hopefully…
-If we make it back before then, I can try and whip something up to make it work - I proposed to them. - That is, if you believe me.
-You can do that?! - Vendi looked at me with amazement.
-I can try. I would need the whole formula for that…
-That can be a problem… the only person who knew the whole thing was Kon… - said Jack without even hesitating.
Good. That meant that he was starting to trust me. I mean, I was holding his son’s whole existence in my hand, so that might’ve been a small contributing factor.
-Wait, I thought you were the one who wrote the incantation on the stone - I asked him, pretending to not know how that exactly went.
-Yeah - he admitted. - But it was Kon who was reading the formula from some old notes. I tried reading them multiple times, but no dice, I can’t read that shit.
-I… I just can’t, okay? - he answered, not clearing anything up.
That only made me curious.
-Hell, when we are done with him you need to show me that thing. I am curious what those notes exactly are…
The last sentence I directed to Kon. While he was not able to hear Jack, he figured out what we were talking about.
-“No need. The notes are literal gibberish. Or at least the ones I had with me then. I always cast my spells from memory.”
-Holy shit. And you still are going to tell me that you don’t know how magic script actually works?
-Nothing. Well, that’s definitely impressive. We will talk about it later.
I ended that quick exchange, because Jack was already starting to prepare to create the portal.
-Your necklace…
-Ah. Right. Here.
I handed him the piece of jewelry and curiously started observing what he was to do.
But, he did not start with the portal. Instead I noticed him focus on the item, trying to magically inspect it.
-I thought that you needed a bunch of mana for that - I pointed out. - You sure you want to waste it.
As I was saying that, his presence instantly got a lot weaker.
-It’s not a waste - he was now breathing heavily. - I had to confirm that it was indeed what you said. Besides - he continued, reaching to Vendi, who handed him a mana fruit - I still have those, so I’ll be fine.
-So, what did you find out?
-Actually, not much - he replied, biting into the fruit. - It is magical, that’s for sure.
-I mean, that’s pretty obvious…
-And yeah, I feel traces of red mana on this thing. So that checks out.
-But of course you still have no idea where exactly that thing is going to put us… - I pointed out the obvious. - So that was just a waste of energy.
-No. But I am now sure that it is strong enough to survive the creation of the portal, so no worries there, you’re going to keep your symbol.
-Oh wow, great news - I replied definitely not full of sarcasm. - Anything that is useful now?
-No. I am not omnipotent.
-So it would seem.
-Are we ready then? - he asked, tightly gripping the necklace in his hand?
-I mean, I always am - I shrugged. - But before we go, don’t you think we should at least have a plan for when we arrive?
-What plan? It’s not like we can even predict where we land, so…
-Yeah, sure - I agreed - but if we are lucky and indeed arrive at Red Edge, I honestly doubt that we’ll be welcome there. Even without Axelrod’s influence I doubt that two of us appearing out of nowhere, in the middle of…
-Oh, if that’s the Red Edge we end up in, there is no issue - he said, sure of himself. - I know the layout…
-Okay, that is not it - I interrupted. - The problem is that we appear in the middle of their castle, uninvited. Sure, if we were to just politely knock, it would not be a problem. Hell, I would probably be able to discuss most of that with For…
-Wait a second - he stopped me. -You thought that we would appear at the library?
-Where else? That’s where they keep their anchors, right?
-Sure, but we are not teleporting to the anchors there. I think...
-So it’s much worse. Where then?
-If I knew, I would’ve said it already. It will be a place that has the most connection to the piece we are using as an anchor, as in, the necklace.
-Great. More randomness…
-Not randomness. Luck - he corrected me.
-Same thing? Okay, fuck it, we’ll play it by ear and hope that they won’t blow us up instantly.
-Strange for you to be worried… - he pointed out.
-Strange for you to NOT be worried. I have better chances than you at being alive after the immediate barrage of fireballs that will definitely come.
-That’s why you go first.
-Fucking smartass. Fine.
With that, he started casting the spell, targeting the wall next to us.
The portal opened without any issue. The only question was, to where?
-After you… - Jack bowed slightly and gestured for me to go in.
Instinctively, I wanted to first just peer into it, to maybe get a glimpse of what was on the other side, but of course it did not work like that. Inside of the portal was not something I could recognize - it was just impossible coagulation of colors and shapes that defied any attempt to describe it.
-I will try to hold the spell as long as I can. If you won’t come back in a minute or so I will follow.
-Uh-uh… Well, here goes nothing.
And I stepped through the portal.
What followed was the familiar and strange sensation of gravity shifting. It was not a good sign - it meant that wherever the exit was, it was not on a vertical surface.
But before I was able to fully process that information I was on the other side.
I had to catch myself, because after the shift I found myself climbing out of the floor. If I was to hesitate, I’d have fallen back into the hole and ended up back next to Jack.
Without thinking much, I grabbed the first thing that I could get my hands on, and it was apparently just… some grass? A bush?
Yeah, something like that.
I quickly got myself out and regained my balance, while at the same time trying to get my bearings.
But, I have not found myself in either the Red Edge nor in Melle’s home.